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  • WHITE, THOMAS v. BOLD WASH HOLDINGS, LLC Et AlT11 - Torts - Defective Premises - Public - Snow or Ice document preview
  • WHITE, THOMAS v. BOLD WASH HOLDINGS, LLC Et AlT11 - Torts - Defective Premises - Public - Snow or Ice document preview


DOCKET NO. WWM-CV-22-6024856-S : SUPERIOR COURT THOMAS WHITE : J.D. OF WINDHAM vs. : AT PUTNAM BOLD WASH HOLDINGS, LLC, ET AL : NOVEMBER 15, 2022 PLAINTIFF’S REPLY TO DEFENDANT’S SPECIAL DEFENSES Pursuant to Connecticut Practice Book Section 10-56, the plaintiff denies each and every allegation in the defendants’ Special Defenses and respectfully leaves the defendants to their burden of proof. THE PLAINTIFF By___/s/ #402801 Robert L. Schwab Kennedy, Johnson, Schwab & Roberge 555 Long Wharf Drive — 13" Floor New Haven, CT 06511 Tel: (203) 865-8430 Fax: (203) 865-5345 Juris No. 106077 CERTIFICATION This is to certify that a copy of the foregoing was either mailed this day, first class mail, postage prepaid, e-mailed, faxed and/or hand-delivered to: Christopher S. Acquanita, Esquire Law Offices of Cynthia M. Garraty P.O. Box 2903 Hartford, CT 06104-2903 Is} Robert L. Schwab Kennedy, Johnson, Schwab e& Roberge L.L.C. © ATTORNEYS AT LAW LONG WHARF MARITIME GenTer © 555 LONG WHARF DRIVE, 13th Floor * New Haven, CT 06511 FAX (203) 865-5345 © (203) 865-8430 © JURIS NO. 106077