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  • Brian C. Prusik v. Liberty Mutual Insurance Group Inc., Geddes Federal Savings And Loan AssociationCommercial Division document preview
  • Brian C. Prusik v. Liberty Mutual Insurance Group Inc., Geddes Federal Savings And Loan AssociationCommercial Division document preview
  • Brian C. Prusik v. Liberty Mutual Insurance Group Inc., Geddes Federal Savings And Loan AssociationCommercial Division document preview
  • Brian C. Prusik v. Liberty Mutual Insurance Group Inc., Geddes Federal Savings And Loan AssociationCommercial Division document preview


FILED: ONONDAGA COUNTY CLERK 06/27/2019 10:46 AM INDEX NO. 008588/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 124 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/27/2019 "R'' EXHIBIT FILED: ONONDAGA COUNTY CLERK 06/27/2019 10:46 AM INDEX NO. 008588/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 124 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/27/2019 Pol: H3722833201940 | Pol St: NY | Cim: 035768762 | Ins: BRIAN P Create Date Author Topic Related To Subject Text (2,500) This was for the damage to his home on claim # 03427 not cleared yet. Mr. Prusik does not want to allow Mor have se the want to keep 100% of wants to use the funds to reim urse imse or e a Rimself for labor/cleanu on the ro erty. Insured tells ha e wo done to the ome rom e damage on Insured states that this home is not in foreclosure. He declaring bankruptcy; and is behind in this mortgage months. Insured states that his entire home was clean his files, filing cabinets, and therefore he has no proof property that was taken form his home. Asked insured states that he made a police report but doesn't have He states that his attorney has his statement. Emailing to insured, he states that he can complete it and send hours. 06/29/2017 JOHN Loss Claim Original 06/29/2017 11:48 AM ISO : DOL: 08/11/2016; 11:48 AM DOWNING History 034274892; Vandalized & Burglarized First year: 2010 GEDDES FEDERAL SAVINGS ANDLOAN ASSOC., Association Ded: $1,000 Endorsements : 06/28/2017 WASIF Claim (1) 1st Original 06/28/2017 3:34 PM Reason for Transfer: Co 3:34 PM DIN Status Party home, Mortgage company took possession 6/21. Poss Content Reassigning to FA per standard work and channeling - BRIAN PRUSIK User: SAMANTHA CREITZ Page 19