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  • Hilton Resorts Corporation v. Giovanni Frabasile, Helen Pasek Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Commercial document preview
  • Hilton Resorts Corporation v. Giovanni Frabasile, Helen Pasek Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Commercial document preview
  • Hilton Resorts Corporation v. Giovanni Frabasile, Helen Pasek Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Commercial document preview
  • Hilton Resorts Corporation v. Giovanni Frabasile, Helen Pasek Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Commercial document preview
  • Hilton Resorts Corporation v. Giovanni Frabasile, Helen Pasek Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Commercial document preview
  • Hilton Resorts Corporation v. Giovanni Frabasile, Helen Pasek Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Commercial document preview
  • Hilton Resorts Corporation v. Giovanni Frabasile, Helen Pasek Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Commercial document preview
  • Hilton Resorts Corporation v. Giovanni Frabasile, Helen Pasek Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Commercial document preview


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 05/11/2018 11:53 AM INDEX NO. 850133/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 3 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/11/2018 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 05/11/2018 11:53 AM INDEX NO. 850133/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 3 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/11/2018 NYC DEPARTMENT 0 FINANCE I OFFICE 0 T1lE CITY REGISTER I ! This page is liatièf ~I the instrimseidcThe City l Register ~ 'on the infoimation:provided willrely y you on this page for purposes ofindexing ~ information thirinstrument.The on (Liis page I willconnul ~for indexing purposes in the event orany.confGeti a thensi .of ne docunied I 201703130177301800IE3EEDaII ' r RECORDING AND ENDORSEMENT COVER PAGE FAGE1 I OF 7 DocuntentlD1 2017031301773018 Docofoent Daie: 03 2&2016 a P epaiationDate:D3 13-2017 Documerit Type: MORTGAGE Document Page Count:5 PRESENTER: RETURN 0 1 AMERICAN- 0 VEGÂS FIR$T ÑVOD FIRST AMERICAN TITIE INSURANCE COMPANY 400 SOUTH RAMPART BLVD, SU1TE 290 277 RANCHERQS..DRIVE SU1TE ff180 M LÄS VEÖA5, NY 89545 SÁN.MAl(COS, CA 92069 SUPPORT@SIMPLIFfLE.COM SUPPORT@SIMPLIFILE.COM PROPER1V DATA Borough Black Lot I Unit I Address MANHATTAN 1006 1304 EntireLot'~ HU3 Ü35.AVENUE .f335.AVENUE 0 THE AMER. Tee: ~ ' ' .COgedERCIAL ' Property CONDO UNIT(S) Ig CROSSREFERENCE DATA CRFÑ . .. . or DocumentlD. .. .. or . . . Year.._...... .Reel .. Page . .. or File ..... ... . Number......... PARTIES MORTGAGOR/BORRQWER: IMORTGAGEE/LENDER: GIOVANNI.PRABASH E ElLTON RESORTS CORPORATION LLC' C/O titLTON GRAND VACATIONS COMPANY LLC 6355"METROWEST BOULEVARD SUJTE 180 6355 lylETROW; EST BOULEVARD SU1TE 180 ORLANDO Fl.32835 ORLANDO, FL 32835 121 AdditionalPartiesListed on Continuation Page FEES ,.I'EESAP D TAXES Mortgage ." Fee: Éiling ' Amount' Mozigage l 31920.00 1 $00 Taxable.Mortgage Amount: $ 3.1.920.00 NYCReal PropertyTransfer Ta:c Exemption· etn lion: . . $.... . . ... .... ... ... ... . .. ... ......................... ..... .0.00 0,00 ,, TAXES: ..Cvu Coimiy (Basic): 15930 NYS Real.Estate TransferTax: City (Additional):. S 31990 I á00 .0.00 7.9,75' Spac (Additio1ial):$ 79.73 RECORDED OR FILED IN THE OFFICE TASF.: $ 0.00 F THE CITY REGISTER OF THE MTA: s . 