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  • Teti, Alma Vs Hanson, Velta Negligence - Other Negligence document preview
  • Teti, Alma Vs Hanson, Velta Negligence - Other Negligence document preview
  • Teti, Alma Vs Hanson, Velta Negligence - Other Negligence document preview
  • Teti, Alma Vs Hanson, Velta Negligence - Other Negligence document preview
  • Teti, Alma Vs Hanson, Velta Negligence - Other Negligence document preview
  • Teti, Alma Vs Hanson, Velta Negligence - Other Negligence document preview


IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE TWENTIETH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL ACTION ELLIS HANSON and VELTA HANSON, Plaintiffs, v Case No. 09-6515-CA ALMA TETI, Defendant. CERTIFICATE OF SALE The undersigned Clerk of the Court certifies that the Clerk’s Notice of Sale Under Florida Statute Chapter 45 of the property described in the Order and Final Judgment on Plaintiffs’ Proceedings Supplementary to Execution was published in the Business Observer, a newspaper circulated in Collier County, Florida, in the manner shown by the Proof of Publication attached hereto, and on August 12, 2013, the property was offered for public sale to the highest and best bidder for cash. . Wea, RUCL POWER AND AUTHORITY, PURSUANT “To THE D , submitted by Regrger Conseeye SELL, LEASE ENCOMOEE, Of STREEWISE MAWAKE AND QSASE OF D hea. . to whom the property was sold. The proceeds of the sale are retained for distribution in accordance with the Order and Final Judgment on Plaintiffs’ Proceedings Supplementary to Execution or jaw. WITNESS my hand and the seal of this court on this (2 day of August 2013. DWIGHT E. BROCK CLERK OF COURT Deputy Clerk Copies provided to: Please see the attached Certificate of Service.CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this 1_ day of August 2013, a true and correct copy of the foregoing has been furnished by regular U.S. Mail to Alma Teti, 4810 Europa Drive, Naples, Florida 34105, Michael McDonnell, Esq., McDonnell Trial Lawyers, 5150 Tamiami Trail North, Suite 203, Newgate Tower, Naples, Florida 34103, and Matthew M. Jackson, Esq., Coleman, Yovanovich & Koester, P.A., 4001 Tamiami Trail North, Suite 300, Naples, Florida 34103, SUSAL COLZAN, TQUSTEE, 1527S COLUER BIUD sue 201-226 Yo MFe Tuvesr MENTS, WAriES FL Baud V4 5D Deputy Clerk13-02344C Invoice/Serial Number coLLicr cance OLLIE Coy : a NTY Fuunigis os Published Weekly SS ANI: 46 Naples, Collier County, Florida 2 COUNTY OF COLLIER “8K OF COURTS S.S. 09-6515-CA By De a, STATE OF FLORIDA Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Kathryn Kerriga: GLERK’S NOTICE OF SALE there as recorded in Flat Bo who on oath says that he/she is Publisher's Representative of the Business Observe INTHE CIRCUIT COU 1 ee Resrds of Collie a weekly newspaper published at Naples, Collier County, Florida; OF THE WEN Coney 5 Flori, AIMING thatthe attached copy of advertisement, co COUNTY, FLORA ‘ast ite SURPLoS ACTION ‘THE SALE, IF ANY, OTHER being a Clerk's Notice of Sale Under F.S. Chapter 45 ceNACTCN,, THE PROFURTY OWNERS eee ee ae in the matter of. Ellis Hanson and Velta Hanson vs. Alma Teti Hisatiion DAYS AFTER THESAL sit OOOO AL ‘you are @ person svho needs any arcommodation it Nr is ERY GIVE Zero pep hs oe pursuant to the Order and Final you are af po cost to ie Soppleme ‘Execution ty te Per nee . Circuit ., tn ea + 1 rrr aOIR, and the Order ‘vices Manager, whose office is loc in the Court, was published in said newspaper in the see ee Gene at S31s Hast Tamiam’ Trail, Suite eral ‘dated May 31, 2013, Naples, Florida 342, and w woot RANI ees bidder for cash at the THIRD floor, court or Affiant further says that the said Business Observer is a newspaper ide the Cali County Cour opening i ei published at Naples, Collier County, Florida, and that said newspaper has cae hone a ge Sean 7 aaron ae be heretofore been continuously published and has been entered as periodicals matter ‘ning at 11:00 am. on AUGUST 12, ur voion impeired, call 70. at the Post Office in Naples, Collier County, Florida, for a period of ors, she Property dearbed aE Dated tis 16th dy of cone year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; ‘EXHIBIT A ‘CLERK OF CC and affiant further says that he/she bas neither paid nor promised any persons firm Let, Block Be Cor Patricia or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of dens Ne Map ome * Jly 26; Angust 2, 2013 108 securing this advertisement for publication in said newspaper. *This Notice was placed on the newspaper's website and on the same day the notice appeared in the newspaper ‘Sworn to and subscribed before me this 2nd day of ANE A.D. 2013, by Kathryn Kerrigan, who is personally known to me, | ‘Notary Public, State of Florida (SEAL) Holly W. Botkin COMMISSION # FFO10108 ‘EXPIRES: JUN. 11,2017