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  • Joshua Baker v. The City Of New York, Empire State Development Corporation, New York State Urban Development Corporation, New York State Urban Development Corporation D/B/A Empire State Development, New York Convention Center Operating Authority, New York Convention Center Operating Corporation, New York Convention Center Development Corporation, Jacob K. Javits Convention Center Of New York, Cardella Trucking Co. Inc., Lendlease (Us) Construction Lmb Inc., Lendlease Turner, A Joint Venture Between Lendlease (Us) Construction Lmb Inc. And Turner Construction Company, Turner Construction Company, Exterior Wall And Building Consultants, Inc.Torts - Other Negligence (Labor Law) document preview
  • Joshua Baker v. The City Of New York, Empire State Development Corporation, New York State Urban Development Corporation, New York State Urban Development Corporation D/B/A Empire State Development, New York Convention Center Operating Authority, New York Convention Center Operating Corporation, New York Convention Center Development Corporation, Jacob K. Javits Convention Center Of New York, Cardella Trucking Co. Inc., Lendlease (Us) Construction Lmb Inc., Lendlease Turner, A Joint Venture Between Lendlease (Us) Construction Lmb Inc. And Turner Construction Company, Turner Construction Company, Exterior Wall And Building Consultants, Inc.Torts - Other Negligence (Labor Law) document preview
  • Joshua Baker v. The City Of New York, Empire State Development Corporation, New York State Urban Development Corporation, New York State Urban Development Corporation D/B/A Empire State Development, New York Convention Center Operating Authority, New York Convention Center Operating Corporation, New York Convention Center Development Corporation, Jacob K. Javits Convention Center Of New York, Cardella Trucking Co. Inc., Lendlease (Us) Construction Lmb Inc., Lendlease Turner, A Joint Venture Between Lendlease (Us) Construction Lmb Inc. And Turner Construction Company, Turner Construction Company, Exterior Wall And Building Consultants, Inc.Torts - Other Negligence (Labor Law) document preview
  • Joshua Baker v. The City Of New York, Empire State Development Corporation, New York State Urban Development Corporation, New York State Urban Development Corporation D/B/A Empire State Development, New York Convention Center Operating Authority, New York Convention Center Operating Corporation, New York Convention Center Development Corporation, Jacob K. Javits Convention Center Of New York, Cardella Trucking Co. Inc., Lendlease (Us) Construction Lmb Inc., Lendlease Turner, A Joint Venture Between Lendlease (Us) Construction Lmb Inc. And Turner Construction Company, Turner Construction Company, Exterior Wall And Building Consultants, Inc.Torts - Other Negligence (Labor Law) document preview


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 07/22/2022 12:58 PM INDEX NO. 160832/2021 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 40 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 07/22/2022 SUPREME COURT STATE OF NEW YORK COTINTY OF NEW YORK JOSHUA BAKER, Index No.: 160832i2021 Plaintif{ -against- CONSENT TO CHANGE ATTORNEY TIM CITY OF NEW YORK, EMPIRE STATE DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, NEW YORK STATE IJRBAN DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, NEW YORK STATE URBAN DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION D/B/A EMPIRE STATE DEVELOPMENT, NEW YORK CONVENTION CENTER OPERATING AUTHORITY, NEW YORK CONVENTION CENTER OPERATING CORPORATION, NEW YORK CONVENTION CENTER DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, JACOB K. JAVITS CONVENTION CENTER OF NEW YORK, CARDELLA TRUCKING CO., INC., LENDLEASE (US) CONSTRUCTION LMB INC., LENDLEASE TURNER, A JointVenture Between LENDLEASE (US) CONSTRUCTION LMB INC. and TURNER CONSTRUCTION COMPANYAND EXTERIOR WALL AND BUILDING CONSULTANTS, INC., Defendants IT IS HEREBY CONSENTED AND AGREED the BROOKS & BERNE,PLLC,570 Taxter Road, Suite 550, Etnsford, NY 10523, be substituted as attomeys of record for the undersigned party, TIIE CITY OF NEIM YORK in the above-entitled action in place and instead of the undersigned attorney as of the date hereof. IT IS HEREBY FT.TRTHER CONSENTED AI\D AGREED THAT faCSiMiIE OT photocopied signatures will hereby be deemed as effective as original signatures and this stipulation may be filed with the Clerk of Court without any further notice to the parties. Dated: Elmsford, New York Jnly 19,2022 1 1 of 2 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 07/22/2022 12:58 PM INDEX NO. 160832/2021 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 40 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 07/22/2022 Outgoing attorneys for Defendants Incoming Attorneys for Defendants The City of New York The City of NewYork , By: '*%tL T}IE CITY OF NEW YORK By: RichardW. Beme, Esq: LAW DEPARTMENT BROOKS & BERNE, PLLC lOO CHURCH STREET 570 Taxter Road, Suite 550 NEW YORK, NEW YORK 1OOO7 Elrnsford, New York 10523 2 2 of 2