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  • FRED H. and BETTY LOU WENDLER LIVING TRUST Print Trust  document preview
  • FRED H. and BETTY LOU WENDLER LIVING TRUST Print Trust  document preview
  • FRED H. and BETTY LOU WENDLER LIVING TRUST Print Trust  document preview
  • FRED H. and BETTY LOU WENDLER LIVING TRUST Print Trust  document preview


1 BRYAN HARTNELL C HARTNELL LAW GROUP STATE BAR N0 06613 PERIOR OURTOF AiIFORNIi STAMP ONLY COUNTYOFSANBERNARDINO 2 A Professional Corporation SANBERNARDINO ISTRICT 25757 Redlands Boulevard 3 Redlands California 92373 8453 AUG 2 202 909 796 6881 4 BY h 5 Attorneys for NANCY GUILLIANO SuccessorB Z EARS DEPU iY 6 7 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA SAN BERNARDINO DISTRICT PROBATE DIVISION 9 IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO 10 In CASE N0 PRODS 1000723 11 re 12 ORDER AFTER HEARING ON CLAIM OF EXEMPTION 13 THE FRED H WENDLER AND BETTY LOU WENDLER 2002 14 LIVING TRUST AGREEMENT 15 BETH KELLEY 16 Petitioner 17 vs 18 19 PATSY JO SWEET and DAN SWEET 2p Respondents 21 22 The hearing on Judgment Debtor PATSY J WENDLER SWEET s 23 Claim of Exemption came on regularly for hearing on 24 August 24 2020 in Department 535 the Honorable STANFORD GEORGE S THEI05 of HARTNELL 25 REICHERT Judge presiding Esq 26 LAW GROUP A Professional Corporation appeared on behalf of the 27 Judgment Creditor THE FRED H WENDLER ANI BETTY LOU WENDLER 2002 28 ORDER AFTER HEARING ON CLAIM OF EXEMPTION 14032 cbw 1 1 LIVING TRUST AGREEMENT There was no appearance by the Judgment 2 Debtor 3 Having considered the Claim of Exemption and Opposition 4 thereto the Court determines that the fixed amount to be 5 garnished from the Judgment Debtor s wage is 750 00 per pay 6 period or 25 of applicable wages whichever is less The Court further Orders that any sums presently held by the San Bernardino County Sheriff s Department and or the Judgment 9 Debtor s employer Caliber Home Loans Inc are to be released to the Judgment Creditor HARTNELL LAW GROUP A 10 care of 11 Professional Corporation 25757 Redlands Boulevard Redlands CA 12 92373 13 DATED 14 15 JUDGE OF THE SUPERIOR COURT STANFORD E REICHER i 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ORDER AFTER HEARIN N LAIM OF EXEMPTI N 14032 cbw 2