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  • Hilton Resorts Corporation v. Giovanni Frabasile, Helen Pasek Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Commercial document preview
  • Hilton Resorts Corporation v. Giovanni Frabasile, Helen Pasek Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Commercial document preview
  • Hilton Resorts Corporation v. Giovanni Frabasile, Helen Pasek Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Commercial document preview
  • Hilton Resorts Corporation v. Giovanni Frabasile, Helen Pasek Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Commercial document preview
  • Hilton Resorts Corporation v. Giovanni Frabasile, Helen Pasek Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Commercial document preview
  • Hilton Resorts Corporation v. Giovanni Frabasile, Helen Pasek Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Commercial document preview


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 03/16/2020 12:27 PM INDEX NO. 850133/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 16 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/16/2020 EXHIBIT D FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 03/16/2020 12:27 PM INDEX NO. 850133/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 16 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/16/2020 e- EXHIBIT "A" LEGAÚ DESCRIPTION FLOATINGUNIT/FLOATING TIME1ISE RIGHTS A Vacation Qwnerst p Interest:consisting of an undMded fee simple tenant in common jmetest in perpetuhy itt tlic fraction set forth below in.and to Phase I ofih Project and the Common Areas tlicecto,, and in the Conimah Elements appurtenant thereto in the Cendominiorn Declaration, as defined below said interest beirig in a sirfgle family dweping añd subject to, (i) the Condominium Dedaration the Declaration and (ii) ofCovenants and Conditions Regiction dated September 23c2015 and recorded in the Office of the City Register, City of New York, Ne#York County, New Yorkott October 29, 20Ï CRFN 2015000387244, and el exhibits attached theret¾ as amendedfrom time to time the "Timeshare Declaration")The Condominàun peclaration and the Timeshare :Declaration, as eack referred toâthe."Declarations;" may be further amended from tirne to- time, are hereinafter cGilechcly Together with the following: (a) The right toteserve a Tirne Period as defined in the Time$hare Dedgration, and to use and occupy Suite of the Suite Confgmatipn set forth below, on a Doating up basis as set forth below, in accordance with, and subject to the Declarations, as amended,.together with the right iit common with allOwners touse and enjoy the Comrhan Areas and Coinmon Elements during the Home Week reserved to each aforesaid Yacation Ownership interestas are and may be set forth in the Timeshare Declaration; Vaomion Ownership Interest: Unpieded n Phase1.of the Project interest . 0;0271980765638990% UndividedInterest in U734W :ofthe Cominon Elements: . .0.0271980765638990% . Suite Configuratiori: . STUDIO PREMER .. Season; GQLD Recurdog Use Right: .. YEAR 4406- 4 jnternal Interiml Contmi Number: . . .(h) Membership Inthe Hilton Grand Vacations Club. The Con¼pf: = Únit and. appurtenant üñdivÏdr2 (as- sudh te¾mis defined Common iriterest in the Amended e. . Declaration, delined below) defined add described below known as Unit HU3, which Cónd Unit is part of the cGr4cinis project known as The NYU CondamÏnism (theCondominium comprised ofhe land described below (the %nnd") located thercon (the "Duilding") and the.building being commonlyknown as 1335:Avence éfthe Americas, Neve York, New York and Land, collectiýely, (said Buildirig the Property") hich [ Condùmidi::m was that established .by certainDeclastionmade .by .HikonHotelsdorporationunder the .C-hmi±m Act of the State of New Yárk (Article State of New York), p-B of the Reãl Property Law otthe datéd February 1 2002, executed Julÿ 23, 2003, and recorded November 3, 200¼in the)Office of tife Regismr of the City of New York County of NewYork (the "City Itegister's Omce")ras CRFN 2003000442512, (the"Copdomkkm as amended by that cermin Fkst Amendment to Declaratian of -Condominhim añd By-Laws Declarauan"); made by H1 NY°Hiúon LLC dated August 4, 2014 and recorded October 6, 2014 #i the City Register's .Office as CRFN 201400330110 (together with theCWÿs±äm and all Declaration, schedules andexhibits annexed thereto ont y the "A mended C::;d;=kkm Dedaradon") *84LD.1 Contract84-5000Ú age I Rev.3/2!i/16f0R042936DOC; 1} FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 03/16/2020 12:27 PM INDEX NO. 850133/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 16 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/16/2020 Unh HU3 is described as fonows: Unh HU3 is designated and described in the Amended Cedibin Dedlaration, and is also deisignatedand.deseribed . as Tax.Lot 1304 in Blocl006 bf Section 4 of the Borough of Manhattin of the Tax Map ilnit on the tax Map of the Cityof New York inown (fortnerly Assessrnen{Department as the Real Property and on the floor plans of the by Peter E Property certified FarineGa,:Architest, on October 14, 2003 arid Aled with the Real Property Assesmeht Department of the.City of New-Yorkon October27c2003as C^ndo±jnW 1337, and also.filed in the Platt Number CityRegister's Ofnce on. November3, 2003, as. CRFN 2003000442513,as amended byfloorplanamendrnents certified by Peter Farinella, Architect, on Augi1st 14, 2014, and filed 'with the Tax Map Unit of the City ofNew York on Septeniber 22, 2014, as C d± 1337A, and also-filed Plan No. OfÉce on·October 6 in the City Registers 2014, as CRFN 201400033011 (collectively,.the "Floor Plams") Together with an appurtenantundivided 1.7341% Comnron hit6rest percentage, The Land is more particularly deschbed attellows: , ALL that certain plot, piece or percel of land ard slAtate,lying being in the Borough of½enap County of New follotys- York, City and State of New York, bounded and.describedas BE01NNlÑG at the corner formed by the intersection of the northerly side of West $3d Street with tite westerlyyside áf Avenue of the Americas RUNNINÖ †HENCÈ northerly Americas, 200 feet 10 its along the said westerly side of Avenue of.the irnersection wi01the southedy side orWest 5# Street; THENCE westeriy along said southetly.side of West 5401Street 50.feek Tf·lENCB southerly paráUel with th45tid of Avenue of the Americas, 100 feet S inches to the center line westerly sid of theWok feet 6 Inches; THENCE westerly along the center.1ineof the blocl442 THENCE the said westerly side of Avenue of southerly..parallel with the Americag100 feet 5 inches to the said. West53*° no.(therly side of Street; 53"I THENCE Street, 462 feet 6 inches to the corner aforesaid at.the eåstedy along the ãaid.northedy side of tlie West point or place ofBEGINNING Contract # 84+500043 Page Rev.k29/k{OR042936.DOC:1)