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  • Charles Mcdonough v. Dajour A Brown, Najoir J ByersTorts - Motor Vehicle document preview
  • Charles Mcdonough v. Dajour A Brown, Najoir J ByersTorts - Motor Vehicle document preview
  • Charles Mcdonough v. Dajour A Brown, Najoir J ByersTorts - Motor Vehicle document preview
  • Charles Mcdonough v. Dajour A Brown, Najoir J ByersTorts - Motor Vehicle document preview


At IAS Part of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, held in and for the County of Orange, on the ______ day of _____________, 2022. SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF ORANGE CHARLES MCDONOUGH, ORDER Plaintiff, Index No: EF008166/21 -against- DAJOUR A. BROWN and NAJOIR J. BYERS, Defendants, DAJOUR A. BROWN and NAJOIR J. BYERS, Third-Party Action Third-Party Plaintiffs, -against- HEATHER FERRARA, Third-Party Defendant, The third-party defendant, Heather Ferrara, having moved this Court for an Order pursuant to CPLR 3211(a)(5) dismissing the Third-Party Complaint of third-party plaintiffs, Dajour A. Brown and Najoir J. Byers, against third-party defendant, Heather Ferrara, on the ground that the causes of action may no longer be maintained because of payment to plaintiff, Charles McDonough, and his release of third-party defendant, Heather Ferrara, and the third-party plaintiffs having failed to oppose said motion. NOW, upon the motion of James F. Butler & Associates, attorneys for third-party defendant, Heather Ferrara, it is, ORDERED, that the motion of the third-party defendant, Heather Ferrara, for an Order dismissing the Third-Party Complaint of third-party plaintiffs, Dajour A. Brown and Najoir J. Byers, against third-party defendant, Heather Ferrara, on the ground that the causes of action may no longer be maintained because of payment to plaintiff, Charles McDonough, and his release of third-party defendant, Heather Ferrara, is hereby granted. Dated: E N T E R: J.S.C. 2