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  • GWENDOLYN CULVERSON vs BOEHRINGER INGELHEIM PHARM et al Product Liabilty - Jury document preview
  • GWENDOLYN CULVERSON vs BOEHRINGER INGELHEIM PHARM et al Product Liabilty - Jury document preview
  • GWENDOLYN CULVERSON vs BOEHRINGER INGELHEIM PHARM et al Product Liabilty - Jury document preview
  • GWENDOLYN CULVERSON vs BOEHRINGER INGELHEIM PHARM et al Product Liabilty - Jury document preview
  • GWENDOLYN CULVERSON vs BOEHRINGER INGELHEIM PHARM et al Product Liabilty - Jury document preview
  • GWENDOLYN CULVERSON vs BOEHRINGER INGELHEIM PHARM et al Product Liabilty - Jury document preview
  • GWENDOLYN CULVERSON vs BOEHRINGER INGELHEIM PHARM et al Product Liabilty - Jury document preview
  • GWENDOLYN CULVERSON vs BOEHRINGER INGELHEIM PHARM et al Product Liabilty - Jury document preview


128992 E-FILED NO 128992 12/28/2022 12 48 PM CYNTHIA A GRANT. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF ILLINOIS SUPREME COURT CLERK GWENDOLYN CULVERSON, ) ) Plaintiff, ) ) v ) Cook County Case No 2022-L-10287 ) Madison County Case No 2021-L-000915 BOEHRINGER INGELHEIM ) . PHARMACEUTICALS, ) INC etal, . : ) FILED Defendants ) JAN 0.4 2022 DEFENDANTS’ RESPONSE IN OPPOSITION TOyais y, RTINEZ PLAINTIFF’S MOTION FOR REMAND TO MADISON CORSUERSEGU couRT Barely two months ago, Plaintrff Gwendolyn Culverson and her counsel asked this Court to consolidate her claims with those of nearly 600 other plaintiffs who allege that using Zantac or generic ranitidine caused them inyury ! At that tue, Plaintrff Culverson asserted that “[t]he risk of meonsistent rulings in other cases volving the same questions would lead to incongruous results among plaintffs and foster distrust of the legal system” (Ex 1 at 7) Plaintiff's concerns apparently were remarkably short-lved Now, before those consolidated pretrial proceedings have begun—even before the assigned judge has held an mtial case management conference—PlamtifF requests a premature remand that would squander the benefits of pretrial consolidation at the outset of this proceeding and risk mconsistent judgments on aumerous common factual and legal sssues This request should be dened for two reasons First, the Motion for Remand (“Mot ”) 1s a clear attempt at forum-shopping In her orgmal motion to consolidate, Plamtiff offered many reasons why the remamung pretnal proceedings in ' See Ex 1, Plaintaff’s Motion to Transfer and Consolidate Cases for Pretrial Purposes Only Under IHmois Supreme Court Rule 384, filed Oct 14, 2022 ~]- SUSMITTED 20821653 Elzabeth Villa 12/28/2022 1248 PM128992 her case were best addressed alongside other Zantac cases This Court agreed Since then, the only relevant intervening event has been the selection of a consolidation judge other than the one Plaintiff preferred, and to whom she would now Itke her case returned immediately—in a county far from where she resides To seek remand on this basis 1s improper and should not be countenanced by this Court Second, the Motion 1s premature The judicial officer selected to preside over the consolidated litigation, Judge Dantel Trevino of Cook County, has not even had the opportunity to conduct an initial conference (it 1s scheduled to occur on February 1, 2023) That conference 1s ltkely to address, among other topics, the process and timmg for resolving dispositive motions on core legal issues common to many cases—including Plaintiff's Judge Trevmo should have the opportunity to decide, mn the first instance, which factual and legal issues are most appropriate for consolidated treatment If the Court remands Plaintiff's case now, it will revive the very msk of inconsistent rulings that Plamtiff herself identified just two months ago as a chief Justification for consoldation under Rule 384 The Court should allow Judge Trevino to manage the Illmois Zantac docket in an orderly manner and deny Plaintiff's motion I THE MOTION IS AN IMPROPER ATTEMPT AT FORUM-SHOPPING Plaintiff argues that remand 1s appropriate now because her case ts “nearly trial-ready” and in a different procedural posture than other consolidated actions (Mot at 5-6) These arguments present, at best, an incomplete picture of the procedural posture of Culverson and do not warrant remand now But more to the point, Plaintiff could have made these precise arguments two months ago Instead, she asked this Court to consolidate her claims with those of 600 other plaintiffs Nothing has occurred since then that materrally affects the posture of Plamtiff’s case relative to those other Zantac actions The only change 1s that this Court consolidated the Ittigation but did -~2~ SUBMITTED 20821653 Elizabeth Villa 12/28/2022 12 48 PM128992. not asstgn it to the yudge or county Plaintiff requested That 1s not a proper reason to seek remand under Rule 384, and the Court should deny the Motton on that basis alone As this Court has acknowledged, “courts have never favored forum shopping ” Dawdy v Union Pac RR Co , 207 Ill 2d 167, 174 (2003) In the related forum non conveniens context, for example, this Court has stated that “[b]y itself, forum shoppmg ‘furntshes no legal reason for sustaming’ a plaintiff's choice of forum ” Jd at 175 (quoting Pratt Tool & Supply Co vy Windham, 379 P 2d 849, 850 (Okla 1963)) Especially when, as here, “the plaintiff 1s foreign to the forum chosen and the action that gives nse to the litigation did not occur in the chosen forum,” thus Court has found it “reasonable to conclude that the plaintiff engaged m forum shopping to suit his individual interests, a strategy contrary to the purposes behind the venue rules ” Jd at 174 (quoting Certain Underwriters at Lloyds, London v Iilmors Central R R Co ,329 1k App 3d 189, 196 (2d Dist 2002)) Of particular relevance here, a plamtiff’s desire to choose a particular forum “cannot be permitted to override the public interest m, and need for, an erderly, effictently operated judiceal system —the precise goal that anmated this Court’s Rule 384 transfer order Id at 175 (quoting Espinosa v Norfolk & Western Ry Co , 86 Ill 2d 111, 123 (1981)) (emphasis added) A brief review of the procedural posture of this case confirms that the Motion 1s an exercise 1m judge- and forum-shopping Pretrial proceedings m Culverson are not yet complete—cnitical