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  • Rock Creek Capital Llc v. Vanessa L DinataleOther Matters - Consumer Credit (Non-Card) Transaction document preview
  • Rock Creek Capital Llc v. Vanessa L DinataleOther Matters - Consumer Credit (Non-Card) Transaction document preview
  • Rock Creek Capital Llc v. Vanessa L DinataleOther Matters - Consumer Credit (Non-Card) Transaction document preview
  • Rock Creek Capital Llc v. Vanessa L DinataleOther Matters - Consumer Credit (Non-Card) Transaction document preview


FILED: WARREN COUNTY CLERK 10/11/2021 02:30 PM INDEX NO. EF2021-69339 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 4 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/11/2021 M SUPREME CopRT OF TIfE STATF,,Of NEW YORK COUNTY OF \h )CLW __ STATEMENT OF AUTHORI2ATION.FOR ELECTRONIC FILING (Managing Attorney Authorizing Individual Finng Agent) Grzegorz T2 OS . , Esq., ( Atto egistr No. am the 4 I, Owsiany e2 managing attorney offattorney in charge ofe4iling for ÂC EA P y 4..c. (the "Firm"). Ihereby acknowledge and represent thatthe attorneysin the Firm who are authorized users of the NTSCEF system hereby authorize ..__ . dEbC LEAL . ("the filingagent") to utilizehis/her NTSCEF filingagent ID to filedocuments on their behalf and at theirdirection in any e-filed matter in which they are counsel ofrecord through NYSCEF,as provided inSection 202,5-b of the Uniform Rules forthe Trial Courts. This authorization extendato any consensual matter in which these attorneys have pr6vivwly cGñseñtedto eafilingor may hereafter consent, to any mandatory matter in which they have recorded their representation, and to any matter in which they authorize the filing agent to record consent or representation in the NYSCEFsystem. This authorization extends to any and alldocuments these attorneys generate and submit to the filingagent forfilingin any such inatter, This authorization, poste.d once on the NTSCEF website as toeach matter inwhich these attorneys are counsel ofrecord, shallbe deemed to accompany any document in that matter filed by the filingagent on behalf of these attorneys. This authorization also extends to matters of payment, which the filingagent may make either by debiting an account the filingagentmentene with the County Clerk of any authorized e-filingcounty or by debiting an account the Firm maintaine with the County Clerk ofany authorized e-filingcounty. This authorization regarding this filingugent shallen+inue until the Firm revokes the authoritâtioñ in writing on a prescribed form delivered to the E-Filing ResnarcêCenter. Dated: Signature City,State and 2:1 Code Print Name Phone 1 of 2 FILED: WARREN COUNTY CLERK 10/11/2021 02:30 PM INDEX NO. EF2021-69339 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 4 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/11/2021 ac+rTPA Poerbevu£ 6o L10 EPLAMO Fp(ce ,CO M Firm/Department EWaiIAddress '5~00 SU MNT LAks OR Street Address . 5r¢A A (6/6/l3) 2 of 2