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  • Joshua Baker v. The City Of New York, Empire State Development Corporation, New York State Urban Development Corporation, New York State Urban Development Corporation D/B/A Empire State Development, New York Convention Center Operating Authority, New York Convention Center Operating Corporation, New York Convention Center Development Corporation, Jacob K. Javits Convention Center Of New York, Cardella Trucking Co. Inc., Lendlease (Us) Construction Lmb Inc., Lendlease Turner, A Joint Venture Between Lendlease (Us) Construction Lmb Inc. And Turner Construction Company, Turner Construction Company, Exterior Wall And Building Consultants, Inc.Torts - Other Negligence (Labor Law) document preview
  • Joshua Baker v. The City Of New York, Empire State Development Corporation, New York State Urban Development Corporation, New York State Urban Development Corporation D/B/A Empire State Development, New York Convention Center Operating Authority, New York Convention Center Operating Corporation, New York Convention Center Development Corporation, Jacob K. Javits Convention Center Of New York, Cardella Trucking Co. Inc., Lendlease (Us) Construction Lmb Inc., Lendlease Turner, A Joint Venture Between Lendlease (Us) Construction Lmb Inc. And Turner Construction Company, Turner Construction Company, Exterior Wall And Building Consultants, Inc.Torts - Other Negligence (Labor Law) document preview


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 12/09/2021 02:53 PM INDEX NO. 160832/2021 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 12 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 12/09/2021 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK JOSHUA BAKER ATTORNEY: LEAV & STEINBERG LLP Plaintiff(s), INDEX NUMBER: 160832/2021 vs. DATE OF FILING: 12/02/2021 The City of New York, et al Defendant(s). ________________________________________ ___ _ AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE STATE OF New York: COUNTY OF Nassau ss: I, Alexander James, being duly sworn depüses and says depañéñt is not a party to this action and is over the age of eighteen years and resides in the state of New York. That on 12/08/2021 at 9:05 AM at 655 West 34th Street, New York, NY 10001, Depoñêñt served the Summons and Verif|êd Comp!a!nt bêâring Index Numbsr and Date of Filing, Notice of Elsctronic Filing upon New York Convention Center Operating Authority, dafeñdañi/respondant/rscipiêñt herein. Said service was effected in the following manner; By delivering to and leaving a true copy to Añdarsca Grullon personally, a person who stated to be an authorized agent to receive process service for New York CGñvêñticñ Center Operating Authority. Depcñêñt knew said business so served to be the business described in said Summans and Verified Comp!aint bearing Index Numbcr and Date of Filing, Notice of Electronic Filing as said defendant/respandéñt/recipient. Deponent knew the individual accepting service to be an/the Risk Manager thereof. Depcñêñt describes the individual served to the best of dêp0ñent's ability at the time and circumstances of service as follows: Sex: 5'10" Male Skin: White Hair: Black Age (Approx): 32 Height(Approx): Weight(Approx): 170 Ibs Glasses: No Other: I cedify that the foregoing staterñêñts made by me are true, correct and my free act and deed. I am aware that if any of the foregaing statements made by me are willfully false, I am subject to punishment. "de a es Sworn to before me this License No. 1438821 December 202 ________________________ _____ ___ CRAIG L. EISENBERG NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF E YO REGISTRATION NO. 01E1603 7 5 QUALIFIED IN SUFFOLK COMMISSION EXPIRES SEP BER 20, 2025 Exe ive Attorney Service, Inc. 585 Stewart Ave, Ste LL16, Garden City, NY 11530 516-333-3447 Lic# 1422060 Case No: 1638460 1 of 1