evidence depositions remain to be taken,? and summary yudgment motions have not yet been briefed, argued, or decided The transferor court m Culverson has not received, let alone ruled on, motions im Inmme, exhibit objections, or deposition designations Although the case 1s more ? Plauntiff recently canceled the evidence depositions of her Chicago-based primary care provider (Dr DeLeon) and oncologist (Dr Eggener) without rescheduling them See Ex 2 (Oct 18, 2022 email from Plaintiffs counsel canceling deposition of Dr DeLeon), Ex 3 (Nov 28, 2022 email from Plamtiff’s counsel canceling deposition of Dr Bggener) -~3- SUBMITTED 20821653 Elizabeth Villa 12/28/2022 1248 PM128992 advanced than others before Judge Trevino, that fact ts as true now as It was several weeks ago, in October 2022, when Plaintiff first sought consoldation At that time, Plaintiff took a very different position on the portance of her case proceeding alongside the others « Plaintiff wamed that consolidation before a single judge was tmportant “so that a party could not defeat the purpose of consoltdation by filmg a substitution- of-judge motion ” (Ex 1 at 8, emphasis added) * Plaintiff argued that consolidation would “promote the just and efficient admmustration of claims and issues ratsed and avord potentially inconsistent rulings and reltef that will affect the course of this litigation from the beginning” (Id at 7, emphasis added ) « Plamtiff expressed concern that “[t]he risk of mtconststent rulings in other cases involving the same questions would lead to incongruous results among plan ffs and foster distrust of the legal system” (Id , emphases added ) As in October 2022, significant pretrial tasks remain in the case, including depositions and summary Judgment motion practice But since then, this Court decided to consolidate Culverson and other Zantac matters m Cook County (where Plaintiff actually resides) and not before the Judicial officer Plaintiff requested in Madison County (where Plaintiff prefers to litigate) 3 It 1s no coincidence that this development precipitated Plaintiffs abrupt about-face on where the remaining pretrial proceedings im her case should occur This 1s judge- and forum-shopping, which 1s an improper basis on which to seek remand 11 THE MOTION IS PREMATURE AND RAISES THE SPECTER OF INCONSISTENT RULINGS Considerations of gamesmanship aside, remand at this stage 1s premature The consolidated Iutigation ts only in its infancy the logistics of forming a consolidated docket are ongoing, and Judge Trevino has scheduled an inital status conference for February 1, 2023 (See Mot Ex A) At thts early juncture, the court has not even had an opportunity ¢o pursue the benefits of 3 See Bx | at 5 (Plaintiff requesting consolidation before Judge Sarah Smith, to whom her case was originally assigned in Madison County and to whom she now seeks remand) ~4— SUBMITTED 20821653 Ehzabeth Villa 12/28/2022 12 48 PM ©128992 consolidation that Plaintiff highlighted in her original motion “to eliminate duplicative discovery and pretrial litigation, prevent mconsistent pretmal rulings, promote judicial economy, and conserve judicial resources” (Ex | at 6) Judge Trevino should have the chance to pursue those goals and decide for himself, in the first stance and as the judicial officer closest to the overall litigation, which pretrial matters are sufficiently “common” to benefit from centralized consideration Consolidated proceedings should get underway before this Court considers whether, in effect, to end them for one or more cases The risks associated with a premature remand are not merely hypothetical As Plamtiff herself argued in October, “inconsistent rulings” in “cases involving the same questrons would lead to incongruous results” and even “foster distrust of the legal system ” (Jd at 7 ) Here, there are a variety of legal issues on which a premature remand could lead to inconsistent results For example, dispositive motions are now pending m numerous consolidated cases Those motions raise legal issues common to Culverson, including whether plaintiffs who used generic ranitidine may pursue a theory of “innovator lability” under Ilmnois law against current or former branded Zantac manufacturers despite having not used those manufacturers’ products * Remanding now would risk uconsistent rulings between Judge Trevino and the Madison County court on these tmportant and potentially dispositive common issues Snmularly, Ms Culverson’s claimed injury, kidney cancer, 1s also alleged by at least 70 other plainttffs in the consolidated litigation Given that these other plamtiffs are likely to offer the 4 See, eg, Ex 4-Brand Defendants’ Combined Motron to Dismiss Under 735 ILCS 5/2- 301 and 735 ILCS 5/2-615 m Ross v Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals Inc et al ,No 2022- L-001316) The Ross case 1s one of several pending before Judge Trevino in which Defendants have asserted the defense that Illinois law does not recognize plaintiffs’ proposed theones of “innovator lability” and “predecessor hability ” See zd at 6-10 Those issues have now been fully briefed before Judge Trevino in Ross, and they are also presented in Culverson and will hkely be the focus of summary-judgment motion practice 5 SUBMITTED 20821653 Elizabeth Vila 12/28/2022 1248 PM128992 same kidney cancer general causation expert opinions im their cases, Defendants will ask Judge Trevino to decide the admissibility of these opimons in a manner applicable to all such cases Indeed, the judge presiding over the Zantac multi-district litigation (“MDL”), Judge Robin Rosenberg, followed a sumilar docket-wide process m ruling on the admissibility of general- causation expert opinions ° And, of course, Judge Trevino’s rulings on identical kidney cancer expert opinions should apply consistently and with equal force to all kidney-cancer plaintiffs in the consolidated actions—not all except Ms Culverson Judge Trevino should thus have the opportunity to prioritize these general-causation questions for resolution on an efficient, docket- wide basis, without the risk of premature remands leading to inconsistent rulings on the admissibility of similar (if not identical) expert scientific causation opmions Finally, even on trial-specific matters such as deposition