9590 CI'tT OF NEW YORK NMA: $ 0;00 kecodfod!Filed' Recodied!Filed ohi4-201)1nSS AdditionafMRT: S 0.00 :TOTAL." City ltegitaer File Hn,(CRFf4): .TOTA12 65335 .. (g/ 2017000100020 .RecordingFee: . $ 6100 . AflidavitFee: . S 0.00 .0.00 ~Register0+cirrESigrtatwre CIA FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 05/11/2018 11:53 AM INDEX NO. 850133/2018 NYSCEF DOC." NO. 3 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/11/2018 'I NYC DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE : . OFELCE OFTHE CITV REGISTER 201.7031301773018001C3C6D l I RECORDING AND ENDÖRSEMENT COVER PAGE (CONTINUATION) PAGE 2 OF 7 Doc.ument LD: 2QIVQ3l305773018,Pocument Detel Q3 26-2616 . Preparation.Date: 03d3-20.17 pocument TypeLMORTCAGE PARTIES MORTGAGOR/BORROWER: s HELEN iPASEK C/O HILTON ORAND VACATIONS COMPANY LLC ' r' I 6355 METROW, EST BOULEVARD SUJTE 180 . O~OO. ~ ~ FL ~ 32835 r' C FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 05/11/2018 11:53 AM INDEX NO. 850133/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 3 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/11/2018 r . .. -...... AMOUNTOF TAX OUE S '\: M ORTG AGE the' @, Zjk Ze)& ~ THIS MORTGAGEis executedasof the' the . " between: GIOVANNI StABASILE and kEI2NÈASEK, hashand and wise,astenants by the entirety I'.t' I:. , .hereinafter hereinaAer whose post.pilico hereinafler "Borrower", addressJs c/o. Hilton Orand Vacations Company, 11C, 6355 MetsoWest. ' BM., SultcI80,Orlander Elorida, 32835, and HILTON RESORTS CORPORATION a Delaware Corporatfon as 1 "" !-.=' Mortgages (heenaAer whose mailing address is 63~ "Lender") ..-= ¬.=.: Boutctr5tr'd, MetroW'est Stflic 180, Orisode, Floride, ........--., F I I"-.' 32831 !i Bririotver' oi' WHEREAS Barrower is indebted to Lender in the initialprincipal .sum sum of ' one thusana " Thirty Minehundredtwenty AND NOf100 U.S30Lt4R5 (S 31,929 ), which indebtedhessis evidencedtiy blote of even date herewith:(herein Bormwet's fromissory .. monthtg' "Note"), for certain providing installments:of principal and intercst, with tho.tialancc of indebtednessdue and payab)con or about .. May 9, 2026 . ol' In consideration of Lende'r advancing purchase money financing to Bottower. for the purchaseof an interest in "Project" the Woto,' Projccl41cscribçdbelow, in order to secure in favor of.Lender (a) the repayment of ibe Indebtednessevidenced by ~' ~".' '".='' the Noto, Wht-it ±W, the payment of all other sums, with interest thereon, advanced in accordance berewith a Note,' and/or irtaccordance with the h1oteto protect the security'of this_Mortgage and the perforsnanceofthe covenants and ther agreenientsof Borrower herein contained. arid (b) the repayrnent of any Aiture advarices,.pith interest thereon' made to AdVanceS" .:Or real' by Lender (herein "FuturcEAdvances"), Be-o-ar the benefit ofiBorrower docs _~-Wy mortgage, grant and convey hereby i, to Lender-the reaf property described In Exhibit "A" .Io attached hereto and located in the Borooph of Manhattan,.New Y rk Coimty, City and Stateof New York. ' Together with an e;vchieve right.:n reserve a 'I"une Period, as defined in the Timeshore Declamation,arid to tise 'in' and occupy a Suhe on a floating tisc basis, in accordancewlth ind subject to the.Deciz-•'o-.-, =-a-d, together with the right in cornmon with.all O.wnersto use and crdoy the Common Ascas of the Project and the Common Elementsof the Condornhiumduririg the Home .Week reserved to each aforeshid Ownership Intertet as are and may be setforth in the Declarctions. TOG£†HER With all hcrtatter the improvements now. or the. HC. Suites property, erected on and. al rights, appurtonances,.rents,.prnemik; mvahis mineral, oil and gas rights and profits, waterr titter rights, F-'t or' and water.stock and all factures now or hereaAct.anached to the property, all of hichdnoluding replants and inter'cst' additions thereto, shall be deemed toWe and rtreeiri pact of the Itserest covered by this Mortgage and silt of the said interest are herein reigneigo foregoing, together with Borrower as the "Property4 covenants ilkit Bditoweris seiied lilwfully of the estate hereby conveyed and has the right to.rnortgage, grant and convey the Property that the avill: .will: inerrant and defend generally the title in the Proporty against aff Property is unencumbered, and. that Borrower wlil .='."'=-- '~ claims and .demandswhatsoever-sutijectto arty declarations, easements,or =i‡Ùc=hd h a schedule of ckcpillions. thc'4tlc' litle' issued on or prior in the date hereof and insuiringianiler's to coverage in the.