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  • FRED H. and BETTY LOU WENDLER LIVING TRUST Print Trust  document preview
  • FRED H. and BETTY LOU WENDLER LIVING TRUST Print Trust  document preview
  • FRED H. and BETTY LOU WENDLER LIVING TRUST Print Trust  document preview
  • FRED H. and BETTY LOU WENDLER LIVING TRUST Print Trust  document preview


7 EJ 001 ATTORNEY R PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY Name address and State 8ar number After recording retum to 25 v Uv Jennifer M Daniel The Law Office of Jennifer Daniel 12 Nevada Street Suite C Redlands CA 92373 TELNO 909 792 9294 FAXN4 optionaQ90 23J 17 E rMIADORESS Optionaq lawofficeofj enniferdaniel@gmail c ATT6RNEY JUDGMENT ASSI HEE FOR GREDITOR OF RECORD SUPERIORCOUR70FCAUFORNIA COUNTYpF Sr Tl Bernardino nT Ilrr rl n r3 Ilirr STREETADQRESS MAILING ADDRESS Z4 7 W crvnNoz Pcooe San Bern rdlnO CA 92 115 BRANCH NAME C 2I1t Y a1 FOR RECORDER S USE ONLY PLAINTlFF BETH KELLEY c aseruMaeR DEFENDANT PATSY JO SWEET and DAN SWEET PRODS 10000723 ABSTRACT OF JUDGMENT CIVIL FORcouaruseonr v AND SMALL C AIMS Amended 1 The judgment creditor Q assignee of recard L for an abstract of judgment applies and represents the fallowing SUPERlOFt COURT OF CALIFORNIA a Judgment debtor s COUNTY qF SAN BERNARDIN4 SAN BERNAF2DIIdQ DtSTRlCl Name and last known address I PATSY JO sw ET JAN 2 6 2011 PO BOX 7932 CRESTLINE CA 92325 r t3Y J p b Driver s ficense no last 4 digitsand state Unknaw c Social security no last 4 digits Unknawn d Summons or notice of entry of sister state judgment was persanaily senred ar maited to name and address PATSY JO SWEET PO BQX 7932 CRESTLINE CA 92325 2 Q Informationon additionaljudgment debtars is 4 Q Information on additionat judgment creditarsis shown on page 2 shown an page 2 3 J dgment creditor neme and address 5 Q Original abstract recorded in this caunty ESTATE OF BETTY LOU WENDLER 12 NEVABA STREET SUITE C a Date REDLANDS CA 92373 b Instrument No Date 91 a 2016 NA i RT TF RT T KFN PRFF i TYPE OR PRINT NAME SIGNATURE OF APPLICAtJT OR ATTORk 6 Tatal amaunt judgment of as entered ar lastrenewed 10 An Q execution lien Q attachment lien 35 000 00 is endorsed on the judgment as follows 7 A 1judgment credi arsand debfors are listed on this abs ract a Amaunt In favor ofname and address 8 a Judgment entered on date NOV 2 3 2 015 b Renewal entered on date 9 This judgment is an installment judgment 11 A stay of enforcement has a not been ordered by the court SEALJ b 0 been ardered by the court effective until yL T fli date eunr r O 7 t 12 a Icertify that this is a true and correct abstract of i This abstract issued on date the judgment entered in this action JAN 2 6 Zp1I b A certified copy of the judgment is attached o e 4 1 Cierk bY Deputy ory Fa mneopc d ra Manaa usg Judicial Gouncil of Calilornia r fnDenr s ABSTRACT OF JUDGMEN7 C V L N Page 1 ot 2 Gode of Civil Rrocednre A86 A0 s wo ReV uEYzo a sra so SENTI 1 O 1S AND SMALL CLAtMS glickenstaff N Wendler PLAfNTIFF TH KELLEY COURTCASENO P La Ds l oo t pEFENDANT PATSY JO SWEET NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF ADDtT10NAL JUDGMENT CREDiTORS 13 Judgment creditor narrre and address 14 Judgment creditor jname and address 15 Q Cantinued on Attachment 15 INFORMATION OM ADDITIONAL JUDGMENT QEBTORS 16 t ame and fast known address 17 Name and lasf known address Drive s license no last 4 digits and sta e Driver s license no last 4 digitsj and state Q Unknown C Unknown Social security no last 4 digits Q Unknown Sacial security nojlast 4 digits Unknown Summans at or mailedto address was personally served Summons was personally served at or mailed to address 18 tVame and iast known address 19 Name and last known address Driver s iicense iast 4 digitsj and state no Driver s license no tast 4 digitsand state 0 Unknawn Unknown Sociaf security na last 4 digitsj Unknown Sacia IasE 4 digitsj securityna Q Unknawn Summons was personally served at ar ta mailed address Summons was persanally served at or mailed toaddress 20 Q Continued on Attachment 20 EJ0Ot RevJuly 1 20l4 cpaga 2 af 2 ABSTRACT OF JUDGMENT CIVIL n wrpnr c SSfl TlhI DRMS AF1D SMALL CLAIMS licxenstat t wena er