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  • Americu Credit Union v. Donna M TalbotOther Matters - Consumer Credit (Non-Card) Transaction document preview
  • Americu Credit Union v. Donna M TalbotOther Matters - Consumer Credit (Non-Card) Transaction document preview
  • Americu Credit Union v. Donna M TalbotOther Matters - Consumer Credit (Non-Card) Transaction document preview
  • Americu Credit Union v. Donna M TalbotOther Matters - Consumer Credit (Non-Card) Transaction document preview
  • Americu Credit Union v. Donna M TalbotOther Matters - Consumer Credit (Non-Card) Transaction document preview
  • Americu Credit Union v. Donna M TalbotOther Matters - Consumer Credit (Non-Card) Transaction document preview


FILED: CORTLAND COUNTY CLERK 06/15/2022 12:12 PM INDEX NO. EF22-137 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 5 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/15/2022 SUPREME COURT COUNTY OF CORTLAND STATE OF NEW YORK AmeriCU Credit Union Plaintiff, v. INDEX # : EF22-137 Donna M. Talbot Defendant. STIPULATION OF DISCONTINUANCE IT IS HEREBY STIPULATED AND AGREED, by and between the undersigned, attorneys of record for the parties to the above-entitled action, that whereas no party hereto is an infant, incompetent person for whom a committee has been appointed or conservatee, and no person not a party has an interest in the subject matter of the action, the above-entitled action be, and same hereby is discontinued on the merits and without prejudice, without costs to either party as against the other. This stipulation may be filed without further notice with the Clerk of the Court. DATED: June 13, 2022 Molly L Chapma , Esq. Attorne for Pla tiff Davidson Fink LLP 400 Meridian Centre Blvd, Suite 200 Rochester, NY 14618 (585) 546-6448 Ä 2022 2os34 EF22-137 06/15/2022 12:12:30 PM Pages 3 STIPULATION - DISCONTINUANCE (PRE Elizabeth Larkin, County Clerk 1 of 3 FILED: CORTLAND COUNTY CLERK 06/15/2022 12:12 PM INDEX NO. EF22-137 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 5 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/15/2022 SUPREME COURT COUNTY OF CORTLAND STATE OF NEW YORK AmeriCU Credit Union Plaintiff, v. INDEX # : EF22-137 Donna M. Talbot Defendant. ATTORNEY AFFIRMATION Molly L. Chapman, Esq. duly admitted to practice before the Courts of the State of New York, hereby affirms pursuant to CPLR §2106 and under the penalties of perjury as follows: 1. I am an attorney in the firm of Davidson Fink LLP, the attorney of record for the plaintiff in the within action and as such I am fully familiar with the facts of this case and the events to date. 1. This action was instituted to collect on a debt in default in the within County and State of New York This aflirmation is made for the purpose of discontinuing the action without prejudice which was filed in the CORTLAND County Clerk's Office on March 24, 2022. 2. Defendant was served with the Summons and Complaint in the above entitled action and her time to respond has expired. 3. Appearing parties, if any, have consented to the discontinuance of this action. 4. That the reason for this request for cancellation is that parties have agreed upon a payment agreement and Defendant executed a Confession of Judgment on April 29, 2022. SPACE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 2 of 3 FILED: CORTLAND COUNTY CLERK 06/15/2022 12:12 PM INDEX NO. EF22-137 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 5 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/15/2022 That under this index number, no previous application for the relief request herein has been made to this Court or any Judge thereof DATED: June 13, 2022 Molly . hapma , Esq. Attorn for Plai1 tiff Davids n Fink LLP 400 Meridian Centre Blvd, Suite 200 Rochester, NY 14618 (585) 546-6448 3 of 3