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  • Lvnv Funding Llc v. Elizabeth M Kalpin Other Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Debt Buyer Plaintiff document preview
  • Lvnv Funding Llc v. Elizabeth M Kalpin Other Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Debt Buyer Plaintiff document preview
  • Lvnv Funding Llc v. Elizabeth M Kalpin Other Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Debt Buyer Plaintiff document preview
  • Lvnv Funding Llc v. Elizabeth M Kalpin Other Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Debt Buyer Plaintiff document preview


FILED: LIVINGSTON COUNTY CLERK 07/03/2019 03:34 PM INDEX NO. 000513-2019 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 3 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 07/03/2019 Mary F. Strickland , County Cl Livingston County Government Ce 6 Court Street, Room 201 fl A ÏÏ Geneseo, New York 14454 182' 243-7010 ~ Fax 243-792 (585) (585) Livingston County Clerk Recording P Received From: Return To: STEPHEN EINSTEIN STEPHEN EINSTEIN 39 BROADWAY SUITE 1250 39 BROADWAY SUITE NEW YORK, NY 10006 NEW YORK, NY 10006 ACTION - AFFIRMAT Document Type: CIVIL MISC Document Desc: OF SERVICE Plaintiff Defendant LVNV FUNDING LLC Kalpin Elizabeth M Recorded Information: State of New York Index #: 000513-2019 County of Liviñgston EFiling through NYSCE Liviñgston This sheet condNes the Clerk's endomement required by section 319 of the Real Property Law 1 of 2 In dex NO. INDEX # : 000513-2019 000513-2019 FILED: LIVINGSTON COUNTY CLERK 07/03/2019 03:34 PM NYSCEF DOC. NO. 3 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 07/03/2019 a 5UPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK w- COUNTY OF L1VINGSTON AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE *gggi Index #:000S13-2019 Date purchased:06/11/2019 Plaintiff(s): LVNV FUNDING LLC Defendant(s): Elizabeth M Kalpin __ Stateof New York, County ofSteuben ss.: A"4thaêI P± , the üñdcrsigñca, being dulysworn, deposes and says that I was at the time of serviceoverthe age ofeighteenand not a partyto this action.I reside inthe StateofState of New York. On 06/1â/2019 at 7:52PM, I servedthe withinSUMMONS AND VER1FIED COMPLAINT WITHNOTICE OF COLCJ™CEMENT OF ACTION SUBJECT TO MANDATORY ELECTRONIC FILING to E"r±=ª M Kalpin at 7892Mill St,Springwater, NY 145609727in the manner indicatedbelow: PERSONAL SERVICE: a true of saiddc-csscatoto the indivi:'::d personally.The ladividualserved conññüéd By delivering copy theiridentityat the time of An service. apprM==?a description M Kalpinis of Elizabeth as follows: Sex: Female color Color of hair· Black of skin/race: White Age: 40 Height. 5 ft 8 inWeight: 160lbs. The deponent askedwhether Elizabeth MKalpin was in active military service of the United Statesor the State of New York in capacity or if they are finandd'y and received a negative reply. The source of my i±=±a dependenton anyone in the military and the grounds of belief are the convcisaGunsand "-'--''- chscrvationa above narrated. Upon and belief I aver that Elizabeth M Kalpin is not in the military and is not heddl, dependenton someonein active2nilitary service of the United Statesor the State of New York as that term is defined in the statutesof New York State of the Federal Soldiers and Sailors Civil Relief Act. orn t and subscri ed beforeme on Ê/ X Robbins' Michael Rita Hoover Notary Public # 01HO6069614 Steuben County State of New York Commission Expires Mar 11,2022 Stephen Einstein& Assoc PC Efile ProgreSSiVe Le al Support (318405) (10 3013) 2 of 2