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  • Jazmine Ashley Whitehurst v. 860 River LlcTorts - Other (Premises) document preview
  • Jazmine Ashley Whitehurst v. 860 River LlcTorts - Other (Premises) document preview


FILED: BRONX COUNTY CLERK 07/26/2022 02:57 PM INDEX NO. 817526/2021E NYSCEF DOC. NO. 15 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 07/26/2022 SUPREME COURTOFÝHB STATB OF NSW YORK COUNTY OF BRONX .................................................................----..X INDBX NOf 8f/526/2021E JAZMINB ASHLBY WHITBHURST P.laintfit .STIPULATIO.N TO CHANGE . ÝENUE AND REQUEST TO - against- SO OR ERED 860 RIVER LLC, Defendant(s) . . ... . . .x IT IS HEREBY STIPULATED AND AOREED by and between tlieunderstaned attomeys,thatthe above- entitled actioncommenced in Supreme Court,County of the.Bronxbe changedand otherwisetransferredforall purposes, including from trial, Supreito Court, of the Bronxto the SupremeCourt,County ofNew york, pursuantto CELR County §§ 503(b),(d) IT IS HEREBY FURTHBR STIPULATED, thatallfaxed signatumeare deemed to for be original.s(gjiatures purposs of this filing stipufation. ORDERBD; theclerk ofthe Suptemo Court inBronx County is dircoted to transfbr the entire file/proceeding bearingthe IndexNumber 817526/20218to room the record clerkof the SupremeCourtinNew York County, forthwith. DatedrNew York, New York July 19, 5022 Edward Kim, Esq. Den s J. Mo co,Esq. WILNAM BCHWIT ZBR & ASSOCIATBS, PC hiOgOD SPIT Z¡ & DeSA T 8,P.C. Anorneysfor PlatutW 4ttorneysfor Dqfendant 8292ndAv.enue,. 10'Floor 1430 Broadway: 21s Floor New York, New York 10017 New tork. New York 10018 (212)683-3800 212-869-3200 FKe No.: SRDS21-162 FileNo.: PSS 729 Dated:Bronx, No.w Yo c 2p22 . s]A, ily SO ORDERBD: .S.C d MOLOD SPIT2;65 I)ESANTIS, EC, ............................ ......... ........... ......... ................... . . .............. . ........ . ....... ..... ... ..... . ................... ....... . .................................... ......., .... .... . . .... .. ........ ......................... . . ...... .......... ............___....__. ......... 1 of 1