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  • Foley, Dijana Vs 3096 Wcp Llc Real Property Mortgage Foreclosure document preview
  • Foley, Dijana Vs 3096 Wcp Llc Real Property Mortgage Foreclosure document preview


*** INSTR 4700352 OR 4802 PG 747 RECORDED 5/31/2012 2:12 PM PAGES 1 att DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT, COLLIER COUNTY FLORIDA REC $10.00 IN THE TWENTIETH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA ana 1982 oS S&S Gi m mS Sa = 3h os & Eh = =e o< 8 2 xm s = xo ORDER Boe oes ° o nN p So EFFECTIVE July 1, 2012, all Foreclosure cases currently assigned to the Honorable Ramiro Maifialich are to be reassigned by random selection, [25 % each], to the Honorable Cynthia A. Pivacek, the Honorable Frederick R. Hardt, the Honorable Lauren L. Brodie, and the Honorable Hugh D. Hayes. DONE AND ORDERED in Chambers in Fort Myers, Lee County, Florida, this 21 _ day of ay 2012. cc: Honorable Jay B. Rosman, Chief Judge Honorable Hugh D. Hayes, Administrative Judge Honorable Cynthia A. Pivacek Honorable Lauren L. Brodie Honorable Frederick R. Hardt Honorable Ramiro Majialich Collier Court Administration Lee Court Administration RC:sdh 12-38