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  • Roberto Sanchez v. Dingyi WangTorts - Other Negligence (Slip and Fall) document preview
  • Roberto Sanchez v. Dingyi WangTorts - Other Negligence (Slip and Fall) document preview
  • Roberto Sanchez v. Dingyi WangTorts - Other Negligence (Slip and Fall) document preview
  • Roberto Sanchez v. Dingyi WangTorts - Other Negligence (Slip and Fall) document preview


FILED: ORANGE COUNTY CLERK 08/19/2022 03:58 PM INDEX NO. EF005115-2021 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 11 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 08/19/2022 EXHIBIT 5 FILED: ORANGE COUNTY CLERK 08/19/2022 03:58 PM INDEX NO. EF005115-2021 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 11 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 08/19/2022 ONE DOLSON AVENUE MIDDLETOWN, NY.10940 OB 00 BO PHONEt (85 ) 7626 (SOBO) PERSONAL INJURY ATTORNEYS OFFICES IN: MIDDLETOWN, NT. NEWBURGH, NJ. POUGHKEEPSIE, NJ. SPRING VALLEY, NY. MONTICELLO, N.Y. NEW YORK. NY. September 27, 2019 Via Certified Mail 7018 1830 OOOL 4187 1741 Dingyi Wang 21 Grandview Ave Middletown, NY 10940 Re: Roberto Sanchez Date of loss: October 10, 2018 Dear Madam/Sir, This office represents Roberto Sanchez for serious injuries that he sustained while on the premises of 103 Ball Street, Port Jervis, New York on October 10th 2018. It is important that you immediately forward this letter to the liability insurance company for and have them contact this office. It is also important that you keep and maintain any video, photographs, or other evidence that may pertain to this incident as critical to potential civil litigation. Please note that you are hereby required to preserve not only any depictions of the incident and its aftermath, but any video or photographs for a period of eight (8) hours before and two (2) hours after the incident. Please be advised that you are hereby placed on notice that the failure to preserve such evidence will likely result in substantial penalties in civillitigation. Best regards, Gabriella Sicilia Legal Assistant " Email: