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  • Buonincontro, Leonard Vs Buonincontro, Julie Non-Homestead Foreclosure $50,001 - $249,999 document preview


Electronically Filed 12/12/2013 04:42:15 PM ET IN THE: CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 20TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. CASE No. 0905799CA BAC HOME LOANS SERVICING, LP F/K/A ‘COUNTRY WIDE HOME LOANS SERVICING, LP, Plaintiff vs. BUONINCONTRO, JULIE, et al., Defendants, / MOTION FOR DEFAULT Plaintiff moves for entry of a Default by. the Clerk against Defendants, LEONARD BUONINCONTRO AIK/A LENNY BUONINCONTRO A/K/A LEN D, BUONINCONTRO; JULIE BUONINCONTRO; JOHN A. BUONINCONTRO; UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF JOHN A. BUONINCONTRO; MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC.; BANK OF AMERICA, N.A. and SAN MARCO RESIDNECES OF MARCO, INC., anid‘as grounds therefore states the following: 1 Service of Process has been effected on said Defendant(s). 2. Tlic time to file a response has expired. Dated this | 7 2__ day of pi 0 , 2013. GREENSPOON MARDER, P.A. TRADE CENTRE SOUTH, SUITE 700 100 WEST CYPRESS CREEK ROAD FORT LAUDERDALE, FL 33309 Telephorie: (954) 343 6273 Hearing Line: (888) 491-1120 Facsimile: (954) 343 6982 Email 1: : rissa Chin-Duncan, Esq. Florida Bar No. 98472 NOTE TO CLERK: In the event that «ny of the aforenamed Defendant(s) have timely filed any paper in the above-styled cause, or should their return of service not be filed, then please strike the name of such Defendant from the above motion. DEFAULT A Default is hereby entered in this action against the Defendant(s) named in the foregoing Motion for failure to serve or file any papers as required by law. WITNESS my handand seal of said Court this day of. 2013. Clerk of the Court By: As Deputy Clerk (26217.0274/mn) Filed with Collier County Clerk of Courts