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  • Pietro Scicchitano v. Monirul Islam Torts - Motor Vehicle document preview
  • Pietro Scicchitano v. Monirul Islam Torts - Motor Vehicle document preview
  • Pietro Scicchitano v. Monirul Islam Torts - Motor Vehicle document preview
  • Pietro Scicchitano v. Monirul Islam Torts - Motor Vehicle document preview


FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 12/21/2022 12:55 PM INDEX NO. 521543/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 57 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 12/21/2022 "D" EXHIBIT 9 FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 12/21/2022 12:55 PM INDEX NO. 521543/2018 NYSCEF YSCEF DOC. DOC. NO. NO .5723 RECEIVED RECEIVED NYSCEF: NYSCEF 12/21/2022 : 0 7 / 2 1/ 202 Ata Note of IssueFinal Conference Part ofthe Supreme Court of the State of New York, held in and for the County of Kings, at the Courthoùse located at360 Adams Street,Brooklyn, New York on the 15th day of .li . , 20 21 . gly PRESENT: .Justice/JNEF" Lawrence Knipe| CAL NO. . . X Pietro Scicchitano, Plaintifts), -against- FINAL PRE-NOTE ORDER INDEX No. 521543/2018 Monirul isiam, Defendant(s) X Plaintiffrnust Note file of Issueon or before . Failure totimely file the Note ofIssue will resultin thismatter being placed upon a disposition calendar afterthe Note of Issue due date and also resultin thisaction being dismissed based on want of prosecution, pumuant to CPLR §3216. may Deposition of plaintiff(s): beld to be held O/O/B: 8/31/21 Deposition of defendant(s): held to be held O/O/B: 10f6(21 Independent Medical Examinations held or tobe noticed by 9/15/21 Exams to be completed by in/15/21 and Reports to be exchanged by f i/1R/21 EBT demands and responses pursuant to CPLR; Parties reserve their riaht to serve Post (1) 8/16/21' All demands to be responded to by (?) nutstanding AZs for trialpurposes w/in 60 days of NOl. ifany surgery . Pitf in =tarva fresh HIPAA compliant (t) 47 fa lar'luria intra urethal photon All A7s to expire end of litigation. . perf0rmerf, . The terms of this order supersede the provisions of allprior orders. Pursuant to CPLR §3126, failure to strictly comply with this final order, will result in preclusion, the striking of a pleading and/or sanctions as may be appropriate. PC: 9/24/20 CC: 2/11/21 FCP: Other: R APPEARANCES ONLY Attorney Finn |V|lrptZnik & Assoc. by( forPlainti)s) cicchitano Attomey Firm b forDefendanf(s) Firm Baker McEvoy bÎ C'l I t . Attomey Defendant(s) . Baker 666324-02 1 of 1