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  • Butler, Holly Jane Vs Offutt, Rachel Beth Auto Negligence document preview
  • Butler, Holly Jane Vs Offutt, Rachel Beth Auto Negligence document preview


IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE TWENTIETH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL DIVISION MABLE SPEARS EASTERLY, Plaintiff, vs. JANE HOLLY BUTLER and RACHAEL BETH OFFUTT, Defendants. /! — CASENO.: 0906248CA. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION Defendants, JANE HOLLY BUTLER and RACHAEL OFFUTT, by and through their undersigned counsel, and in accordance with the applicable Rules of Civil Procedure, request the Plaintiff to produce to the Defendants, at the LAW OFFICES OF JAMES J. PRATT, 2400 First Street, Suite 300, Fort Myers, FL 33901, within 30 days of the date of this request, for the purposes of inspecting and copying the matters described in the attached list. Defendants would state that they have need to examine, copy and inspect said described items and are unable to obtain said described items by other means, or, alternatively, Defendants are otherwise entitled to said items under the applicable Rules of Civil Procedure and case law interpreting same. I HEREBY CERTIFY that a true and correct copy of the above and foregoing has been furnished by regular United States mail to: Mark A. Steinberg, Esquire, 2650 Airport Road, Suite C, Naples, FL 34112, thisoll day of April, 2010. LAW OFFICES OF JAMES J. PRATT Attorneys for Defendant 2400 First Street, Suite 300 By: QUENTIN B! FAL Catt Florida Bar No. 0140538