designations, motions m1 imine, and exhibit lists, there will inevitably be common-issue disputes that will arise in many cases (for example, regarding company witness testimony or company exhibits) and are therefore best left to the judge overseeing the full htigation Neither the Culverson case nor the Bayer case (which was pending before the same transferor court) progressed to rulings on these evidentiary issues. Again, 5 Plaintiff attempts to downplay Judge Rosenberg’s recent MDL order excluding all of plaintiffs’ general causation experts and granting summary judgment to defendants because plaintiffs could not present a triable issue on general causation Jn re Zantac (Ramtidme) Prods Liab Ling, __F Supp 3d__, 2022 WL 17480906, at *167-68 (S D Fla Dec 6, 2022) Plaintiff here suggests that opinion has limited relevance because it concerned “different cancers than those at issue in these Illinois proceedings ” (Mot at 3 n 2) What Plaintiff fails to acknowledge 1s that the MDL plamtiff leadership counsel actually abandoned claims based on certain cancers because of the lack of supporting scientific evidence and chose to advance claims based on other cancers (That leadership counsel included one of Ms Culverson’s counsel here ) Yet, Judge Rosenberg found even that subset of cancers scienttfically unsupportable So while it 1s true that the current Illmors consolidated proceeding involves many drfferent cancers not directly addressed by Judge Rosenberg, this ts because those cancers did not even make it to motion practice in the MDL—not because they have some presumed evidentiary support ~6-- SUBMITTED 20821653 Elzabeth Villa 12/28/2022 12 48 PM128992 Judge Trevino ts 1n the best position to determme which issues fit this description and which are best left for remand There 1s no reason for this Court to intervene now, mere weeks after consolidation, to micromanage how the circuit courts will share responsibility in this tigation The Court should let the Rule 384 process proceed as mtended so that the smgle judge responsible for pretrial proceedings can make informed judgments about case management CONCLUSION Defendants respectfully request that the Court deny PlaintufP's motion Dated December 28, 2022 SUBMITTED 20821653 Elzabeth Villa 12/28/2022 1248 PM Respectfully submitted, és/ Tarek Ismarl Tarek Ismail GOLDMAN ISMAIL TOMASELLI BRENNAN & BAUM LLP 200 S Wacker Drive, 22"! Floor Chicago, IL 60606 Telephone (312) 881-5969 Facstmile (312) 881-5189 Email tismail@goldmanismail com 4s/ with consent of Erik Snapp Enk Snapp DECHERT LLP 35 West Wacker Drive, Suite 3400 Chicago, [L 60601 (312) 646-5828 Email erik snapp@dechert com Attorneys for Defendants GlaxoSmithKime LIC and GlaxoSmithKline Holdmgs (Americas) Inc és/ with consent of Julia Zousmer Juha Zousmer KING & SPALDING LLP 110N Wacker Drive, Suite 3800 Chicago, IL 60606SUBMITTED 20821: Elzabeth Villa 12/28/2022 12 48 PM 128992 8 Tel (312) 995-6333 Fax (312) 312-995-6330 Email jzousmer@kslaw com Atorney for Defendants Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc s/ with consent of Bart Sullrvan Bart Sullivan FOX SMITH LLC 1 Memorial Drive, Suite 1200 St Lours, MO 63102 Tel (314) 571-7887 Email bsullvan@foxsmithlaw com Attorney for Defendant Pfizer Inc /s/ with consent of Erin Pauley Erm Pauley Sarah Jin BARNES & THORNBURG LLP One North Wacker Drive Suite 4400 Chicago, IL 60606 Drrect (312) 214-4598 Mobile (317) 446-3097 Enn Paul tlaw com Sarah jm@btlaw com Attorney for Defendant Walgreens Co128992 CER’ ‘CATE OF SERVICE The undersigned hereby certify that on December 28, 2022, a copy of the foregoing document, having been electronically submitted to the Clerk of the Supreme Court, was also mailed to the following persons at the addresses shown via first class mail Ins Y Martinez Cook County Circuit Clerk 50 W Washington, Suite 1001 Chicago, IL 60602-1305 Thomas K McRae Madison County Circuit Clerk 155 N Mann Street, Suite 120 Edwardsville, IL 62025 The undersigned further certifies the foregoing document was also sent on December 28, 2022 via email to the addresses indicated below Under penalties as provided by law pursuant to Section 1-109 of the Cade of Civil Procedure, the undersigned certifies that the statements set forth in this instrument are true and correct, except as to matters therein stated to be on mformation and behef and as to such matters the undersigned certifies as aforesaid that he verily believes the same to be true ¢s/ Tarek Ismail Tarek Ismail -9~ SUBMITTED 20821653 Elmabeth Vila 12/28/2022 12 48 PM128992 Parties’ Counsel Via email Defendant Counsel IVAX Pharmaceuticals, LLC, Teva Pharmaceuticals USA, Inc , Watson Laboratories, Inc , and Actavis Mid Atlantic LLC Jonathan T Barton, #6257357 Ashley E Benoist, #6322413 STANTON | BARTON LLC 8000 Maryland Avenue, Suite 450 St Louis, MO 63105 314-455-6500 314-455-6524 (Fax) jbarton@stantonbarton com. abenoist@stantonbarton com Gregory E Ostfeld # 6257163 GREENBERG TRAURIG, LLP 77 West Wacker Drive Suite 3100 Chicago, IL 60601 312-476-5056 312-899-0420 (Fax) ostfeldg@gtlaw com Lori G Cohen (pro hac vice) Sara K Thompson (pro hac vice) GREENBERG TRAURIG, LLP 3333 Piedmont Rd NE, Suite 2500 Atlanta, GA 30305 678-553-2100 CohenL@gtlaw com ThompsonS@gtlaw com Ajanta Pharma Ltd , Ayanta Pharma USA Inc Neal Seth WILEY REIN LLP 2050 M Street, NW Washington, DC 20036 202-719-7000 nseth@wiley law SUBMITTED 20821653 Elmabeth Vila 12/28/2022 12.48 PM = 10--128992 Albertson’s Companies, Inc , Duane Reade Inc , Giant Eagle, Inc , Rite Aid Corporation, Safeway, Inc , Yon Companies Inc Sarah E Johnston BARNES & THORNBURG LLP 2029 Century Park East, Suite 300 Los Angeles, California 90067 Telephone (310) 284-3880 Facsimile (310) 284-3894 sarah johnston@btlaw com ErinM Pauley Sarah Jin Amy R Michelau BARNES & THORNBURG, LLP One North Wacker Dr, Ste 4400 Chicago, IL 60606 (312)214-4598 epauley@btlaw com gyn@btlaw com amichelau@btlaw com William J Burton BARNES & THORNBURG, LLP 1000N West Street, Suite [500 Wilmington, DE 19801 302-300-3451 William burton@btlaw com Amuneal Pharmaceuticals LLC Jonathon Drews ULMER & BERNE LLP 500 W Madison Street, Suite 3600 Chicago, Illmois 60661 Tel 312-658-6500 Fax 312-658-6501 Jjdrews@ulmer com ANI Pharmaceuticals Inc Elyse D Echtman STEPTOE & JOHNSON LLP 1114 