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  • Tamika Diaz v. Chana Sara Bar-Chaim Torts - Motor Vehicle document preview
  • Tamika Diaz v. Chana Sara Bar-Chaim Torts - Motor Vehicle document preview
  • Tamika Diaz v. Chana Sara Bar-Chaim Torts - Motor Vehicle document preview
  • Tamika Diaz v. Chana Sara Bar-Chaim Torts - Motor Vehicle document preview
  • Tamika Diaz v. Chana Sara Bar-Chaim Torts - Motor Vehicle document preview
  • Tamika Diaz v. Chana Sara Bar-Chaim Torts - Motor Vehicle document preview


FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 05/07/2019 12:31 PM INDEX NO. 524057/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 5 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/07/2019 For Court Clerk Uee O~nly: REQUEST FOR JUDICIAL INTERVENTION IAS Entry Date UCS-840 (7/2012) SUPREIVIE COURT, COUNTY OF KINGS Judge Assigned Index No: 524057/2018 Date Index Issued: 11/30/2018 CAPTION: Enterthe completecase caption.Do not use et al or et ano. If morespace is required, attacha caption sheet. rider RJI Date TAIYIIKADIAZ, ~ Plaintiff(s)/Pegitio 1 -against- GHANA SARA BAR-CHAIM, Defetluan".c)/Res- NATURE OF ACTION OR PROCEED! NG: Check ONE box only and specify where indicated. MATRIMONIAL COM ( ) Contested ( )B NOTE: actions For all Matrimonial where the parties have childrenunder ( )C ":--" — the age of 18, complete and attachthe MATRIMONIAL RJI ( ) In For UncontestedMatrimonialactions.use RJI formUD-13. ( )U TORTS ( )o ( ) Asbestos (specify) C- tell requests[22 NYCRR NOTE: For rlgtlDivision a i","„mont fJ )E ':". complete 202.70(d)], and attachthe COMll/IERCIALDIV RJI "-'"=:=....—.. ( (specify) ( ) Medical, or Podiatric Dental, Ma!greet!ce REAL PROPERTY: How many properties does the p!Idcn include? (X) MotorVehicle ( ) ProductsLiability: —-=-- ) ReSidential ) IMiulIagtge FOreCIOSure (SpeCify) ( ( ) CC (specify) ( ) PropertyAddress: ( ) OtherNegligence: Street Address City State Zip (specify) NOTE; For MortgageForeclosureactionsinvolvinga one-to-fc r ',emily, ( ) OtherProtean!en"!Malpractice: owner-occupied,r~oid~»io! or an owner-occupied property, (specify) c----' complete -::::::::, and attachtheFORECLOSURE RJI ( ) OtherTort: dulll s ecif OTHER MATTERS —Section: Block: Lot: ( ) TaxCertiorari ( ) Certificate of Incorporation/D!sso!Irt!on [seeNOTE under Commercial] ( ) TaxForoctooiir~ ( Medical ) Eii-iergen-y Treatment ( ) OtherReal Property: ( ) Habeas Corpus (specifvl ( ) LocalCourtAppeal SPECIAL PROI:-EE»iNt 'S ( ) Mechanic'sLien ( ) CPLR Article 75 (Arbitration) (see NOTE under C"mmercial] ( ) Name Change ( ) CPLR Article 78 (Body or Officer) ( ) Pistol Permitrevocationhearing ( Law ) Election ( ) Saleor Financeof Religious/Not-for-Profit Property ( ) MHL Article 9.60(Kendra's Law) --'!."."' ( ) Other: ( ) MHLArticle 10 (SexO(fender Cc;:::.:.:: t) (specify) ( )MHL Article 10 (SexOffender Confinement-Review) ( ) MHL Article 81 (C r"lonsh!0) ( ) OtherMentalHygiene: (specify) ) Other Special Proceeding; ' '- ="-- STATUS OF ACTION OR PROCEEDING: Answer YES or NO forEVERY questionAND enteradd!t!on! where YES NO Has a srrmm .". and comp!a!ntor summons w/noticebeen filed? (X) ( ) If yes, date filed: 11/30/2018 Has a ollmmon and complaint or sl.!mmons W/nOtiCe beenSerVed? (X) ( ) If yes, date served:01/21/2019 IS thiS aoticn/pruueeUIII'JJ being filed pOSt-judgment? ( ) (X) If yeS, juugnllellt date: NATURE OF JUDICAL INTERVENTION: Check ONE box only AND enter d"iti..!: .:-:::=':-:-.: where indicated. 