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  • FRED H. and BETTY LOU WENDLER LIVING TRUST Print Trust  document preview
  • FRED H. and BETTY LOU WENDLER LIVING TRUST Print Trust  document preview
  • FRED H. and BETTY LOU WENDLER LIVING TRUST Print Trust  document preview
  • FRED H. and BETTY LOU WENDLER LIVING TRUST Print Trust  document preview


A'T-138/EJ-125 ATrORNEY 0R PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY: STATE BARNo.: FOR COURT USE ONLY NAME: BRYAN C. HARTNELL, ESQ. J {066l38fi‘ FIRM NAME:HARTNELL LAW GROUP, APC STREET ADDRESS:25757 REDLANDS BOULEVARD CITY:REDLANDS STATE: CA ZIPCODE:92373-8453 TELEPHONE No; (909)796-6881 FAx No; (909)796-4196 E—MAIL ADDRESS: F i L E D SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA ATTORNEY FOR NANCY GUILIANO, Successor Trustee Ogggfiggfi’fi‘hgfifififiRmNo (name): SUPERIOR COURT 0F CALIFORNIA, COUNTY 0F SAN BERNARDINO I " 3 ' Rm smemomess 4050 MAIN STREET AUG 0 9 2022 MAILING ADDRESS:4050 MAIN STREET , ‘ CITYANDZIPcone: RIVERSIDE, CA 92501-3703 8Y__ 1' W . BRANCH NAME: CENTRAL JUSTICE CENTER SA n,NA ELI DEPUTY PLAINTIFF In the matter of theWENDLER TRUST, Petitioner, BETH KELLEY DEFENDANT RESPONDENT, PATSY JO SWEET APPLICATION AND ORDER FOR APPEARANCE AND EXAMINATION CASE NUMBER: m ENFORCEMENT 0F JUDGMENT m Judgment Debtor DD ATTACHMENT (Third Person) Third Person PRODs 1000723 ‘7 ORDER T0 APPEAR FOR EXAMINATION 1. TO (name): PATSY JO SWEET 2. YOU ARE ORDERED TO APPEAR personally before this court. or before a referee appointed by the court, to a. b. m m furnish information to aidinenforcement of a money judgment against you. answer concerning property of the judgment debtor in your possession or control or concerning a debt you owe the judgment debtor. c. D answer concerning property of the defendam that issubject to attachment. inyour possession or control or concerning a debt you owe the defendant Date: NOV. 2, 2022- Time: 1:30 p.m. Dept.or Div.: S35 Rm.: Address of court m is shown above D is: 3. This order may be served by a marshal, registered process server, or the following specially appointed person (name): sheriff, 7’7. WL— Date: ¢/9/zz This order must be served not less than 10 days before the date set for the examination. IMPORTANT NOTICES ON REVERSE APPLICATION FOR ORDER TO APPEAR FOR EXAMINATION A. D Originaljudgment creditor m applies for an order requiring (name): Assignee of record PATSY JO SWEET D who has Plaintiff a right to attachorder to appear and furnish information to aid inenforcement of the money judgment or to answer concerning property or debt. 5. The person tobe examined is a. b. m D the judgment debtor. a third person (1)who has possession judgment debtor or the defendant or or control of property belonging to the (2) who owes the judgment debtor or the defendant more than $250. An Code affidavit supporting this application under of Civil Procedure section 491 .1 10 or 708.120 is attached. .0) The person tobe examined resides or has a place of business county or within 150 miles of th in this place of examination. N. D This court isnot the court inwhich the moneyjudgment isentered or (attachment only) th- m ' urt that issued the writ of led ' attachment. An affidavit supporting an application under Code Procedure se of Civil I .150 or 708.160 isattached. 8. D The judgment debtor has been examined is attached. within the past120 days. An a = . cause foranother examination ldeclare under penalty of perjury under the laws 0f the State of Califorrga- oregomg Is tru and correct Date: 08/08/2022 BRYANL HARINELI; >C f (TYPEOR PRlNT NAME) (SIGNATURE OF DECLARANT) (Continued on reverse) Page1 ofz FormlAdoptedMandatory Usa for APPLICATION AND ORDER FOR Codeof Civil Procedure, ”“9“” ’°“"‘M9§5L%%.Z2§JZ° AT9?§$7'EaJ-?3§T3'e3f535$???20m APPEARANCE AND EXAMINATION 14032/cbw CEB- ceb.comEm" Essential (Attachment-Enforcement of Judgment) AT-1 38IEJ-1 25 Information for Judgment Creditor Regarding Service If you want to be able to ask the court to enforce the order on the judgment debtor or any third party, you must have a copy of the order personally served on the judgment debtor by a sheriff, marshal, registered process server, or the person appointed in item 3 of the order at least 1O calendar days before the date of the hearing, and have a proof of service filed with the court. IMPORTANT NOTICES ABOUT THE ORDER APPEARANCE OF JUDGMENT DEBTOR (ENFORCEMENT OF JUDGMENT) NOTICE TO JUDGMENT DEBTOR If you fail to appear at the time and place specified in this order, you may be subject to arrest and punishment for contempt of court, and the court may make an order requiring you to pay the reasonable attorney fees incurred by the judgment creditor in this proceeding. APPEARANCE OF A THIRD PERSON (ENFORCEMENT OF JUDGMENT) (1) NOTICE TO PERSON SERVED If you fail to appear at the time and place specified in this order, you may be subject to arrest and punishment for contempt of court, and the court may make an order requiring you to pay the reasonable attorney fees incurred by the judgment creditor in this proceeding. (2) NOTICE TO JUDGMENT DEBTOR The person in whose favor the judgment was entered in this action claims that the person to be examined under this order has possession or control of property that is yours or owes you a debt. This property or debt is as follows (describe the property or debt): If you claim that all or any portion of this property or debt is exempt from enforcement of the money judgment, you must file your exemption claim in writing with the court and have a copy personally served on the judgment creditor not later than three days before the date set for the examination. You must appear at the time and place set for the examination to establish your claim of exemption or your exemption may be waived. APPEARANCE OF A THIRD PERSON (ATTACHMENT) NOTICE T0 PERSON SERVED If you fail to appear at the time and place specified in this order, you may be subject to arrest and punishment for contempt of court, and the court may make an order requiring you to pay the reasonable attorney fees incurred by the plaintiff in this proceeding. APPEARANCE OF A CORPORATION, PARTNERSHIP, ASSOCIATION, TRUST, OR OTHER ORGANIZATION It isyour duty to designate one or more of the following to appear and be examined: officers, directors, managing agents, or other persons who are familiar with your property and debts. Request for Accommodations. Assistive listening systems, computer-assisted real-time captioning, or sign language interpreter services are available if you ask at least 5 days before your hearing. Contact the clerk’s office for Requestfor Accommodation (form MC-410). (Civil Code, § 54.8.) AT-136/EJ-125 [Rev‘ January 1,2017] APPLICATION AND ORDER FOR PageZofz CEB’ Essential APPEARANCE AND EXAMINATION «bum Qm—S' (Attachment-Enforcement of Judgment) WENDLER 14032