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10036 212-378-7551 eechtman@steptoe com Apotex Corp Ann Quems BLANK ROME LLP 130.N [8th Street One Logan Square Philadelphia, PA 19103 215/569-5674 aquerns@pblankrome com SUBMITTED 20821653 Elzabeth Villa 12/28/2022 1248 PM -I1l--128992 Appco Pharma LLC Jordan Scott Cohen WICKER SMITH O’HARA MCCOY & FORD 515 E Las Olas Blvd Sunte 1400 Suntrust Center Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 945-847-4834, 954-760-9353 (fax) jcohen@wickersmith com Aurobindo Pharma USA, Inc , and Aurohealth LLC Wilham D Shultz, Jr Candice Kusmer MANNING GROSS & MASSENBURG, LLP 1405 N Green Mount Road, Suite 400 O'Fallon, IL 62269 Telephone (618) 277-5500 Facsimile (618) 277-6334 wshultz@mgmlaw com ckusmer@mgmlaw com Dr Reddy’s Laboratories, Inc and Dr Reddy’s Laboratortes Louisiana, LLC William D Shultz, Jr 406207607 Candice C Kusmer #06284948 MANNING GROSS + MASSENBURG LLP 1405 Green Mount Road, Suite 400 O'Fallon, IL 62269 Telephone (618) 277-5500 Facsimile (618) 277-6334 wshultz@mgmlaw com ckusmer@mgmlaw com John R Ipsaro (pro hac vice) Megan B Gramke (pro hac vice) ULMER & BERNE LLP 312 Walnut Street, Suite 1400 Cineinati, OH 45202 Telephone (513) 698-5000 Facsimile (513) 698-5001 Jipsaro@ulmer com mgramke@ulmer com Glenmark Pharmaceuticals Ltd Alex Cameron Walker MODRALL, SPERLING, ROEHL, HARRIS & SISK, PA 500 Fourth Street, NW, Surte 1000 Albuquerque, NM 87102 505-848-1861 awalker@modrall com SUBMITTED 20821653 Elizabeth Vila 12/28/2022 12 48 PM ~12—128992 Granules India Ltd , Granules USA Inc John F Cooney LEWIS BRISBOIS BISGAARD & SMITH LLP John cooney@lewisbnisbois com Mark Twain Plaza II 103 W Vandalia Street, Suite 300 Edwardsville, IL 62025 Phone 618-307-7290 Kaiser Permanente International ‘Moe Keshavarzi | SHEPPARD MULLIN RICHTER & HAMPTON 333 South Hope Street, 43rd Floor Los Angeles, CA 90071 213-620-1780 mkeshavarz1@sheppardmullin com Robert J Guite SHEPPARD MULLIN RICHTER & HAMPTON Four Embarcadero Center, 17th Floor San Francisco, Calrforma 94111-4109 Phone 415 434 9100 Fax 415 434 3947 rguite@sheppardmullin com Novitrum Pharma LLC Amy Leigh Baker WILSON, ELSER, MOSCOWITZ, EDELMAN & DICKER, LLP 111 North Orange Avenue, Surte 1200 Oriando, FL 32801 407-203-7563, 407-648-1376 (Fax) Amy baker@wilsonelser com Par Pharmaceutical, Inc Daniel Alvarez Sox REED SMITH LLP 1001 Brickell Bay Drive, Suite 900 Miami, FL 33131 | 786-747-0200, 786-747-0299 (Fax) dsox@reedsmuth com Patheon Manufacturing Services LLC John T Williams (# 6199208) Michael J Morrison (#6290286) HINKHOUSE WILLIAMS WALSH LLP 180 North Stetson, Suite 3400 Chicago, IL 60601 Telephone (312) 784-5411 Jwillams@hww-law com SUBMITTED 20821653 Elizabeth Vila 12/28/2022 1248 PM ~13--128992 Perrigo Research & Development Company Perrigo Company, L Perngo Co and Patrick W Stufflebeam, #6279455 Wayne D Skigen, #6275930 TRESSLER LLP 110 Rottingham Court, Suite B Edwardsville, IL 62025 Phone (618) 800-1391 Fax (312) 627-1717 pstufflebeam@tresslerllp com wskigen@tresslerllp com Richard M Bames (ARDC No 6339950) Sean L Gugerty (ARDC No 6339952) Matthew H Tranter (ARDC No 6339951) GOODELL, DEVRIES, LEECH & DANN LLP One South Street, 20th Floor Baltumore, Maryland 21202 410-783-4024 rmb@gdldlaw com sgugerty@gdldlaw com mtranten@gdidlaw com Services Inc , and Chattem, Inc Sanofi-Aventis US LLC, Sanofi US W Jason Rankin HEPLERBROOM LLC 130N Main Street PO Box 510 Edwardsville, IL 62025 (618) 656-0184 Telephone (618) 656-1364 Facsimile wyr@heplerbroom com Sun Pharmaceutical Industries, Inc and Ranbaxy, Inc Audrey D Mense, # 6302524 THOMPSON COBURN LLP 55 East Monroe Street 37th Floor Chicago, IL 60603 Telephone (312) 580-5035 Facsimile (312) 580-2201 amense@thompsoncobum com Jason M Reefer (pro hac vice) PIETRAGALLO GORDON ALFANO BOSICK &RASPANTI, LLP One Oxford Centre, 38th Floor Pittsburgh, PA 15219 Telephone (412) 263-1840 Facsimile (412) 263-2001 jJmr@pietragallo com SUBMITTED 20821683 Ebzabelh Villa 12/28/2022 1248 PM --14--128992 Walmart Inc F/K/A Wal-Mart Stores, Inc and Sam’s West, Inc Wilham F Northnp Harley V Ratcliff William P Geraghty Devin A Moss SHOOK HARDY & BACON 111.8 Wacker Drive, Suite 4700 Chicago, IL 60606 (816) 474-6550 wnorthrip@shb com hratcliff@shb com wgeraghty@shb com dmoss@shb com Sandoz Inc Stephen A Wood CHUHAK & TECSON P C 30 South Wacker Drive, Suite 2600 Chicago, Illinois 60606 Tel 312-201-3400 Fax 312-444-9027 Fum1D 70693 SWood@chuhak com Donald R McMinn HOLLINGSWORTH LLP 1350 1 Street, NW Washington, DC 20005 Tel 202-898-5800 Fax 202-682-1639 DMcminn@Hollingsworthllp com Strides Pharma, Inc Joseph Orlet HUSCH BLACKWELL LLP 190 Carondelet Plaza, Suite 600 St Louis, MO 63105-3433 Tel 314 480 1927 Joseph Orlet@huschblackwell com Douglas M Tween (pro hac vice) John W Eichihin (pro hac vice) LINKLATERS LLP 1290 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10104 Tel (212) 903-9072 douglas tween@Iinklaters com SUBMITTED 20821653 Elizabeth Villa 12/28/2022 1248 PM -15-—-128992 OptumRx Inc Shevon D B Rockett DORSEY & WHITNEY LLP 51 West 52nd Street New York, NY 10019 212-415-9357 Rockett shevon@dorsey com Wockhardt USA LLC and Wockhardt Americas, Inc Clifford Katz KELLEY DRYE & WARREN LLP 3 World Trade Center 175 Greenwich Street New York, NY 10007 (212) 808-7800 ckatz@kelleydrye com Lead Plamtiff(s) Counsel Culverson, Daugherty R Seth Crompton Eric D Holland Greg Jones HOLLAND LAW FIRM, LLC 211N Broadway, Ste 2625 St Lous, MO 63102 (314) 241-8111 Telephone scrompton@hollandtrallawyers com eholland@hollandtnallawyers com gjones@hollandtnallawyers com Culverson, Daugherty, Devriendt, Donaldson, Gillespie, Jackson, McGruder, Ross, Salahuddin, Sheary, Stigger, Wade, Wolf Ashley Keller Nicole Berg JJ Smidow KELLER POSTMAN LLC 150N Riverside Plaza, Sutte 4270 Chicago, IL 60606 (312) 741-5220 Telephone ack@kellerpostman com neb@kellerpostman com y smdow@kellerpostman com Culverson, Daugherty Ann E Callis Erika Stassi HOLLAND LAW FIRM, LLC 1324 Niedringhaus Ave Granite City, IL 62040 (618) 452-1323 Telephone acallis@hollandtriallawyers com estassi@hollandtniallawyers com SUBMITTED - 20821653 Elzabeth Villa 12/28/2022 12 48 PM ~16--128992 Culverson, Daugherty Alexandra Walsh WALSH LAW PLLC 1050 Connecticut Ave , NW, Ste 500 Washington D C 20036 (202) 780-3014 awalsh@alexwalshlaw com