1 of 3 FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 05/07/2019 12:31 PM INDEX NO. 524057/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 5 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/07/2019 ( ) Infant's Compromise ( ) Noteof Issueand/orCertificate of Readiness ( ) Noticeof Medical, Dental, Malpractice or Podiatric Date IssueJoined:02/15/2019 ( ) Noticeof Motion ReliefSought: ReturnDate: ( ) Noticeof Petition ReliefSought: ReturnDate: ( ) Orderto Show Cause ReliefSought: ReturnDate: ( ) OtherEx ParteApplication ReliefSought: ( ) PoorPerson Application (X) Request Conference for Preliminary ( ) Residential Mortgage ForeclosureRatt1amantConference ( ) Writof HabeasCorpus ( } Other(specify): RELATED CASES: List anyrelated actions. For Matrimonial inc[ude actions, any relatedcriminal and/orFamily Courtcases. If aMipnor space is required, complete and attachthe RJI Addendum.If none, leave blank. Case Title Index/Case No. Court |Judge (ifessigned) Relatiüñchip to Instant Case "Un-Rep" provided. PARTIES: For parties without check an attorney, box AND enterpartyaddress,phone number and e-mailaddressin space If addit|üñal space complete is required, and attachtheRJI Addeadüm. Un- Parties: Attorneys: Issue [nsurance Rep List parties in caption order and Provide firmname, businessaddress,phone number and e- Joined Carrier(s): attorneyname, indicateparty (e.g. role(s) mail addressof all attorneys thathave appeared in the case. For (Y/N) defendant:3rd-party unrepresented plaintifi____ provide litigants, address,phone number and e-mail address. Name: Zwirn& Saulino Tamika Diaz Attorneysfor Plaintiff(s) (X) YES Not applicable ( ) Tamika Diaz 2606 East Suite 15th Street, 205 ( ) NO Role:Plaintiff NY 11235 Brooklyn, Phone:718-615-7400 Fax: 718-615-9460 Name: ToniAnn VultaggioEsq. Chana Sara Bar-Chaim JAMES G. BILELLO & ASSOCIATES (X) YES GEICO ( ) 100 DuffyAvenue, Suite500 NY 11801 Hicksville, ( ) NO Role:Defendant Phone: 516-861-1828 Fax: 516-861-1801 I AFFIRM UNDER THE PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT, TO MY KNOWLEDGE, OTHER THAN AS NOTED ABOVE, THERE ARE AND HAVE BEEN NO RELATED ACTIONS OR PROCEEDINGS, NOR HAS A REQUEST FOR JUD!C!AL INTERVENTION PREVIOUSLY BEEN FILED IN THIS ACTION OR PROCEEDING. Dated: May 6,2019 Toni Aiin Vultaggio, Esq. PRINT OR TYPE NAME 2038408 JAMES G. BILELLO & ASSOCIATES ATTORNEY REGISTRATION NUMBER Attóiriéÿs for Defendant(s) Chana Sara Bar-Chaim 100 Duffy Avenue, Suite 500 Hicksville, NY 11801 516-861-1828 Our FileNo.: 19K0218 Our Claim No.: 0610850180101016 (J805) 2 of 3 FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 05/07/2019 12:31 PM INDEX NO. 524057/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 5 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/07/2019 Index No.: 524057/2018 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COU TY F NGS ________ _____ Plaintiff(s) - REQUEST FOR JUDICIAL - against INTERVENTION CHANA SARA BAR-CHAIM, Defendantis JAMES G. BILELLO & ASSOCIATES Attorneys for the Defendant(s) Chana Sara Bar-Chaim 100 Duffy Avenue, Suite 500 Hicksville, NY 11801 516-861-1828 ____---------_________------- ______________ _____ TO: Zwirn & Saulino Attorneys for Plaintiff(s) Tamika Diaz 2606 East 15th Street, Suite 205 Brooklyn, NY 11235 Due and timely service of a copy of the within REQUEST FOR JUDICIAL INTERVENTION is hereby admitted. Dated May 6, 2019 3 of 3