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  • Midland Credit Management Llc v. Jorge EspinozaOther Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Debt Buyer Plaintiff document preview
  • Midland Credit Management Llc v. Jorge EspinozaOther Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Debt Buyer Plaintiff document preview
  • Midland Credit Management Llc v. Jorge EspinozaOther Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Debt Buyer Plaintiff document preview
  • Midland Credit Management Llc v. Jorge EspinozaOther Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Debt Buyer Plaintiff document preview


FILED: ROCKLAND COUNTY CLERK 03/03/2021 12:40 PM INDEX NO. 032068/2020 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 4 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/03/2021 NY Supreme Gourt of Rockland County I S. Itlain St STE 100 New City, NY 10956 JORGE ESPINOZA 29 Leber Rd Blauvelt, NY 10913-1402 1 of 2 FILED: ROCKLAND COUNTY CLERK 03/03/2021 12:40 PM INDEX NO. 032068/2020 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 4 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/03/2021 SI]PREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, COIJNTY OF ROCKLAND COT]NTY OF ROCKLAND INDEX NO. 03206812020 MANAGEMENT INC' Defendant JORGE ESPINOZA Plaintiff MIDLAND CREDIT ATTENTIoN:Alawsuithasbeenfiledagainstyouclaimingthatyouowemongl|oranunoaidconsumer an "answer'" You may wish to contact an debt. you should respond t" dj;;it-"r;on as possible b-y filing you' once entered' to the lawsuit, the court may enter a-money judgnrent against attomey. If you do not respond property and money' is good and can bJotJtg"i"'t vo' for twenty years' and your personal a judgment judgment will affect account, may be taken from you' Also, a including a portion of yoor pay"hectLaloiuant arrested a job, or.take out a loan' You cannot be score and can ," *"i" t vour credit "ff#;;;ffi "rJ,.iira can be found on the coun svstem's website at: www' il";;;;j;;il;; o*r,g " a"ui'iaa,*r"ii"r""r"ton nycourts. gov. dinero por una deuda pRECAucI6N: Se ha presentado una demanda en su contra reclamando que usted debe posible, responder a la. demanda presentando una no saldada. urt"i-J"u., t"" pr.nto al consumidor "omo Si usted no presenta una contestaci6n' el "contestaci6n." Quizas usted q"*;;;;ilse con un abogaio' y puede ser un fuffo Jo*t .io contra suya. Una'vez emitido, ese fallo es v6lido fibunal puede emitir "o y su dinero, incluyendo una usted por * p.;l;d; de veinte afros, y contra su propiedad personal utilizado contra Ademas, un fallo monetarto y/o ," .";;;;;u, io, p*den sir embargados. oorci6n de su salario or""ti. ""i"r de alquila na coru, ttabajo o solicitar un pr6stamo afecta su cr6dito y pu"a. ,-u "n"ootr* Puede obtener #"d "rp""ura ni apresado por adeudar dinero D.[a comprar un autom6vil. ";'p;;r.i "n.rtuao gov' www'nycourts ffi;;;"i'd;.ional en el sitio web del sistema: 2 of 2