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  • Michael Vindigni v. Joseph A. Brizzi & Sons, Inc., Flemington Electrical Maintenance Inc. Torts - Other Negligence (Personal Injury) document preview
  • Michael Vindigni v. Joseph A. Brizzi & Sons, Inc., Flemington Electrical Maintenance Inc. Torts - Other Negligence (Personal Injury) document preview
  • Michael Vindigni v. Joseph A. Brizzi & Sons, Inc., Flemington Electrical Maintenance Inc. Torts - Other Negligence (Personal Injury) document preview
  • Michael Vindigni v. Joseph A. Brizzi & Sons, Inc., Flemington Electrical Maintenance Inc. Torts - Other Negligence (Personal Injury) document preview


FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 02/04/2019 02:11 PM INDEX NO. 519872/2018 NYSCEF REQUEST DOC. NO. 10 FOR JUDICIAL INTERVENTION For RECEIVED Court Clerk NYSCEF: Use 02/04/2019 Only ucs.a4o g/2012) IAS kintry Date Supreme COURT, COUNTY OF Kirtgs ....- Index No: 519872/18 Date Index Issued: 10/03/2018 CAPTION, Enterto complete casecaphn Do not use et at or teno.. mu If inore·spacals * attach-acaptionnder-sheet. MICHAEL VINDIGNI, P!e!WF(e)!aetitioner(s) -against- JOSEPH A.BRIZZI & SONS, INC.and FLEMINGTON ELECTRICAL MAINTENANCE, INC., Defendant(s)/Respondent(s) NATURE OF ACTION OR PROCEEDING: Check ONE boK mly and specifywhere - indicatind MATRIMONIAL COMMERCIAL Ô Contested Ô Business corporations, (including Entlty partnerships,LLCs, etc.) NOTE: For all Matrimonial actionswhere have the partles childrenunder O Contract and the age of 18, complete attachtheMATRIMON1AL RJI Addendum- O Insurance(where insureris a party, exceptarbitration) For Uncontested Matrimonial use RJI form actions, UD-13· O UCC sales, (including negotiable iñstrumêñts) TORTs O Other Commercial: ("P°*) Û Asbestos O BreastImplant NOTE: For Commercial DMsion assignment requests[22 NYCRR § completeand attach the COMMERCIAL DIV RJiAddendum. O Environmental: 202.70(d)], (®°*) REAL PROPERTY: How many properties does the appbcation molude? , . O Medical,Dental,or Podlatric Malpractice Ô Condemnation O Motor Vehicle O Mortgage Foreclosure(specry): Û Residential O Commercial O Products Liability: PropertyAddress: (specKy) streetAddress City State Zip 0 Other N6ÿ:igéia:Personal injurY NOTE: For MortgageFaiõc|csureactions|rivcMriga one- to four-family, (spe ) owner-occupied,residential or an owner-occupied property, O Other Professional Me!prede: complete condcmiñ:ürri, and attachthe FORECLOSURE RJi Addendum. ("°*) O Tax - Section: Certiorari Block: Lot: Tort· O Other O Tax Foreclosure (••*) O Other RealProperty: OTHER MATTERS (specNy) Û of iriuvrperPC--'s".cñ Certificate [seeNOTE under Commercial] SPECIAL PROCEEDINGS O Emergency MedicalTreatment Q CPLR 75 (Arbitration) Article [see NOTE under Commercial) O Habeas Corpus O CPLR Article 78 (Body or Officer) O LocalCourt Appeal O ElectionLaw O Mechanic'sLien O MHL Article9.60(Kendra'sLaw) O Name Change Q MHL Article10 (Sex offender Confinement-Initial) O PistolPernilt Revocation Hearing Q MHL 10 (Sex offender Confinement-Review) Article O Sale or Financeof ReligIous/Not-for-Profit Property O MHL Article81 (Guardianship) Q Other O Other MentalHygiene: (spee) (speavy) O Other SpecialProcesc::ñg: . . ("P°°¹fY) STATUS OF ACTION OR PROCEEDING: Answer YES or NO for EVERY ouestionAND enteradditional where information indicated. Has a summons and oomplaintor cumma-,5 w/noticebeen filed? If yes, 10/03/2018 date filed: 10/11/2018 Has a summons and complaint or summons been w/notice served? 0 O If yes, date served: Is this action/proceeding beingfiledpost-judgment? If yes, judgment date: 1 of 2 FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 02/04/2019 02:11 PM INDEX NO. 519872/2018 NYSCEF NATURE DOC. OF NO. JUDICIAL 10 INTERVENTION:- Check ONE best only ANDenter addiflonal ktformation RECEIVED where NYSCEF: indicated. 02/04/2019 Ö Infant's Compromise O Note of issue and/or·Certificate of Readiness O Noticeof Medical,Dental,or Podiatric Malpractice Date IssueJoined: O Noticeof Motion ReliefSought ReturnDate: O Noticeof Petition ReliefSought ReturnDate: O Order to Show Cause ReliefSought: Retum Date: O Other Ex ParteApplication ReliefSought: O Poor Person Application Request forPraumbary Conference O Residential Mortgage ForeclosureSettlementConference Q Writof Habeas Corpus O Other (specify): ' S. List any related actions For Matnmonialactions;include onminal any related aryd/or Family.Court cases REaTED C If additiorial speoeis complete required, and attachthailGIAskiendum. If none, leaveblank. Case Tlille index/Case No. Court Judge Ifassigned) to Instant Case Relationship "Un-Rep" PARUES- For parties withoutan attorney, check box AND enter partyaddress,phone number address and e-rnell in spaceprovided, - If additional space is requwf,_oomplete andattachthe.RM Addendurn. Partles: Attorneys and/or Unrepresented Litigants: Un- Issu0 in caption List parties orderand Provideattorneyname, firmname, business address,phone number and e-mail Insurance Rep indicateparty (e.g. role(a) defendant; address of all attomeys thathave appeared in the case.For unrepresented CarrIer(s): 3rd-partyplaintiff)- provide IItigants, address,phone number and e-mailaddress. Vindigni Nrector Sara Last Name Last Name First Name Michael larasch McGarry Salzman & Penson First Name Firm Name PrimaryRole: 11ParkPlace,5uite 1801 NewYork NewYork 10007 Plaintiff street zdrese city state 21p NO secondary Role (If any): F1(212)3854000 +1 (212)385-7845 Phone Fax e-mall oseph A. Brizzi & Sons, Inc. Gold Benes, LLP. First Name Firm Name Primary Role: 1666Newbridge Road,2nd R Bellmore NewYork 11710 Defendant street Address City state zip secondary Role(if any): F1(516)512-6333 Phone Fax e-mall Remington Electrical,_1nc. Last Name Last Name First Name Law Office of Kevin J. Philbin First Name Firm Name Primary Role: 3ne Whitehall Street, 13th FL New York NewYork 10004 Defendant street address city state zip NO secondary Role(1Iany); F1(212)248-9100 Phone Fax e-mal Last Name LeatName First Name First Name Firm Name PrimaryRole: street Addreas City state Zlp secondary Role (lf any): Phone Fax einall I AFFIRM UNDER THE PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT, TO MY KNOWLEDGE, OTHER THAN AS NOTED ABOVL , THERE ARE AND HAVE BEEN NO RELATED ACTIONS OR PROCEEDiNG8, NOR HAS A REQUEST FOR JUDICIAL INTERVENTION PF EVlOUSLY BEEN FILED IN THIS ACTION OR PROCEEDING. Dated: 02/01/2019 SI TURE 4118212 5 ector,ESq. ATTORNEY REGISTRATION NUMBER PlGI OR TYPE NAME 2 of 2