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  • Cooper S Cave Federal Credit Union v. Patrick J BurchCommercial - Contract document preview
  • Cooper S Cave Federal Credit Union v. Patrick J BurchCommercial - Contract document preview


FILED: WARREN COUNTY CLERK 06/15/2021 11:12 AM INDEX NO. EF2021-69142 f* thankYouForBorrowing At YourCreditUnion . NYSCEF DOC. NO. 2 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/15/2021 92 DixAve Loan and Security Agreements --r,- GiensFaiis,uY 12so1 and Disclosure Statement LoanNurnber Account Number 11/30/16 1NameandAddress Borrower Borrower ifdifferent 2 Name(andaddress fromBorrower 1) PATRICK J BURCH 4 CHARLOTTE ST , APT A GLENS FALLS, NY 12801 TRUTH IN LENDING DISCLOSURE 'e' meansan estimate INUALPERCENTAGERATE FINANCE CHARGE AmountFinanced TotalofPayments TotalSalePrice rate.Thedolaramount thecredit wilcost ofcreditprovided Theamount you.oronyour toyou Theamount paidafteryouThetotalcostofyourpachase onwillhave oncredit is i costofyourcredit asayearly behair. madeI payments have asscheduled. 6 . 95 % $ 76 . 00 2 , 000. 00 $ 2 , 076. 00 s FilingFees Non-FilingInsurance which yourdownpayment includes of . PrepaymentIf you pay off earlyyouwill nothaveto paya penalty.RequiredDeposit:TheAnnualPercentage Ratedoesnottakeintoaccountyourrequired deposit,if any. PropertyInsurance:You may obtainpropertyinsurance to theCreditUnion.If you gettheinsuritncefromus,youwill pay from anyoneyou wantthat is acceptable LateCharge: If your paymentis not returnedby theduedate,you will bechargeda latepayment feeof thelesserof $50.00or 10%of thepayment due. YourPayment NumberofPayments Amountof Payments WhenPayments AreDue Schedulewill be: 12 $ 1 73. 00 MONTHLY STARTING 1 2 /31/ 16 Security:CollateralsecuringotherloanswiththeCreditUnionmayalsosecurethisloan.Youaregivinga securityinterestin yoursharesanddividends and,if any,your below- depositsandinterestin the CreditUnion;andthepropertydescribed Collateral Property/Model/Make Year I.D.Number Type/Lien Amount Value KeyNumber HOLIDAY LOAN Other(Describe): Pledge_of Shares $ inAccountNumber . $ inAccountNumber SEEYOUR DOCUMENTS CONTRACT FORANYADDITIONAL INFORMATION ABOUTNONPAYMENT, ANDANYREQUIRED DEFAULT, REPAYMENT INFULLBEFORE THE SCHEDULED DATE ITEMIZATION OF THE AMOUNT FINANCED IFANAMOUNTISMARKEDWrrHANASTERISK (*),WEWILLBERETAINING APORTIONOFTHEAMOUNT. Financed ofAmount Itemization of Amount Given toYouDirectly Amount onYour Paid Account Prepaid Finance Charge $ 2 , 000. 00 $ 2 , 000.00 $ $ Paid Amount toOthers $ To $ To °"°"' 8° $ To $ To LOAN AGREEMENT continuedon reverseside CONSUMERS' ANDDEFENSES Cl.AIMS - NOTICE SEEREVERSE IFCHECKED, SIDEFORNOTICE Union,""we,""our," nthisLoanAgreement allreferences ("Agreement"), to"Credit or "us," meantheCreditUnionwhosenameappears onthisdocument andanyone towhon "you" "your" heCreditUnionassignsor transfersthisAgreement AIIreferences to or meaneachpersonwhosigns,orotherwise thisAgreement authenticates, asaborrower 1. Promiseto Pay: Youpromiseto pay$ 2 , 000. 00 to theCreditUnionplusinterestontheunpaidbalance untilwhatyouowehasbeenrepaid.Forfixedrateloans theinterestrateis 6 . 95 % peryear. 