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  • CACH LLC vs BRUGES, YEZIO SMALL CLAIMS BETWEEN $500.01-$2,500 document preview
  • CACH LLC vs BRUGES, YEZIO SMALL CLAIMS BETWEEN $500.01-$2,500 document preview
  • CACH LLC vs BRUGES, YEZIO SMALL CLAIMS BETWEEN $500.01-$2,500 document preview
  • CACH LLC vs BRUGES, YEZIO SMALL CLAIMS BETWEEN $500.01-$2,500 document preview
  • CACH LLC vs BRUGES, YEZIO SMALL CLAIMS BETWEEN $500.01-$2,500 document preview
  • CACH LLC vs BRUGES, YEZIO SMALL CLAIMS BETWEEN $500.01-$2,500 document preview
  • CACH LLC vs BRUGES, YEZIO SMALL CLAIMS BETWEEN $500.01-$2,500 document preview
  • CACH LLC vs BRUGES, YEZIO SMALL CLAIMS BETWEEN $500.01-$2,500 document preview


IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE TWELFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR SARASOTA COUNTY, FLORIDA SMALL CLAIMS DIVISION cCASENO: ZO 677 SC OG ONC CACH, LLC., Plaintiff, VS. oe ms p= ton Sez =~ x ~ a, d YEZIO BRUGES, Boy -7 ce Defendant. see Ee Or > om TS / * Sa-, 6 3 CoS! . Saisf ae ou STATEMENT OF CLAIM Rol mm 8S ewe’ YP 5 -~ D © COMES NOW the Plaintiff, CACH, LLC., by and through its undersigned Gy attorney, and sues the Defendant, YEZIO BRUGES, herein and alleges the following: 1. This is an action for damages that does not exceed $5,000.00 exclusive of interest, court costs, and attorney’s fees. 2. The Plaintiff is a Limited Liability Company with its principal place of business located at 370 17% Street, Suite 5000, Denver, CO 80202. 3. The Defendant is a resident of SARASOTA, SARASOTA COUNTY, FLORIDA. 4. The Defendant entered into an agreement with BANK OF AMERICA to obtain a credit card account numbe ia 5. Commencing on or about 03/28/2003, the Defendant accepted the credit card services rendered by BANK OF AMERICA, and thereafter received the use, enjoyment and benefit of the services. 6. The Defendant breached the agreement by defaulting on the monthly payments due on the BANK OF AMERICA account and the account was closed for failure to pay on or about 02/13/2005. The Defendant expressly agreed that if the account went into default the remaining unpaid balance would be immediately paid. 7. The Plaintiff purchased the account from the original creditor, BANK OF AMERICA, for good and valuable consideration. A copy of the Affidavit of Indebtedness and Certificate of Assignment is attached hereto and incorporated by reference. 8. The Defendant's account has a remaining balance of $1,708.16 exclusive of interest, court costs, and attorney’s fees. pm ep mmiseeA ie (quercien9, The Defendant expressly agreed to pay all of the Plaintiff's cost of collection, including reasonable attorney’s fees incurred by the Plaintiff. The Plaintiff alleges that a reasonable attorney's fees in this matter would be a minimum of $600.00 and will seek an award of such amount in the event that a default judgment is entered against the Defendant. In the event that this matter is contested, the Plaintiff intends to seek additional attorney’s fees based upon the hours spent, services rendered and other reasonable factors. 10. The Plaintiff has complied with all conditions precedent to the filing of this complaint. 11. This is an attempt to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. WHEREFORE, the Plaintiff demands judgment against the Defendant, YEZIO BRUGES, _ in the sum of $1,708.16, exclusive of court costs, prejudgment interest and reasonable attorney's fees. Dated this th day of Gly , 2007. Respectfully Submitted, MELISSA A. IS, P.A. MELISSA A. FERRIS, ESQUIRE FLORIDA BAR NO. 0370703 Rosemont Bldg. 5104 No. Orange Blossom Trail Suite 217 Orlando, FL. 32810 Toll Free No.: (866) 377-2500 Facsimile No.: (407) 291-4744 Attorney for Plaintiff.IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE TWELFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR SARASOTA COUNTY, FLORIDA SMALL CLAIMS CASE NO.:: CACH, LLC., Plaintiff, VS. YEZIO BRUGES, Defendant. / AFFIDAVIT OF INDEBTEDNESS AND CERTIFICATE OF ASSIGNMENT STATE OF COLORADO peEORE ME, the undersigned authority, this day personally appeared, a YOUN Ain , as Affiant who after being duly sworn, according to law, deposes and says: 1. Iam the Authorized Agent for the Plaintiff and I am familiar with the books and accounts for the Plaintiff. I have personal knowledge based on the information as provided to us by the original creditor and according to the books and records of CACH, LLC. 2. The Defendant, YEZIO BRUGES, currently owes the principal amount of $1,708.16, plus interest thereon at a rate of 23.24% per annum for monies due upon a BANK OF AMERICA credit card 3. The BANK OF AMERICA credit card account was charged off on 02/13/2005, and was sold to CACH, LLC for good and valuable consideration. 4. The account was sold with a past due balance of $1,708.16 plus interest which is owed to the Plaintiff, CACH, LLC. FURTHER AFFIANT SAYETH NAUGHT. The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this TL AL 2007, by’ YaV Wa ™ Me <, who is an Authorized Agent and who is personally k e and who ce EXT did take’ ari oath. (SEAL) (== SARAH L. CAMPBELL NOTARY PUBLIC Notary Public ' State'‘ofiCotorddo My Commission Expres January 23, 2010~ Bankof America ZS EXHIBIT A iv L OF SAL Bank of America, N.A. (USA) (“Seller”), for value received and pursuant to the terms and conditions of a Forward Flow Agreement (“Agreement”) between Seller and CACH, LLC (“Buyer”), dated March 29, 2006 does hereby sell, assign and convey to Buyer, its successors and assigns, all right, title and interest of Seller in and to those certain Accounts as defined in the Agreement and as set forth on Exhibit B, without recourse and without representation of or warranty of collectibility, or otherwise, except to the extent provided for within the Agreement. EXECUTED this 22nd day of August, 2006. Bank of America, N.A. (USA) — By: cote o Chex JA Sead i Printed Name and Title ACKNOWLEDGMENT $5 STATE OF loth Carolina, . COUNTY OF bors ath , This. instrument was acknowledged before me on ug ust 2d ‘200 fo by _Oorole Olean as of Bank of America, N.A. (USA) Signature of Notarial Officer Title and Rank Pax: 336.805.1752 » Fax: 336.805.1763 Bank of America P.O. Box 21846, Greenshora, N.C 2742-1848 Reeyried Pager' b ' “in er WLWLS ONY WH3033 HLA AHO OL Boawy jo xuEG 666) © - 66-7 tyL6-Sog ' ‘PIUDWISeWy 20 e6),. souin'ep juncere OM JOANI SIHL HLM NOL ONIOIAOUd auY aM 100g Pajaho0y &) IHOP"'SIN PeyBAvo ey junosay mod OF 1800 iI 94 “SUN BODY ‘ pies . " . . JNOA Ut UMOUS gg abe\uedied © 9010119 O88 Aaus oA "00; vorsenuca Aayes1iNd Cvtsel my "BO2)A208 Jo Ayodoid BU 40) IUOWPBEaADE ey) Nod vse doa Kony YIU “1 AQ 1UNOWeE IOP 9ul @seeiy pus SIE Lore eAL0D Steed . 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