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  • Michael Vindigni v. Joseph A. Brizzi & Sons, Inc., Flemington Electrical Maintenance Inc. Torts - Other Negligence (Personal Injury) document preview
  • Michael Vindigni v. Joseph A. Brizzi & Sons, Inc., Flemington Electrical Maintenance Inc. Torts - Other Negligence (Personal Injury) document preview


FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 07/27/2020 11:33 AM INDEX NO. 519872/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 17 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 07/27/2020 At a NoIc of lssue Final Confcrencc Pan of lhc Supremc Coun of the Slate of New Yo& hcld in and for thc Couaty of Kings, at the Courrhouse locaEd at 360 Adams Snect, Brooklyn, Ncw York on thc Z? auy of Ti [q ,20 2-c: PRESENT: ) L; zelk Cbt.", @"'t cAL. NO._ -----------x r.|, Plaintif(s), -agalnst- rINAL PR.E.NOTE ORDER INDEX NO. z Br,zz-' el a\ Def€ndant(s) Plaiotiffmust filc Noteof Issue on or before Jo >D fCP. r" ls"lar- Failue to timely file the Noteof Issue will result in this maner being placed upon a disposition calendar after the Note of lssue due date and may also result in this action bcing dismissed based on want ofproseculion, pursuant !o CPLR $3216. Deposition of plaintiff(s) held 6 ? ro be held o/o/B: of defendan(s): held ro be held O/O/B: Independent Medical Exam held or to be noticed by Exams to be completed by and Reporls to be exchsnged by z 2t e rolrg ro z9 20 ,i? ) I tu c 'tse a t r zt f4d,v part * 6 l,Q .hr,{. The terms of this order supcrsede the provisions of all prior orders. Pursuent to CPLR $3126, feilure lo strictty comply with this frnal order, will result in preclusion, the s a pleading and./o ctions as may be a PC CC: Other ,tel"" N. UZETTECOLON FOR CES Anorney Firm "fi\ by I aintiff(s Anomcy Firm by for Defendan(s Attomey Firm by for Defendantfs e*.'3 1 of 1