2. TheseAgreements aregovemedby the lawsof NFW Yr)py Costs: Youagreeto payall costsof collectingtheamountyouoweunderthis Agreement, 3. Collection courtcostsandreasonable Including attomirffees. - 4. PAYMENTS You promiseto makepaymentsof theamountandat the time Wecanenforcea statutorylienagainstyoursharesanddividends, andif any,interest shownin the Truthin LendingDisclosure.You mayprepayany arnountwithout and deposits,in all individualandjoint accountsyou havewithus to satisfyany penalty.If you prepayany partof whatyou owe,youarestill requiredto makethe financial outstanding obligationthatis dueandpayableto us.Wemayexercise our regularlyscheduledpayments,unlesswe haveagreedto a changein the payment rightto enforcethislienwithoutfurthernoticeto you,to theextentpermittedbylaw. this is asimpleinterestloan,if youdonotmakepaymentsexactly Because schedule. Forall borrowers: Youpledgeas securityfor thisloanallsharesanddividends and, yourfinal paymentmaybe moreor lessthanthe amountof the final as scheduled, if any,all deposits andinterestin alljointandindividualaccounts youhavewiththe paymentthat is disclosed.If you electcreditinsurance, CreditUnionnowandin thefuture.Thestatutorylien and/oryourpledgewill allow we will eitherincludethe premiumin yourpaymentsor extendthetermofyourloan.If thetermis extended, us to applythefundsin youraccount(s)to whatyou owewhenyouareIn default. ofthescheduled youwillberequiredto makeadditionalpayments Thestatutorylienandyourpledgedo notapplyto any Individual amount,untilwhat Retirement Account youowehasbeenpaid.Youpromiseto makeall payments or anyotheraccountthatwouldlosespecialtaxtreatmentunderstateorfederallaw to the placewechoose. anotherloanwehavewithyou,theotherloanwill becanceled If thisloanrefinances if givenassecurity. asofthedateofthisloan.Unlessotherwise andrefinanced requiredbylaw,payments - 7. DEFAULT Youwill bein defaultunderthisAgreement if youdo not makea will beappliedto amountsowedin themannerwechoose. paymentoftheamountrequiredonor beforethedateit is due.Youwillbein default 5. LOANPROCEEDSBY MAIL- If the proceedsof this loanare mailedto you, if you breakanypromiseyou madein connectionwith this loanor if anyoneis in interestonthis loanbeginsonthedatetheloanproceeds aremailedto you- defaultunderanysecurityagreement madein connectionwiththisAgreement. You FORLOAN- 6. SECURITY ThisAgreementis securedby all propertydescribed will bein defaultif youdie,file for bankruptcy, becomeinsolvent(thatis, unableto "Security" sectionof theTruthin LendingDisclosure. in the payyourbillsandloansastheybecomedue),or if youmadeanyfalseor misleading Propertysecuringother loansyou havewith us alsosecuresthis loan,unlessthe propertyis a dwelling.In statements inyourloanapplication. Youwill alsobein defaultif something happens additionto yourpledgeof shares,we mayalsohavewhatis knownasa statutorylien that webelievemayseriouslyaffectyour abilityto repaywhatyouoweunderthis onallindividualandjoint accountsyouhavewithus.A statutorylienmeanswe have orif youarein defaultunderanyotherloanagreement Agreement youhavewithus. thelightunderfederallawandmanystatelawsto claimaninterestin youraccounts. SIGNATURES FOR LOAN AND SECURITY AGREEMENTS VERMONTNOTICETO CD-SIGNER:YOURSIGNATURE ONTHISNOTEMEANSTHATYOUAREEQUALLY LIABLEFORREPAYMENT OFTHISLOAN.IF THE BORROWER DOESNOT PAY,THELENDERHASA LEGALRIGHTTO COLLECTFROMYOU. NOTICE TOUTAH BORROWERS: Thiswrittenagreement is a final expressionof the agreementbetween youandthe CreditUnion.Thiswrittenagreement maynot be by evidenceof anyoralagreement. contradicted "Security"sectionoftheTruthin ootherwise r Bysigning, as authenticating, youagree Borrower, to thetermsof theLoan Agreement. lf is i n described property the Lending youalsoagreeto thetermsof theSecurityAgreement Disclosure, as"0wnerof Property"youagreeonlyto the onthereverseside.If you sign,orotherwiseauthenticate, termsof theSecurityAgreement. CAUTION: ITISIMPORTANT THATYOUTHOROUGHLYREADTHEAGREEMENTBEFOREYOUSIGNIT. Borrow 1 - -. . .Date 2 Borrower . .. Date Ä (sea0 11 fan /1, X (sean OtherBorrowerO Ownerof Property Witness Date r Ownerf Prer Witness Date I (Seal) X . (seai)13 /30 / , 6 MENT UN n ExhMt