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  • FRED H. and BETTY LOU WENDLER LIVING TRUST Print Trust  document preview
  • FRED H. and BETTY LOU WENDLER LIVING TRUST Print Trust  document preview
  • FRED H. and BETTY LOU WENDLER LIVING TRUST Print Trust  document preview
  • FRED H. and BETTY LOU WENDLER LIVING TRUST Print Trust  document preview


WG 008 ATTORNEY ORPARTY WITHOUT Al70RNEY Name State Barnumbeiand eddress LEVYING OFFICER Name andAddressJ PATSY JO SWEET PO BOX 4392 John McMahon Sheriff Coroner Crestline CA 92325 157 W 5th Street 3rd Floor San Bernardino CA9241 0225 Phone 909 387 5700 TELEPHONE NO FAX NO FaX 9 9 387 563 ATTORNEY FORName CIVIIdOCS peSbCSCI Of9 NAME OF COURT JUDICIAL DISTRICT AND BRANCH COURT IF ANY San Bernardino Superior Court Justice Center Civil Division PLAINTIFF IN THE MATTER OF THE WENDLER TRUST PETITIONER BETH KELLEY DEFENDANT pATSY JO SWEET ETAL LEWING OFFICER FILE NUMBER NOTICE OF FILING OF CLAIM OF EXEMPTION Wage Garnishment 20000286 TO THE JUDGMENT CREDITOR THE FRED H WENDLER AND BETTY LOU WENDLER COURTCASENUMBER PRODS1000723 Name and address HARTNELL LAW GROUP APC 25757 REDLANDS BLVD Redlands CA 92373 1 This notice was mailed on date 3 19 2020 at place San Bernardino California 2 The judgment debtor employee has filed the attached Claim of Exemption and Financial Statement The Eamings W thholding Orderwill be terminated or modified to reflect the amount of eamings claimed to be exempt by the debtor in the Claim ofExemption unless you oppose the Claim of Exemption To oppose the Claim of Ex tion you must schedule a court hearing and follow the procedures described below Levying Officer by Sheriffs Authorized Agent TYPE OR PRINT NAME SIGNATURE INSTRUCTIONS TO JUDGMENT CREDITOR 3 You must complete all of the following steps within 10 days of the mailing date shown above in item 1 HOW DO I OPPOSE THE CLAIM OF EXEMPTION a Obtain at least five copieseach of the followingprinted forms 1 Notice of Opposition toClaim of Exemption form WG 009 and 2 Notice of Hearing on Claim of Exemption form WG 010 EJ 175 These forms are available from the clerk of the court b Complete all five copies of both forms c Contact the clerk of the court about setting a hearing date time and place You must file your Notice of Hearing on Claim of Exemption with the court within 10 days of the date shown in item 1 The date of the hearing must be not more than 30 days after the date you flle your paper with the court Page 1 of 2 formAdoptedforMandatoryUse Judicial Council of Califomia NOTICE OF FILING OF CLAIM OF EXEMPTION caaeorc aed a os os www courdnlo ca gov WG008 Rev 1 January2oon Wage Garnishment WG 008 E i c oFFiceR Fi e No CouRT cnsE NUMseR PLAINTIFF IN THE MATTER OF THE WENDLER TRUST PETITIONER 20000286 PRODS1000723 DEFENDANT PATSY JO SWEET ET AL INSTRUCTIONS TO JUDGMENT CREDITOR 3 Continued WHAT DO I FILE WITH THE LEVYING OFFICER d Give the following documents to the LEVYING OFFICER whose name and address are on the fri nt of this form 1 The original Notice ofOppasifion to Claim ofExemption with original signature and 2 A copy of theNotice of Hearing on Claim of Exempfion The levying o cer must receive the Notice of Opposition to Claim of Exempdon within 10 days of the mailing date in item 1 on the front of this form or the Eamings thho ding Orderwill be released or chanlged as requested in the Claim of F cemption WHAT DO IFILE WITH THE COURT e File the original Notice of Hearing on Claim of Exemption with original signaturewith the COUR f Make sure that the Proof of Service on the reverse has been completed as indicated in item 3g b low and that the necessary signature on the Proof of Service is original The court must receive this document within 10 days of the mailing date shown in item 1 qn the front of this form Before the hearing the levying officer will file the original Claim ofExempfion and the original Nbtice of Opposition to Claim of Exemption with the court WHAT DO I SERVE ON THE JUDGMENT DEBTOR f Have one copy each of the 1 Notice of Opposition to Claim ofExemption and 2 Notice of Hearing on Claim of Exemption served on the judgment debtor employee or the debtor s attorney at the address shown in iter 2 on the Claim of Exemption They must be served at least 21 calendar days before the hearing if they are personally served j If they are sent by fax express mail or other method of ovemight delivery the required 21day notice period shall be increased y 2 days If they are served by mail from and to an address withinCalifornia they must be mailed at least 26 calendar day before the hearing For more information on the time to serve the noticesyou should see Code of Civil Procedure sections 70 105 e and 1005 Complete the Proof of Service as shown in item 3g below g Service of the Notice of Opposition to Claim ofExemption and Notice of Hearing on Claim of Exe ption must be made by first class mail or personal deliveryService must be made by someone not a party to the action not the judgment creditor After the notices are served the person making the service must complete and sign the appropriate Ptoof of Service on the reverse of the signed original Notice of Hearing on Claim of Exempfion which will be filed with the court 4 Take a copy of each form and the Claim of Exemption with you to the court hearing i lf you will not attend the court hearing check item 3 on the Notice of Hearing on C aim of Exem tion i Page 2 of 2 WG008 Rev 1 January2007j NOTICE OF FILING OF CLAIM OF EXEMPTION Wage Gamishment