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  • CACH LLC vs BRUGES, YEZIO SMALL CLAIMS BETWEEN $500.01-$2,500 document preview
  • CACH LLC vs BRUGES, YEZIO SMALL CLAIMS BETWEEN $500.01-$2,500 document preview


IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE TWELFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR SARASOTA COUNTY, FLORIDA CACH, LLC., CASE NO.: 2007 SC 004660 NC Plaintiff, VS. YEZIO BRUGES, Defendant. / NOTICE OF FILING COMES NOW the Plaintiff, CACH, LLC., by and through its undersigned attorney and files in the above styled cause the following: cape ma 1. Affidavit of Default on Stipulation; Reiko 7 Sl Ro 2. Motion for Final Judgment; and Se TES core -d 3. Proposed Final Judgment. Sys Ee GS I HEREBY CERTIFY that a true and correct copy of the foregoing has been furnfshed U.S. Mail to: YEZIO BRUGES, 3119 54TH DR E UNIT 103, BRADENTON, FL 34203-8443 on this 31“ day of January, 2008. MELISSA A. FERRIS, P.A. Melissa A. Ferris, Esquire Florida Bar No.: 0370703 P.O. Box 547816 Orlando, FL 32854 (866) 377-2500 (toll-free) Attorney for Plaintiff (eal