Alli, Baalman, Ballard, Wilhams, Wolff, Wulf John A Bruegger Justin R Parafinczuk PARAFINCZUK WOLF PA 9050 Pines Blvd Suite 450-02 Pembroke Pines, FL 33024 Tel (954) 462-6700 Fax (954) 678-4122 jbruegger@parawolf com Jparafinczuk@parawolf com Donaldson, Sheary, Wolf David Matthews Enc Cardenas MATTHEWS & ASSOCIATES 2905 Sackett Street Houston, TX 77098 713-522-5250 dmatthews@thematthewslawfirm com ecardenas@thematthewslawfirm com Donaldson, Sheary, Wolf Rich Freese FREESE & GOSS 3500 Maple Avenue #1100 Dallas, TX 75219 214-761-6610 tum@freeseandgoss com Hawkins James G Onder W Wyhe Blar Lawana S$ Wichmann Gregory J Pals ONDERLAW, LLC 110 E Lockwood Avenue St Louis, MO 63119 Onder@onderlaw com Diawr@onderlaw com wichmann@onderlaw com pals@onderlaw com. SUBMITTED 20821653 Elizabeth Vila 12/28/2022 1248 PM ~17--128992 Martin, Nelson, Wade (Finken only) Pete Flowers MEYERS & FLOWERS LLC 3 North Second Street, Suite 300 St Charles, IL 60174 630-232-6333 pyf@meyers-flowers com Tracy Finken ANAPOL WEISS 130N 18th Street, Suite 1600 Philadelphia, PA 19103 215-735-1130 tfinken@anapolweiss com Burke, Wolff Edward A Wallace Timothy E Jackson Jessica Kaminski WALLACE MILLER 111 W Jackson Blvd Suite 1700 Chicago, IL 60604 T 312261 6193 F 312275 8174 eaw@wallacemiller com tey@wallacemiller com jk@wallacemiller com. SUBMITTED 20821653 Etzabeth Villa 12/28/2022 1248 PM = 18 ==128992 NO 128992 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF ILLINOIS GWENDOLYN CULVERSON, Plantff, v Cook County Case No 2022-L-10287 BOEHRINGER INGELHEIM PHARMACEUTICALS, INC etal, meee Defendants INDEX OF SUPPORTING RECORD Index of Supporting Record 1 Plamtiff’s Motion to Transfer and Consolidate Cases for Pretrial Purposes Only Under [lmois Supreme Court Rule 384, ~ filed Oct 14, 2022 2 October 18, 2022 Email from Plaintiff's Counsel 3 November 28, 2022 Email from Plaintff’s Counsel 4 Brand Defendants’ Combined Motion to Dismiss Under 735 ILCS 5/2-301 and 735 ILCS 5/2-615 in Ross v Boehringer Ingetheim Pharmaceuticals Inc et al, No 2022-L-001316 3 Affidavit of Tarek Ismail 001 SUBMITTED 20821653 Elizabeth Villa 12/28/2022 12 48 PM Madison County Case No 2021-L-000915 26 33 35128992 EXHIBIT 1 002 SUBMITTED - 20821653 Ehzabeth Villa 12/28/2022 12 48 PM128992 428997 E-FILED xo 10/14/2022 1111 AM — CYNTHIA'A GRANT. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF ILLINOIS SUPREME COURT CLERK GWENDOLYN CULVERSON, Plaintiff, v Madison County No 2021-L-000915 BOEHRINGER INGELHEIM PHARMACEUTICALS, INC, et al, Defendants MOTION TO TRANSFER AND CONSOLIDATE CASES FOR PRE-TRIAL PURPOSES ONLY UNDER ILLINOIS SUPREME COURT RULE 384 Pursuant to Illinois Supreme Court Rule 384, Plaintiff n the above-captioned action, by her attorneys, moves this court for entry of an order (1) transferring for consolidated pretnial proceedings (and only for pretrial proceedings) the above-captioned action and all other pending actions alleging that defendants’ Zantac and ranitidine-containing products caused the plamtiffs to develop cancer, (2) designating the above-captioned action (winch 1s scheduled to go to trial in five months) as the lead case for such consolidated pretrial proceedings, and (3) ordermg that all future cases filed in Illinois state courts be transferred to the Cireutt Court of Madison County In the alternative, should the Court determme that the Circuit Court of Madison County 1s not an appropriate venue for consolidated pre-trial proceedings, Plaintiff requests that the Court consolidate these cases for pretnal proceedings in Circuit Court of St Clair County In support of this motion, Plaintsff subroits a supporting record and states as follows SUBMITTED 19805846 Andy Ho 10/14/2022 1111 AM 003 SUBMITTED 20821653 Elizabeth Villa 12/28/2022 1248 PM128992 128997 Introduction and Summary of Argument 1 There are now at least 26 cases (on behalf of 583 plamntiffs), in three different Ilinois counties (Madison, St Clair, and Cook Counties), relating to cancer caused by the defective heartbum drug Zantac and 11s generic equivalents Each of the cases raises numerous commion (if not identical) questions of fact and Jaw making this a tatlor-made situation for apphcatton of Rule 384 Generally, each case alleges that defendants manufactured or sold Zantac (or its generic equivalent called ranitidine) (collectively Zantac and generic equivalents shall be referred to herein as “Ranitidime Contaming Products”) All plaintiffs allege that Ranitidme-Contaming Products are defective because they contain and/or degrade into the known carcinogen N-Nitrosodtmethylamme (“NDMA”) All plaintiffs further allege that because the Ramitidme-Containing Products contained excessive amounts of NDMA, the products they ingested caused their cancer and resulted in damage . 2 Without a Rule 384 transfer, there 1s a significant chance of burdensome and. duplicative discovery and pretrial litigation and inconsistent pretrial rulings Further, coordination will also serve the convenience of the parties and witnesses by allowing the partes to better coordinate document discovery and depositions of key witnesses And, Madison County makes emment sense as a transferee forum No county has more expenence with these cases than Madison County, and Culverson 1s scheduled to go to tral ma mere five months As such, Plamtiff requests the Court designate Culverson, the first-filed action in Madison County, as the lead case for all such actions Background 3 These cases anse out of the myunes suffered by plamtiffs who ingested defendants’ Ramtidine-Containing Products Platntiffs allege that these products—which contained excesstve amounts of a known carcinogen (NDMA)—caused plamtiffs to develop 2 SUBMITTED 19895846 AndyHo 1011472022 1111 AM 004 SUBMITTED 20821653 Elizabeth Vila 12/28/2022 12 48 PM128992 128997 cancer, leading to substantial pain and suffering, serrous long-term health consequences, and, in some cases, death 4 Zantac 1s the branded name for ranittdine, a drug defendants marketed as a safe and effective antacid Ranitidine-Containing Products were sold to consumers for nearly four decades until the Food and Drug Administration recalled it from the market m 2020, after an mdependent laboratory discovered that ranitidine transforms inside the body and outside the body into NDMA ! s NDMA 1 a well-known potent carcmogen It was first discovered as a byproduct of manufacturing rocket fuel Today, its only use 1s to induce cancerous tumors in antmals as part of laboratory expenments Unsurpnsingly, there 1s no recommended daily dose of NDMA, the ideal level of exposure 1s zero Yet, during the entire time Ranitidtne-Containing Products were on the market, consumers, like plaintiffs, regularly and unknowmgly, ingested stgmficant amounts of NDMA 6 Plaintiffs’ claims against defendants include strict habihty for design defect, stnct hability for failure ta warn, negligence, and negligent misrepresentation, and loss of consortium 7 There are 583 plaintiffs in all of the Illinoys cases subject to this motion Of those, 388 are plaintiffs in nine actions filed sice August 16, 2022, in three different IJlinois counties The following 1s a chart identifying all of the Illinois cases subject to this motion Name and Case No County Date Filed ye a 1605 Culverson v Boehringer Ingelheim Madison 1 | Pharmaceuticals Inc etal 2021-L- (Smith, ) 8/02/2021 1 000915 2 To be sure, Zantac ts now avatlable over-the-counter with a different formulation and 1s called Zantac 360 That xt 1s stil] sold using the Zantac name, 1s a testament to how powerful the brand name Zantac ts with consumers SUBMITED 19895648 AndyHo 1014/2022 4111 AM 005 SUBMITTED 20821653 Elizabeth Villa 12/28/2022 12468 PM128992 128997 Daugherty et al y Boehringer Ingelheun Pharmaceuticals Inc et al 22-LA-0076 St Clair 1/27/2022 Ross v Boehringer Ingethem Pharmaceuticals Inc, et al, 2022L001316 Cook 28/2022 Wade v Teva Pharmaceuncals USA, Inc et al ,2022L004852 Cook 5/31/2022 Wolfv Boehringer Ingelhem Pharmaceuticals Inc , et al ,22-LA~ 00397 Madison 5/31/2022 Donaldson» Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc et al ,2022-LA- 0429 Madtson 3/25/2022 Shearyv Boehringer Ingelhemm Pharmaceuticals, Inc , et al ,2022-LA- 0428 Madison (Smith, J) 3/31/2022 Sutherland v Boehringer Ingetheum Pharmaceuticals Inc etal, 20221004186 Cook 5/9/2020 Bonnay Walgreen Co, et al , 2020 L 004916 Cook 5/5/2020 Mosele v Walgreen Co et al , 2020 L 008581 Cook 8/14/2020 Hawkins et al v Does John 1-100 et al, 2020 L 009784 Cook 9/11/2020 Wolff Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuttcals, Ine et al ,2021 L 012721 Cook 12/21/2021 Burke v Boehringer Ingelherm Pharmaceuticals, Inc, et al ,2021 L 012849 Cook 12/23/2021 Martin y Amneal Pharmaceuticals LEC, ef al , 2022 L 001985 Cook 2/28/2022 Nelson v Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals Inc et al , 2022 L, 002908 Cook 3/28/2022 Gillespie et al v Walgreen Co, et al, 2022-LA-001007 Madison 8/16/2022 48 Jackson et al vy Walgreen Co, et al, 2022-LA-001012 Madison 8/17/2022 SUBMITTED 19698845 Andy Ho 10/84/2022 1111 AM 006 SUBMITTED 20821653 Elzabeth Villa 12/28/2022 12 48 PM128992 128997 18 Dement al v Walgreen Co etal, | coop 8/17/2022 2 19 ee v Walgreen Co , etal, 2022-L- Cook al 1/2022 8 20 Saleluddin a al y Walgreen Co, et al ,, St Clair 8/18/2022 20 a MoGruder ¢ a a vy WalgreenCo etal, St Clar Si18/2022 55 2 jalard v Walgreen Co, et al, 2022 LA Saat ) 9/22/2022 n 2B Beaman 7 Walgreen Co, et al , 2022 oa ) 9/22/2022 n aw ams aes ae eenCo, etal, | stadson | g/2210022 n 5 alten Walgreen Co, etal, 2022LA | visson | 9/26/2022 58 2g | Bilfy Walgreen Co, etal,202LA | vtedison | 9/26/2022 57 8 As can be seen from this list of cases, Culverson v Boehringer Ingelhem Pharmaceuticals Inc, et al ,2021L000915 has been pending in Madison County.since August 2021 before the Honorable Sarah Smuth Given Judge Smuith’s extensive experience with Zantac- related cases, and her experience in the US Armed Forces, Judge Smith would be an excellent choice to oversee any such consolidated proceeding As the judge assigned to the Culverson case, there can be no doubt that Judge Smith 1s the most expenenced judge mn Il:nois with respect to the claims at issue in these cases In the Bayer case, Judge Smith has presided over weekly case management conferences with the parties and ruled upon multiple motions to dismiss, numerous summary judgment and Frye motions In fact, in February 2023, Judge Smith will preside over a tral for Plaintiff Culverson Beyond Judge Smith’s expenence overseeing Culverson, she 1s well-suited to manage the consolidated pretrial proceedings in all 26 cases as a 5 SUBMITTED 19895846 Andy Ho 10/14/2022 1114 AM 007 SUBMITTED 20821653 Ebzabeth Villa 12/28/2022 1243 PM128992 128997 result of her vast trial experience and decades-long military service She has particrpated mn numerous trials as a civilian, and she was certified as IIlino1s’ first mulitary judge following completion of the intensive JAG Military Judge Course Her legal and leadershtp expertise will ensure effective and efficient pretrial proceedings for the consolidated cases Discusston, 9 The above-listed cases, currently pending in different counties, should be transferred for consolidated pretrial proceedings under Rule 384 to eliminate duplicat:ve discovery and pretrial Ihngation, prevent inconsistent pretrial rulings, promote judicial economy, and conserve judicial resources Further, coordination will serve the convemence of the parties and witnesses by allowing the parties to better coordinate document discovery and depositions of key witnesses As such, plaintiff requests that the Court designate the Cufverson action as the lead action for these cases and assign Judge Smuth to oversee the coordinated proceeding 10 Rule 384(a) provides that “[w}hen crvil actions mvolving one or more common questions of fact or law are pending in different judicial circuits” and this Court “determines that consolidation would serve the convemence of the parties and witnesses and would promote the Just and efficient conduct of such actions,” the Court may “transfer all such actions to one Judicral ciremt for consolidated pretrial, tal, or post-trial proceedings ” u The multiple cases, currently pending 1n three different [lmois counties, presents a quintessential situation m which Rule 384 reef 1s warranted There 1s significant overlap in the case participants All plaintiffs are individuals who developed cancer after ingesting Ranitidine- Containmg Products, and the defendants are entities that manufactured or sold Ranitidine- Containing