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  • Brian C. Prusik v. Liberty Mutual Insurance Group Inc., Geddes Federal Savings And Loan AssociationCommercial Division document preview
  • Brian C. Prusik v. Liberty Mutual Insurance Group Inc., Geddes Federal Savings And Loan AssociationCommercial Division document preview
  • Brian C. Prusik v. Liberty Mutual Insurance Group Inc., Geddes Federal Savings And Loan AssociationCommercial Division document preview
  • Brian C. Prusik v. Liberty Mutual Insurance Group Inc., Geddes Federal Savings And Loan AssociationCommercial Division document preview


FILED: ONONDAGA COUNTY CLERK 03/13/2019 04:21 PM INDEX NO. 008588/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 57 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/13/2019 EXHIBIT A FILED: ONONDAGA COUNTY CLERK 03/13/2019 04:21 PM INDEX NO. 008588/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 57 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/13/2019 Burke, Stephen P. From: Burke, Stephen P. Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2018 2:11 PM '' To: Subject: Prusik v. Geddes et al - Index No. E008588/2018 Mr. Matthews, Geddes' I represent Brian C. Prusik and I am writing to request a brief extension of our time to respond to discovery demands currently due today. I did try to reach you at your office but understand that you are in Court for the afternoon. Please let me know if an extension of time is agreeable, otherwise I will serve my objections by end of day. Best, Stephen Stephen P. Burke, Esq. Associate Direct Dial: 585-445-2755 Direct Fax: 585-445-2655 stephen!2urke@woodgoviathcom ATTOltNEY5 Thean af represemmgpeople" Firm Phone: 585-987-2800 Firm Fax: 585-454-3968 Woodsori.athcom 700 Crossroads Building 2 State Street Rochester, New York 14614 A Member of MERITAS Firms Worldwide. THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS COMMUNICATION IS CONFlDENTIAL, MAY BE SUBJECT TO THE ATTORNEY-CLIENT PRIVlLEGE, AND IS INTENDED ONLY FOR REVIEW AND USE BY THE ADDRESSEE. UNAUTHORIZED USE, DISCLOSURE OR COPYING OF THIS COMMUNICATION OR ANY PART THEREOF IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED AND MAY BE UNLAWFUL. IF YOU HAVE RECEIVED THIS COMMUNICATION IN ERROR, PLEASE DESTROY THIS COMMUNICATION, INCLUDING ALL ATTACHMENTS. PLEASE NOTIFY US IMMEDIATELY BY RETURN E-MAIL OR CALL 585-987-2800. 1