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  • Powers, Christopher M Vs Orange Blossom Ranch Assn Inc Homestead Foreclosure $50,001 - $249,999 document preview
  • Powers, Christopher M Vs Orange Blossom Ranch Assn Inc Homestead Foreclosure $50,001 - $249,999 document preview
  • Powers, Christopher M Vs Orange Blossom Ranch Assn Inc Homestead Foreclosure $50,001 - $249,999 document preview
  • Powers, Christopher M Vs Orange Blossom Ranch Assn Inc Homestead Foreclosure $50,001 - $249,999 document preview
  • Powers, Christopher M Vs Orange Blossom Ranch Assn Inc Homestead Foreclosure $50,001 - $249,999 document preview
  • Powers, Christopher M Vs Orange Blossom Ranch Assn Inc Homestead Foreclosure $50,001 - $249,999 document preview
  • Powers, Christopher M Vs Orange Blossom Ranch Assn Inc Homestead Foreclosure $50,001 - $249,999 document preview
  • Powers, Christopher M Vs Orange Blossom Ranch Assn Inc Homestead Foreclosure $50,001 - $249,999 document preview


Christopher Powers Daniela Powers 2213 Heydon Circle West re: Case # 09-5797-CA Naples, FL 34120 (239) 842-0388 Email: July 21, 2009 To Whom It May Concern: mu, wife, Daniele, Bowers os |, Christopher Powers rd as. Defendantsin the above-referenced Cagq # 0999797; hereby submit to the Court a written response to the foreclosure lawsuit filed agairfst me-by 2. HMO ls Taylor, Bean, and Whitaker Mortgage Corporation (hereafter to be referenced ag “EEW")aIn Ss the pages that follow, | will attempt to explain and document the circumstancéthat havged 3S to the current delinquent status of the mortgage on the property at 2213 Heydon Circle West, Naples, FL, 34120. | will also emphasize my continued willingness and desire to bring the loan current, provided that TBW agrees to modified terms that would enable us to remain here. My wife, Daniela Powers, is in complete agreement with me in all matters that pertain to this Case, and she respectfully requests that this letter serve as her written response as well. We wish to thank the Court in advance for its consideration in this matter. In August of 2008, we received a disbursement of approximately $4000.00 from TBW. Apparently our escrow account had a surplus. This good news was followed shortly thereafter by a notification from TBW that our payment for the coming calendar year (2009) would be reduced to @$1900. This $300 reduction in our monthly payment (the 2008 payments were $2193), coupled with the unexpected $4000 windfall, allowed our family to finally reunite. We purchased this home in September of 2007 and enrolled our children in school immediately, but | remained in Lake Tahoe, NV, working for Harrahs Entertainment, my employer of 13 years. We did not think it prudent that | leave a steady income of @$55k/yr. without a similar income source lined up here in Florida. With the lowered payment and the $4000 windfall to cover a month or so between jobs, | was finally able to rejoin my family here in beautiful Collier County in October 2008, and | quickly found employment with Seminole Gaming in Immokalee. With economic conditions as they are, | knew that I couldn't expect to earn $55k/yr. in my new job, but with the reduced payment and reduced expenses that came with relocation, | was fairly sure that we could get by. C0: Miedo Plaint> Ottongg ly Lah of Cau 220424However, within a few weeks of my arrival, we received some bad news from TBW. Evidently, the $4000 disbursement they sent me from my escrow account was some sort of mistake. In reality, what appeared to be a surplus was actually a shortfall, and the amount would need to be made up by increasing the payment to @$2400/mo. for the 2009 calendar year instead of the anticipated $1900/mo. | immediately did extensive calculations that revealed the impossibility of scraping together the extra $500/month that the increase represented. | am satisfied with my new job, and the @$40k | will earn this year will allow me to support my family, but it will not enable me to make $2400 monthly payments on my loan with TBW. That was immediately apparent to me, and | stopped making said payments when the increase to $2400 took effect in January. Another unexpected financial setback that we experienced shortly after my arrival in Florida was the loss of my wife's income. She had been working for Starbucks Coffee Corp. on Tarpon Bay Blvd. in Naples, earning $8.50/hr and working about 20 hours/week. However, her store was closed permanently in November of last year (one of about 1000 store closures Starbucks has announced as part of its "cost-cutting strategy"), and, although she was "transferred" to another store in the area, she never received more than 8 hours in any week she was employed there before she was finally officially laid off by Starbucks in March 2009. The $600-$700 each month she brought home from Starbucks is sorely missed, as she has yet to find employment in this difficult job market to replace that lost income. I contacted the Default Department ant TBW in January of 2009 to inform them that | would be unable to make future payments of @$2400/mo. due to financial hardship, and they mailed me a list of documents for me to compile for their consideration in the matter. | gathered the information they requested, and mailed it to them on January 29, 2009. | was very hopeful at that time that they would review the