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  • Hilton Resorts Corporation v. Giovanni Frabasile, Helen Pasek Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Commercial document preview
  • Hilton Resorts Corporation v. Giovanni Frabasile, Helen Pasek Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Commercial document preview
  • Hilton Resorts Corporation v. Giovanni Frabasile, Helen Pasek Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Commercial document preview
  • Hilton Resorts Corporation v. Giovanni Frabasile, Helen Pasek Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Commercial document preview
  • Hilton Resorts Corporation v. Giovanni Frabasile, Helen Pasek Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Commercial document preview
  • Hilton Resorts Corporation v. Giovanni Frabasile, Helen Pasek Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Commercial document preview


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 03/16/2020 12:27 PM INDEX NO. 850133/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 15 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/16/2020 EXHIBIT C . ...- FILED: . NEW .-.. YORK .....-, COUNTY ---...... CLERK 03/16/2020.., .. -... 12:27 . . PM ......... INDEX NO. 850133/2018 NYSCEF NYSCEF DOC DOC. NO. NO. 156 RECEIVED RECEIVED NYSCEF: NYSCEF: 08/02/201 03/16/2020 CERTIFICATE ATTESTATION The tiñdersigned authority has the honour tocertify, in conformity with article 6 of the Convcaticü, L'autorite soussignee a l'|ictitiéui d'atiesier 'a l'article coiiforiiilitient 6 de laditeCorivetition. that the document has been served * 1) L que la demandea execute -the(date) -/e (date) . -at(place,street, number) -a (foralni. rue munbo) . Li -Ñ 9D &L.)c-r1D . Douan d -duø-oc«a c c --in one of the methods authorized article 5- following by -ons une desjormessuivaniesprivuesit l'article 5 in accordancewith theprovisionsof sub-paragraph (a) of the paragraph first of article 5 of the Conventica*. a) selonles formes agales(artirle 5 alineapremier.letire a) (b)in accordance withthe followingparticularmethod : b) selon lojormeparticuliere suivante: O (c)by deliveryto the addressee, who accepted it volua:arity.* c)parremijesiniple The documents referredto in the request have been delivered to: Les documents mentionnesdans la demandeont ete remis a and description -(identity of person) -fidentai ei qualit; de la personne) -tr! Mr to theaddrcsscc family,businessor other -liens de parentede subordination on outres.avec le desitruiraire de l'acte 2) thatthe decarac=:has notbeen served,by reason ofthe fe"swin-facts*: 2. que la demanderi'a pas ete executee, en raison desfaitssuivants: In conformity with the second paragrapli of article 12 of the Convention, the applicant isrequested to or reimbrse the expenses detailed in The attached statciiiciit* pay Conformement 12. alinea a I'article 2, de ladite Convention,le requerant est prie de payeron de ic;ñbourscr les frais dont le detail figureau memoire ci-joint. Annexes Annexes Documents returned: piecesrenvoyees Done at ( C'U( A , the G Fait'a , le In appropriate cases, documents establisliiag the service: Le cas echeant, de l'execution: les documents justificanfs Signatur a or sta . éSO G88UX & BrOutllard ) \Á ( Q Signature achet. t/p Hwasiers de Justice Tá;.. 450-730-4444 FaxR50-625-1920 FILED: .. ...- . NEW ..-.. YORK . -.- COUNTY ,..--... .CLERK ...-..- 03/16/2020 - -, --, -.... 12:27. PM . ..... INDEX NO. 850133/2018 ...., NYSCEF NYSCEF DOC. NO. DOC. NO. 156 RECEIVED RECEIVED NYSCEF: NYSCEF: 03/16/2020 08/02/201 CANADA AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE PROVINCE DE QUÉBEC CONVENTION DE LA HAYE No EI-2018-0453 intern- I, undersigned, RUSLAN LUNGU, bailiff of justice for the province of HILTON RESORTS CORPORATION Quebec elected domicile at having my 249, Plaintiff Ste-Rose Blvd., Laval, Quebec, certify under oath and declare that on 09/07/2018 à HELEN PASEK I SERVED THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS: 18:45, Defendant SUMMONS AND VERIFIED NOTICE OF COMPLAINT, PENDENCY OF ACTION, NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT OF ACTION SUBJECT TO MANDATORY ELECTRONIC FILING TO HELEN PASEK AT: 306-4290 BOULEVARD DES SOURCES DOLLARD-DES-ORMEAUX (QC) District de MONTRÉAL by delivering the document to the addressee personally at his residence, accordingly to article 116 C.p.c. I signed and stamped the document and records the date and time on it. The distance travelled to the place of service is 15 kms LAVAL, July 10th 2018 RUSLAN LUNGU, Huissier stagiaire Étude Bras"|ard, huissiers de justice N.D. 2018072125 249 Boul. Ste-Rose, Suite #109 Sainte- H7L 1L8 Rose, laval,(Québec) ta· am 79a-aaaa sv·am non-1oon o o