Products to the plaintiffs The defendants m each action are nearly identrcal 12 Most importantly, these cases all present a substantial number of identical (let alone common) questions of law and fact concerning the nsks of defendants’ Ranitidine- 6 SUBMITTED 18895846 AndyHo 10/14/2022 1111 AM 008 SUBMITTED 20821653 Ebkzabeth Villa 12/28/2022 12 48 PM128992 128997 Contammg Products, the defendants’ warnings concerning those products, and the manner in which defendants marketed and promoted their products Each plamntiff seeks the same relief damages to compensate them for the myuries caused by the defendants’ conduct 13 These cases are appropmiate for transfer and consolidation because the common questions of law and fact relating to defendants’ conduct would otherwise require duplicative discovery in each case Pretrial coordination will relieve the parties of burdensome duplicative wmitten and deposition discovery of defendants What’s more, ensuring that all discovery proceeds according to the same ESI protocol and under the same protective order—both of which have already been negotzated and entered in the prior cases before Judge Smith—will prevent the need to re-produce or re-classify documents in mdividual cases pending before different judges 14 Pretrial coordination will also ard in managing the significant wntten discovery plaintiffs expect will be directed to them A smele template Plamtff Profile Form and Plamtif Fact Sheet will ensure that Plaintiffs can efficiently assemble the medical and other records likely to be at issue 15 Consolidation of these cases for pretrial purposes would also promote the ‘Just and efficient administration of clamms and issues rarsed and avoid potentially mconsistent rulings and rehef that will affect the course of this litigation from the beginning Indeed, Judge Smith has already ruled on important questions of law mn Culverson concerning, among other things, preemption and admusstbility of expert testimony under Frye The nsk of inconsistent rulings in other cases involving the same questions would lead to incongruous results among plamtiffs and foster distrust of the legal system SUBMITTED {9895246 Andy Ho 10M4/2022 11 11 AM 009 SUBMITTED 20821653 Elzabeth Villa 12/26/2022 12 48 PM128992 128997 16 Courts have conststently found pretrial coordination to be appropriate in cases involving pharmaceuticals The Supreme Court Rules Committee has noted that Rule 384 1s based on 28 USC § 1407, the analogous federal statute governmg multidistrict litigation See Ml Sup Ct R 384 at Committee Comments The Federal Judictal Panel on Multidistrict Litigation (“JPML”) has recognized that multi-forum cases involvmg common questions regarding the “development, testing manufacturmg and marketing” of pharmaceutical products are appropriate candidates for pretnal consolidation Jn re Accutane Prods Liab Ling 343 F Supp 2d 1382, 1383 (7 P ML 2004) (emphasis added), see also eg, Inre Trasylol Prods Liab Litig 545 F Supp 2d 1357 (J P ML 2008) (consolidating actions regarding the safety profile of a drug and the adequacy of the drug manufacturer’s warnings), Jn re Vytorin/Zetia Mktg, Sales Practices & Prods liab Ling , 543 F Supp 2d 1378 (J P ML 2008) (consohdating actions mvolving common questions about the use and marketing of two pharmaceutical drugs), In re Paxil Prods Liab Lig ,296F Supp 2¢ 1374 (JP ML 2003) (consolidating actions in which plamntiffs alleged that defendants knew of the side- effects of a drug and concealed, misrepresented, or failed to warn of them) 7 Indeed, pursuant to 28 USC § 1407, the Judicial Panel on Muttidistrict Litigation has already created a Federal multidistnct proceeding in the Umted States District Court for the Southern District of Florida captioned Jn re Zantac (Ranitidme) Products Labiltty Litgatton, MDL No 2924 This MDL involves vanous individual and class claims relating to NDMA mn defendants’ Zantac and ranitidine products 18 In prior Rule 384 proceedings, the Court has sometimes needed to clarrfy that us orders were intended to have a single judge preside over all affected cases, so that a party could not defeat the purpose of consoldation by filing a substitution-ofyudge motion See Bemus v SUBMITTED 19695848 AndyHo 10/14/202211 11 AM 010 SUBMITTED 20821653 Elzabeth Vila 12/28/2022 12 48 PM128992 128997 State Farm Fire & Casualty Co, 919 NE 24349, No 108283 (11) Jan 14, 2010) To avoid any need for such clarfication here, Plamtiffs request that the Court designate Culverson as the “lead case” for all cases consolidated for pretnal purposes and assign Judge Smuth to oversee all consolidated cases 19 Judge Smuth 1s the best choice to preside over pretrial proceedings in the consolidated cases In selecting a prestding judge, the federal JPML has recognized the benefits of “entrust[ing] * * * litigation to a jurist who has both a unique understanding of its history and considerable expertise in the applicable law ” Jn re Epogen & Aranesp Off-Label Mktg & Sales Practices Ling 545 F Supp 2d 1365, 1367 P ML 2008) Judge Smith has unique expertence as the presiding judge m what will be the first ranitidine case to go to tal in Uhnots, and she oversaw the pretrial proceedings relating to Culverson’s co-plaintuff Joseph Bayer, which was scheduled to go to trial August 22, 2022, before the case was voluntarily dismissed on August 19, 2022 As a result of her role as prestding judge in Cufverson, she has gained particular knowledge and expertise of the underlying controversy, parties, and legal issues Indeed, no Judge in Illimots has more experience than Judge Smuth i these cases Further, Judge Smith 1s a well-respected jurist with substantial experrence i complex htigation and leadership Her pnor experience both as a judge and in the US Army will promote efficiency and judicial economy in the pretrial management of the consolidated cases 20 In the alternative, if the Court were to determine that the Circuit of Madison County ts not an appropriate forum in which to consolidate these cases, Plamtff respectfully submuts that the Circuit Court of St Clair County ts also an appropriate forum Plaintiffs in Daugherty et al v Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuncals, Inc , et al ,22-LA-0076 pending in St Clair Couaty are scheduled to go to trial :n November 2023 Plaintiffs in those cases, and all SUBMITTED 19895846 AndyHo 10/14/2022 1111 AM 011 SUBMITTED 20821653 Elizabeth Villa 12/28/2022 12 48 PM128992 128997 cases subject to this motion, have cancer resulting from their ingestion of defendants’ products All have an interest in moving these cases forward as expeditiously as possible That trial 1s scheduled in Daugherty in St Clair County demonstrates that, like. Madison County, 1t 1s an appropriate venue to push these cases forward expeditiously Conclusion 21 For the foregoing reasons, the Court should enter an order (1) transfernng for consolidated pretrial proceedings (and only for pretrial proceedings) the above-captioned action and all other pending actions alleging that Zantac and rarutidine-contammg products sold by defendants caused the plamtiffs to develop cancer, (2) designating the pending case Culverson v Boehringer Ingelheun Pharmaceuncals Inc et al ,2021L000915 in Madison County as the lead case for such consolidated pretrial proceedings, and (3) ordermg that all future cases be transferred to the Circuit Court of Madison County In the alternative, 1f the Court determines that the Curcurt Court of Madison County 1s not an appropiate venue for consolidation of these cases, Plaintiff respectfully subrts that the Cireut Court of St Claw County ts an appropriate alternative SUBMITTED t9ae5e46 Andy Ho 10/14/2022 11 11 AM 012 SUBMITTED 20821653 Elzabeth Vila 12/28/2022 12 48 PM128992 Dated October 14, 2022 HOLLAND LAW FIRM, LLC ERIC D HOLLAND (#6207110) R_ SETH CROMPTON (#6288095) GREG JONES (#6325696) 211 North Broadway, Suite 2625 St Louts, MO 63102 (314) 241-8111 Telephone (314) 241-5554 Facsimile eholland@hollandtnallawyers com scrompton@hollandtrallawyers com gjones@hollandtnallawyers com HOLLAND LAW FIRM, LLC ANNE CALLIS (#6203933) ERIKA STASSI (#6327641) 1324 Niedringhaus Avenue Granite City, [lois 62040 (618) 452-1323 Telephone (618) 452-8024 Facsimile acallis@hollandtnallawyers com estassi@hollandtriallawyers com 128997 Respectfully submitted, KELLER POSTMAN LLC Al Ashley C Keller ASHLEY KELLER (#6300171) JASON A ZWEIG (#6320010) 150 N Riverside Plaza, Suite 4100 Chicago, Dinots 60606 (312) 741-5220 Telephone ack@kellerpostman com Jaz@kellerpostman com Attorneys for Plaintiff SUBMITTED 19895846 AncyHo 10/14/2022 4411 AM 013 SUBMITTED 20821653 Enhzabeth Villa 12/28/2022 12 48 PM128992 128997 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE Thereby certrfy that on October 14, 2022, a copy of the foregoing documents, having been electronically submitted to the Clerk of the Supreme Court, was also matled to the followmg persons at the addresses shown via first class mail Ins Y Martinez Cook County Circurt Clerk 50 W Washington, Suite 1001 Chicago, IL 60602-1305 Thomas K McRae Madison County Circuit Clerk 155.N Man Street, Suite 120 Edwardsville, IL 62025 Marte Zaiz St Clair County Crremt Clerk #10 Public Square Belleville, IL 62220 SUBMITTED 19895845 AndyHo 10/14/2022 1111AM 014 SUBMITTED - 20821653 Elzabeth Villa 12/28/2022 1248 PM128992 Additionally, the foregomg documents were also sent to the followmg via email to the addresses indicated below 128997 Defendant Counsel IVAX Pharmaceuticals, LLC, Teva Pharmaceuticals USA, Inc, Watson Laboratones, Inc , and Actavis Mid Atlantic LLC Jonathan T Barton, #6257357 Ashley E Benoist, #6322413 STANTON | BARTON LLC 8000 Maryland Avenue, Surte 450 St Lous, MO.63105 314-455-6500 314-455-6524 (Fax) Jbarton@stantonbarton com abenoist@stantonbarton com Gregory E Ostfeld # 6257163 GREENBERG TRAURIG, LLP 77 West Wacker Drive Suite 3100 Chicago, IL 60601 312-476-5056 312-899 0420 (Fax) ostfeldg@gtlaw com Lon G Cohen (pro hac vice) Sara K Thompson (pro hac vice) GREENBERG TRAURIG, LLP 3333 Piedmont Rd NE, Suite 2500 Atlanta, GA 30305 678-553-2100 CohenL@etlaw com ThompsonS@gtlaw com Ajanta Pharma Ltd, Ajanta Pharma USA Inc Neal Seth WILEY REIN LLP 2050 M Street, NW Washington, DC 20036 202-719-7000 nseth@wiley law SUBMITTED 19895846 AndyHo 40/14/2022 11 11 AM SUBMITTED 20621653 Elizabeth Villa 12/28/2022 1248 PM 13 015128992 128997 Albertson’s Compames, Inc , Duane Reade Inc , Giant Eagle, Inc , Rite Aid Corporation, Safeway, Inc , Yon Compames Inc Sarah E Johnston BARNES & THORNBURG LLP 2029 Century Park East, Suite 300 Los Angeles, Califorma 90067 Telephone = (310) 284-3880 Facsimile (310) 284-3894 sarah johnston@btlaw com EnnM Pauley Sarah Jin Amy R Michelau BARNES & THORNBURG, LLP One North Wacker Dr, Ste 4400 Chicago, IL 60606 (312)214-4598 epauley@btlaw com gun@btlaw com amichelau@btlaw com William J Burton Barnes & Thomburg LLP 1000 N West Street, Suite 1500 Wilmington, DE 19801 302-300-345] Wilham burton@btlaw com Amneal Pharmaceuticals LLC Jonathon Drews ULMER & BERNE LLP 500 W Madison Street, Suite 3600 Chicago, Ulinois 60661 Tel 312-658-6500 Fax 312-658 6501 Jdrews@ulmer com ANI Pharmaceuticals Inc Elyse D Echtman STEPTOE & JOHNSON LLP 1114 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10036 212-378-7551 eechtman@steptoe com Apotex Corp Ann Querns BLANK ROME LLP 130N 18th Street One Logan Square Philadelphia, PA 19103 215/569-5674 aquerns@blankrome com SUBMITTED 19895845 AndyHo 10/14/202211 11AM 14 016 SUBMITTED 20821653 Elzabeth Vila 12/28/2022 12 48 PM128992 128997 Appco Pharma LLC Jordan Scott Cohen WICKER SMITH O'HARA MCCOY & FORD 515 ELas Olas Blvd Surte 1400 Suntrust Center Fort Lauderdale,FL 33301 945-847-4834, 954-760-9353 (fax) Jcohen@wickersmith com, Aurobindo Pharma USA, Inc , and Aurohealth LLC Willam D Shultz, Jr Candice Kusmer MANNING GROSS & MASSENBURG,LLP 1405 N Green Mount Road, Sinte 400 O'Fallon, IL 62269 Telephone (618).277-5500 Facsimile (618) 277-6334 wshultz@mgmlaw com ckusmer@mgmlaw com Dr Reddy’s Laboratories, Inc and Dr Reddy's Laboratories Louisiana, LLC Witham D Shultz, Jr #06207607 Candice C Kusmer #06284948 MANNING GROSS + MASSENBURG LLP 1405 Green Mount Road, Suite 400 O'Fallon, IL 62269 Telephone (618) 277-5500 Facsumule (618) 277-6334 wshultz@mgmlaw com ckusmer@mgmlaw com John R Ipsaro (pro hac vice) Megan B Gramke (pro hac vice) ULMER & BERNE LLP 312 Walnut Street, Suite 1400 Cincinnati, OH 45202 Telephone (513) 698-5000 Facsumile (513) 698-5001 Jipsaro@ulmer com megramke@ulmer com Glenmark Pharmaceuticals Ltd Alex Cameron Walker MODRALL