(itle insurance policy interest under this. Mortgagci in the Property. INIINIfllllllNIIIllllllll a 8 4 181 T O * Contract 1184fi00043 t'}' .Page riage4 Rev.ton$ns (ORot2333.DOC:6 I FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 05/11/2018 11:53 AM INDEX NO. 850133/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 3 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/11/2018 I Iiji I I BotrowerandLender covenant and agree asfollow: Mottgage,' I. i. Bortower in conjunction with the exccotion hereby poknowledges.that fthlsMortgage, Bonewer orUEarm has reccNed from E2nder a copy of the r colaratiori MrwS¼¼éCbvenants; executed by the Developer and 4,.2015,' dated Beptember 23, 2015 and recorded November 4, 2015, in the office of the.City Register, City of New York, bew YorkCounty,New York ast'RFN2015000392203 (the "Unifbrm ivtojtgsgcCovcrjtuits".),' MortgageCovenarits'); the' .2, 2.. .Borrower Borrottar Borrower and agrees that: hereby .acknowledges acknowledges hw---W (i) the Unifbrm Mortgage Covenants are incorporated herein by reference; and (0) by execution ofthis h4ortgage Barrovieragrees lo comply with the termsand conditions stancen such Uniform MortgageCoimonots. I 1 Coverning Lawind Walver.ot'rrial tyJüry. THIS AGREEMENTSHALL BE GOVERNED UNDER,.INTRRPRETE9' BY, CONSTRU.ED UNDER,INTERPRETED AND ENFORCED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LAWSAND THE COURTS OF THE 3TATE .AhD AND CITV OF NEW YORR.· SAME SHALL BE THE EXCLUSIVE COURTS. OF JORISDICTION AND VENUE FOR ANY LITlGATION OR OTHER PROCEED1NG TRAT : MATBE.BASEP ON, ARiSE OUT OF,.UNDER OR IN CONJUNCTION WITH TRIS AGREEMENT. .THE THE THK VOLUNTARILY' INTII'ttfI.IONALLY' PARTIES .PA'RTIFS HEREBY KNOWINGLY, VOLUNTARILY AND INTENtlONALLY WAIVE THE RIGilt HAI'E' EITHER MAY HAVE TO A TRIAL. BY .JURY JURY IN RT4PECT OP ANY LITIGATION. BASED DN, OR ARISING. .ARISING. OUT OF, UNDER OR IN CONJUNCTION WITH THIS ACREEMENT,.OR ANY COURSE OF ONDUCTrCOURSE OF DEALINC.STATEÑENTS (WHETHER VERBAL OR WRITl'EN1OR ACTIONS A' EXTENDLtjIG' OF ANY .:OF .OF PARTY. THIS PROVISION IS AMATERIAL INDUCEMENT FOR LENDER EXTENDING THE LOAN REPRESENTED BY TIfENOTE TO BORROWER. ' REMAINDER OF PAGE LEFr BLANK INTENTIONALLY TO COMFLY COiVIPLY m TII WITH STATUTORY STATUTOn Y RRQUOIEMENTS REqgaexENTS I Patte 3. Rev. IItvlslls:46n042333JMc,' Ver.Wlgl 5.(ORN11333tOC.' I) l'i 'Contract Contra' Nte.SN045 NS4-SSNM5 I I FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 05/11/2018 11:53 AM INDEX NO. 850133/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 3 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/11/2018 I g I I ". . . SS OF, rrower as executed this Martgáge u er seal on . and year fusewritten above. KLEÃ'F'P' Borro re- C1VA . SilE Borrimt r 1 ELEFP K BnlrobXe- Bonove- Borrower- . STATE OF CGI/NTY CGL'3flYOF.. OP On the ___ ~day hidey dayf WA; WA, , before me the undersigned personahy appeared I GlOÝÅNNI FRABASILE HELFE PASEK I' personally known to roe or proved in me on the basis of satisfactory iio' evidence to be the Individual(s). whose names) is ulLi within.Tnstrument and acknowledged fo (are) subscribed .tu to the 1IIA hc/shc/they executed the w me that «Ji sam6 in iii his/her/their lljaiiiiliiilHl capacky(les), and tfmt by Ms/hedtheir signature(s) an the instrument,the individua!(s) or the personupon behalf of the which the individual(s) acted, executed.theinstrumcN, tun Q, (NOTÃRV SÉAL) 'II cC ve L Dahtta Pubne L la Rivem wee eee cirk-New cm N(7TARY PUBLI (Notéy ' Name'.Pñnted) Bbdo 04 Sttdt) cS, 01816253 BEIS.0EXP,' SIE8 g 7 COMM.iEXP20aMS/2W Cotomissiori No. '- Coinmission Expires - if.:. MORPGAGE ' 4 CONTRACT‡O, 4-500043 Sechen Blo k 199f HiltoeResonsCaporation, El D91 N~'Ydffk' Netv'York' 4'De)avant'onporarton S'Debldadd'oyfponddcn CountyatT99 Nep/York 6355hi itewat Boukward, stfife 80 . I ida32835 oftmydry, Odande, TO . .. . GTOVANNI FRABASILE and BELEN PASEk 3tETURNBYMAIL TO FirmAmencan Titletotnpany Centerfarkway,Suite 2300Mai1tariti 20) r/o anc Maitted.Sloridenst BÑd-Suitet80 : Ostando,FL 32835 - . .. . -- . . . -... R ERVETHISSPÁCEFORUSEOFEECORDING:0FelCì Calf tract t)84-Et)OI)43 Contract 004-Sf0043 3 . 