documentation that | had provided and contact me with alternative proposals that would enable us to remain in the home at terms we could afford. To say that this optimism was hopelessly naive is, in hindsight, a gross understatement. | have received no personal contact whatsoever from TBW after that initial mailing in January. They have occasionally left recorded messages instructing me to contact them at a toll-free number, where | could have the pleasure of listening to more recorded messages for up to 40 minutes without ever speaking to anyone. They also sent me three mass-produced letters over the past few months, where the only line in a different typeface was my name, indicating to me | that thousands of struggling homeowners were receiving identical "personal" communication | every day. \ {truly felt at the beginning of this process that since it is the aim of the lender to keep the borrower in the loan and out of foreclosure, and it is certainly our aim to remain in the home, that the two parties would find some way to connect and find common ground. To ©negotiate an arrangement that would be feasible for the long term and enable us to keep our home while at the same time enabling TBW's investors to avoid the substantial loss of a foreclosure should have been, in my opinion, TBW's primary focus from January 29th forward. My discouragement and disillusionment at how this has unfolded is very hard for me to fully describe on paper. | know I signed the loan documents at closing, promising to adhere to the terms. At that time, | made a sincere promise. However, our financial reality is no longer what it was in 2007 when | signed off on this loan. Faced with a choice of making payments while starving my kids OR feeding my kids while defaulting on the loan, | made the obvious decision-- one that anyone in my position would make. | feel very badly about defaulting on my financial obligation to TBW and its investors, but my family will always be my first priority. If nothing can be done to remedy this situation and TBW repossesses the home, we will walk our skins and our belongings across the street, where a home identical to ours is for rent at $1100/mo. Now | would like to roll up my sleeves and present the numerical facts as they pertain to my inability to adhere to the terms of this mortgage. Enclosed with this letter are copies of my six most recent weekly paycheck stubs. This income represents fully 100% of my family's monthly monetary inflow, as my wife is currently unemployed and we receive no other income from any other source. These paycheck stubs document our income at roughly $800/week or @$3400/mo. With this modest amount coming in each month, a $2400 house payment would devour over 70% of our income. If | were to dutifully send this payment off to TBW each month, where would my wife's $369 monthly car payment come from? Where would | go for the $260/mo. for my kids' health insurance? The list goes on and on, as everyone is aware--utilities, food, gas, car insurance, etc. etc. The Federal Government has made a determination that no more than 38% of a family's income should go toward the house payment, and currently loan modifications are being negotiated with that figure in mind. That | cannot afford to pay TBW 70% of our monthly income is obvious and should not come as a surprise to anyone. | have discussed what has led us to this point, and | have detailed our current situation. However, what remains most important, in my opinion, for both the Plaintiff in this case (TBW and its investors) and for myself, the Defendant, is how the matter will proceed from this point forward. | have been of the belief that financial institutions wish to avoid foreclosure at all costs, only utilizing it as a last resort. From our standpoint, we would also prefer to remain in the home and avoid foreclosure. | indicated to TBW in my mailing of January 29th a continued | willingness to work with them to find an arrangement that would work for both parties, and | | remain steadfast in my sincere resolve to negotiate with TBW if such a sincere willingness exists | from their side. The fact that no one from TBW has contacted me in the 6 months since my initial contact with their Default Department does not, in my view, necessarily indicate an unwillingness to negotiate with me. It could very well reflect the reality that they are simply swamped with similar cases and are unable to cope with their sheer volume. @1am unsure of what role the Court is empowered to take in such proceedings. If the role of the Court in this matter is as an impartial dispenser of justice, passing judgment with the evidence as presented, then clearly | have defaulted on my financial obligation to TBW. However, should the role of the Court stretch to encompass that of an arbiter with the authority to compel TBW to negotiate with me in order to avoid what would be an undesirable resolution for both parties (foreclosure), | wish to state my unwavering desire to arrive at an equitable solution to keep us in our home and TBW's investors in their investment. In the paragraphs that follow, | will outline some potential "jumping-off points" for potential negotiations between the parties in this Case. The current balance of @$263k (with fees and penalties) is at a flat 7% interest for the next 28+ years. The current terms result in a