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  • Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas As Indenture Trustee For The Registered Holders Of Saxon Asset Securities Trust 2004-3 Mortgage Loan Asset Backed Notes, SERIES 2004-3 v. Austin Carter A/K/A AUSTIN C. CARTER, Denise C. Carter A/K/A DENISE TREUTHART, Beneficial Homeowner Service Corporation, John Doe #1 Through John Doe #12, the last twelve names being fictitious and unknown to plaintiff, the persons or parties intended being the tenants, occupants, persons or corporations, if any, having or claiming an interest in or lien upon the Subject Property, described in the complaintReal Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Residential document preview
  • Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas As Indenture Trustee For The Registered Holders Of Saxon Asset Securities Trust 2004-3 Mortgage Loan Asset Backed Notes, SERIES 2004-3 v. Austin Carter A/K/A AUSTIN C. CARTER, Denise C. Carter A/K/A DENISE TREUTHART, Beneficial Homeowner Service Corporation, John Doe #1 Through John Doe #12, the last twelve names being fictitious and unknown to plaintiff, the persons or parties intended being the tenants, occupants, persons or corporations, if any, having or claiming an interest in or lien upon the Subject Property, described in the complaintReal Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Residential document preview
  • Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas As Indenture Trustee For The Registered Holders Of Saxon Asset Securities Trust 2004-3 Mortgage Loan Asset Backed Notes, SERIES 2004-3 v. Austin Carter A/K/A AUSTIN C. CARTER, Denise C. Carter A/K/A DENISE TREUTHART, Beneficial Homeowner Service Corporation, John Doe #1 Through John Doe #12, the last twelve names being fictitious and unknown to plaintiff, the persons or parties intended being the tenants, occupants, persons or corporations, if any, having or claiming an interest in or lien upon the Subject Property, described in the complaintReal Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Residential document preview
  • Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas As Indenture Trustee For The Registered Holders Of Saxon Asset Securities Trust 2004-3 Mortgage Loan Asset Backed Notes, SERIES 2004-3 v. Austin Carter A/K/A AUSTIN C. CARTER, Denise C. Carter A/K/A DENISE TREUTHART, Beneficial Homeowner Service Corporation, John Doe #1 Through John Doe #12, the last twelve names being fictitious and unknown to plaintiff, the persons or parties intended being the tenants, occupants, persons or corporations, if any, having or claiming an interest in or lien upon the Subject Property, described in the complaintReal Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Residential document preview


FILED: LIVINGSTON COUNTY CLERK 09/21/2021 11:21 AM INDEX NO. 000736-2021 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 11 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 09/21/2021 Andrea K. Bailey, Acting County Clerk Livingston County Government Center 6 Court Street, Room 201 Geneseo, New York 14454 (585) 243-7010 ~ Fax (585) 243-7928 Livingston County Clerk Recording Page Received From: Return To: SARA Z. BORISKIN SARA Z. BORISKIN Document Type: CIVIL ACTION - MISC Document Desc: AFFIRMATION/AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE Plaintiff Defendant DEUTSCHE BANK TRUST COMPANY CARTER AUSTIN AMERICAS AS INDENTURE TRUSTEE FOR A/K/A AUSTIN C. CARTER THE REGISTERED HOLDERS OF SAXON CARTER DENISE C. ASSET SECURITIES TRUST 2004-3 A/K/A DENISE TREUTHART MORTGAGE LOAN ASSET BACKED NOTES, JOHN DOE #1 through JOHN DOE #12, SERIES 2004-3 the last twelve names being fictitious and unknown to plaintiff, the persons or parties intended being the tenants, occupants, persons or corporations, if any, having or claiming an interest in or lien upon the Subject Property, described in the complaint BENEFICIAL HOMEOWNER SERVICE CORPORATION Recorded Information: State of New York Index #: 000736-2021 County of Livingston EFiling through NYSCEF Acting Livingston County Clerk This sheet constitutes the Clerk’s endorsement required by section 319 of the Real Property Law of the State of New York AKB Do Not1 ofDetach 2 IndexNO. INDEX # : 000736-2021 000736-2021 FILED: LIVINGSTON COUNTY CLERK 09/21/2021 11:21 AM NYSCEF DOC. NO. 11 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 09/21/2021 2 of 2