'Pay@ 'Pass M5 Rdv,.)or1$fl5 Rdv,.)@t II iORS42333.t)OC; IORC42333.IIOC;.I'I I dcfincdin FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 05/11/2018 11:53 AM INDEX NO. 850133/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 3 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/11/2018 EXH]BIT "A" .LEGAL, LEGALDESCRIPTION FLOATINGENIT/FLDA'}TNGTIME .FLfIE TISE RIGHTS A' A Vacation Ownership Interest consisting of an.undivided fet simple tenant in common interest in perpetuity its flic sef forth below In and to Phase I of1be.Project fraction and the Cònimor0Areas 1' tlicreto, ,and in the Conimon Elements appurtenant thereto in the Cdpdominium bchtg' Declaration, as defined below said interest being in 6 tingle family dwellingand subject to, (1) .the Condomittlum Declaration the DecImption and (ii) of CovenantscConditions and New'' Restrictions dated September 23, 2015 and the Office of the City Regis1cr, City ofNew York, Neüf York i County, NeviYorkon October 29, 2015 as CRFN 2015000387244, and all exhibits attached thereto, as amended from ' time to time [the 'FImeshare and the Timeshare Declaradon, as each' The Condominium peclaration Declaration"), each to:ss' as'the."Declarations;" may be further amended from time to time,.are hereinafter coAcctively referred to as Together with the foDowing: (a) lie teserve a Tirpe Period, as definiodin tho Tishctibare Declaration, and to use.ondoccupy.a rightto Suite,of the Suite Configuration as set forth set forth 'below, on a IloatingurA)asis below, in accordance with, .«cd and to the Declarations, as amended, together with the rightil common with allOwners.touse and enjoy the Comrhan Areas and Coinman Elementsduring each aforesaid yacation the Horne Week reserved to Ownership I Interest as are andinarb, set forth in the Timeshare Declans on; Interest: Vacation Ownership Il )1 I\ Undivided Interest jn Phase]_of the Project . 0;0271980765638990% ' UndividedInterest in12341of the Conunón Elements.0.0291980265638990 0.0271980765638990'Yq '96 [ . Suite Configaration: STUDIO PREMIIIR . l Season; $10 R$currin¼ Use IUght: YF,AR Internal laterval 4406. 4 Control Nianber: . . and (b)' (b) Membership in the Hilton (hand Vacations Club. The Condominium Unitand. appurtenant undivided Comrnon is. defined rierest (as-sudh teria in the Amended. CondominiumDeclaration, defined below) as UnItsHU3, which Cóndomintuni defined sod descilbed belë4known (tbc' known as The NYH Condominium Uritt is part of the condohtinium .projectknowm k'nuwn (the "Candominium")copiprised of the land described below ".Load" (the "Land¶ and the buikling thereon located (the"Ituliaing"), kndwelas being; coimnonly 1335' York„New' 1335 Avenueif .Aventst New York the Americas, New York, and Land, col)ectively,:the (said Building kPropert ), which. Condominium was that established .by certain made Declaration by BiftonHotels. torporation .by .Ifffton underthe Coodominium .CondounnfumAct of the State of New Yórk (Artcle dated 9-B of the Real Progierty Law of.the State of New York), fcbr'uaiy' Feliriauy 1, 2002, executed Julÿ 23, 2003, and recorded November 3, 200).in of thectyof. the)Officeofths.Register New Yorit, .New .Ncw County ofblew York(the"City,Register's .CRFN Olilee")ras CRIIN 2003000442512, (the "Coadorninium 9ectirafton"),' as amended by that certain First Amendment to Declaradon of Condominiumañd By-Laws made by Declaration"); HLT.NY'Hilton LLC dated August .4, in the City 4, 2014 and 'recorded October 6, 2Sl4 as CRFN Register's Office 201400330130 (together with theCondominium DeclaraUon, and all schedules andexhibits annexed thereto, collectively, }he "Amended Condomlplum Declaradon") '84LD.1 C I I I' i'. Contract contractsg 8~0843 tt4-500943 .Page I Rov.sQtitb6 fottc42936DOt.';.tl (Qn012936 ttov,3rttit 1701.,I) I I FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 05/11/2018 11:53 AM INDEX NO. 850133/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 3 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/11/2018 IK r