monthly payment of $2400 (with escrowed items), and | have documented that this amount represents more than 70% of our monthly income and is therefore untenable. The 38% figure put forth by Congress would put our payment, relative to our current monthly income, at @$1300 (with escrowed items), and each $100 jump in the payment represents @3% of our income, i.e. 41% of our income is a @$1400 payment, 44% puts us at @$1500, etc. Unfortunately, at the current balance, even a reduction to 3% interest would only result in the payment being lowered to @$1600 ($1158 + esc. items). Therefore, in order to reach payment levels that would be realistically sustainable for the long term, a reduction in principal balance as well as a reduced interest rate would be necessary, in my estimation. Currently, of the 40 identical homes on our street, approximately 12 are in foreclosure or pre-foreclosure, and the offers being received for these homes as short sales reveal the current market value of our home as well, because it has the same floorplan as every other home around it. Potential buyers are offering in the neighborhood of $140k for these homes, and this information is, | believe, verifiable in public record. This assertion is made not with the aim of cutting my loan balance in half, but merely to reinforce that, at a balance of $263k, this home could never possibly become an asset for us. It would always remain a substantial liability, and | would thus have little incentive to remain current on a modification that did not include a substantial reduction in the principal balance. The following scenarios provide only a rough framework from which negotiations could begin--by no means am | asserting that | will only be receptive to similar proposals. The information was obtained through the use of the online mortgage calculator at Escrowed items are approximated at $400.00 for the purpose of these examples.Example Scenarios Loan Balance: $200k _ Interest Rate: 5% Monthly Payment: @$1507 Loan Balance: $200k _ Interest Rate: 4% Monthly Payment: @$1390 Loan Balance: $200k __ Interest Rate: 3% Monthly Payment: @$1280 Loan Balance: $180k Interest Rate: 5% Monthly Payment: @$1396 Loan Balance: $180k —_ Interest Rate: 4% Monthly Payment: @$1291 Loan Balance: $160k Interest Rate: 5% Monthly Payment: @$1285 Loan Balance: $160k Interest Rate: 6% Monthly Payment: @$1384 The preceding figures illustrate that, provided TBW is willing to negotiate a reduction in principal and interest rate with me, there are numerous scenarios whereby foreclosure can be avoided in this Case. | am financially unable to abide by the current terms of the loan, as doing | so would starve my family. This assertion is validated by the income documentation | have enclosed with this letter. Since | am not the noteholder, | am in no position to demand that TBW enter into negotiations with me or to dictate the terms of such negotiations. This effort must be initiated and agreed to by TBW, and although | would eagerly welcome such a turn of events, | am unable to force this to come about. If it is in the authority of the Court to mandate negotiations between the parties in this Case, | would very much welcome such a verdict and be grateful for the opportunity to negotiate to keep our home. If the role of the Court in this matter is merely to find for one side or the other, | am obviously in default of my obligation to TBW and have no legal recourse that | am aware of in order to remedy this situation. Lastly, | wish for all involved parties to know that it was never my intent to default or otherwise cause harm to the Plaintiff. | feel badly about how this situation has developed and for my inability to maintain my financial obligations. The financial pinch that my family is feeling has spread to include TBW, and | acknowledge and regret this reality. | remain hopeful that something can be worked out in order to avoid the impending foreclosure and will do everything in my power and my budget to bring a better resolution about, should the Court and TBW determine that such a resolution be proper and feasible. In closing, | wish to thank the ©Court for its patient consideration of this matter. We await the decision of the Court, and we will abide by it, whatever it may be. Respectfully, Christopher Powers Please find enclosed the six (6) most recent paycheck stubs from my current employer, Seminole Indian Casino-Immokalee. They provide income documentation to illustrate current financial hardship.WAGES HOURS ADJ. OVERTIME TIP POOL HOLIDAY AVG WAGE OT GROSS PAY EN eet Seminole indian Casino-lmmokalee 506 S. First Street Immokalee, FL 34142 PNET ete eect Seminole Indian Casino- 506 S. First Street sino-Immokalee ewe |**DIR DEP CHECKING Metco kose! 40.00 739.04 979.04 | Be set aoe clss Cha ces | | | Seminole Indian Casino-Immokalee Raid SOR Maw eid pala seh ese CHRISTOPHER M POWERS | 119744 PNG facet) eesti WAGES 40.00 | 240.00 HOURS ADJ. OVERTIME TIP POOL 727.82 HOLIDAY 8.00 48.0 AVG WAGE OT GROSS PAY 1015.82 ¥ Immokalee, FL 34142 eS RSe iteciine **DIR DEP CHECKING iia eked 670-06432 PAL a-tet MOVE DOCUMENT ALONG THi Semir™e Indian Casino-lmmokal™ MEDICARE |FEDERAL W/H MEDICAL DENTAL DIRECT DEPOSIT DED. TOTALS AE Cor ek oy 9 PSeOl ey RM West sias XXXXXXXXX3771 Path mn fot hee hey ed FORATION ee 1g! 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