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  • Jazmine Ashley Whitehurst v. 860 River LlcTorts - Other (Premises) document preview
  • Jazmine Ashley Whitehurst v. 860 River LlcTorts - Other (Premises) document preview


FILED: BRONX COUNTY CLERK 02/03/2022 03:53 PM INDEX NO. 817526/2021E SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK Attorney: WILLIAM SCHWITZER & NYSCEF DOC. NO. 4 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 02/03/2022 COUNTY OF BRONX ASSOCIATES, P.C. JAZMINE ASHLEY WHITEHURST The papers served bore the index # and date of filing. Plaintiff(s) Index # 817526/2021E - against - Purchased December 24, 2021 860 RIVER LLC File# SRDS21-162 Defendant(s) AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE STATE OF NEW YORK: COUNTY OF NEW YORK ss: STEVEN C.AVERY BEING DULY SWORN DEPOSES AND SAYS DEPONENT IS NOT A PARTY TO THIS ACTION, OVER THE AGE OF EIGHTEEN YEARS AND RESIDES IN THE STATE OF NEW YORK. That on January 18, 2022 at09:00 AM at SECRETARY OF STATE ALBANY, NY deponent served thewithin SUMMONS AND VERIFIED COMPLAINT WITH NOTICE OF ELECTRONIC FILING (MANDATORY) on 860 RIVER LLC therein named, SECRETARY a Domestic LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY by deliveringtwo true copies toNANCY DOUGERTY, LEGAL CLERK OF STATE personally,deponent knew said LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY so served to be the LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY described in saidsummons as saidDefendant and knew saidindividualto be AUTHORIZED to accept thereof. Service upon theN.Y.S. Secretary of Stateunder SECTION 303 OF THE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY LAW and tendering the required fee. Deponent furtherstates that he describes the person actually served as follows: Sex Skin Color Hair Color Age (Approx.) Height (Approx.) Weight (Approx) FEMALE WHITE BROWN 60 5'4 145 1 Sw n to e on: January 24, 2022 JOSEP VINETTA BREWER Notary P St e of NewYork Notary State Public, of New York ST N C. AVERY No.01 617 41 No.01BR4949206 Qualifid In New ork County Qualifiedin BronxCounty Com ssion Expir November 26, 2023 Commission ExpiresApril3, 2023 Invoice #: 777696 ITED PßÖCESS SERVICE, INC., 225 BROADWAY, SUITE 440, NEW YORK, NY 10007 - 619-0728 NYCDCA#1102045 (212) 1 of 1