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  • Ramdeen, Karen L Vs Ramdeen, Carrie A Other Real Property Action $50,001 - $249,999 document preview
  • Ramdeen, Karen L Vs Ramdeen, Carrie A Other Real Property Action $50,001 - $249,999 document preview
  • Ramdeen, Karen L Vs Ramdeen, Carrie A Other Real Property Action $50,001 - $249,999 document preview


IN THE CIRCUIT OF THE 20th JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF FLORIDA, IN AND FOR COLLIER COUNTY BAC Home Loans Servicing, LP, Plaintiff, -vs.- CASE NO: 2009-CA-006493 Karen L. Ramdeen and Carrie A. Ramdeen a/k/a Carrie A. Peters; Zebulon Peters; Glades Golf and Country Club, Inc. Defendant(s). AFFIDAVIT IN SUPPORT OF MOTION FOR FINAL SUMMARY JUDGMENT STATE OF __ Texas SS. COUNTY OF BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, this date personally appeared Chanda Smith - Assist. Secretary of BAC Home Loans Servicing, LP, who is being first duly sworn or affirmed, deposes and states: 1. Affiant is familiar with the business practices of BAC Home Loans Servicing, LP, is over the age of 18, competent to testify, and has personal knowledge of the facts contained herein. 2. It is the regular practice of BAC Home Loans Servicing, LP to record acts, transactions, payments, escrow account activity, disbursements, and events with respect to the mortgage. These records are prepared by persons with knowledge of, or from information transmitted from person with knowledge of and at or near the time of the acts, transactions, payments, escrow account activity, disbursements, and events maintained in the ordinary course of regular business activity.3. BAC Home Loans Servicing, LP is the holder of the subject Mortgage Note and Mortgage, and has the right to enforce the same. 4. That the payment due March 1, 2009 and all payments thereafter have not been paid. 5. That the amount presently due upon said Mortgage Note and Mortgage as of September 27, 2010, is as follows; to wit; Principal Due on Note and Mortgage $189,205.44 Pre-Acceleration Late Charges: $411.94 Interest due from February 1, 2009 $19,709.00 through September 27, 2010 at 6.25% ADVANCES MADE AND PAID BY PLAINTIFF: Property Preservation $135.00 Insurance $4,448.68 Taxes $312.71 Mortgage Insurance (PMI) $1,000.12 TOTAL ADVANCES: $5,896.51 TOTAL: $215,222.89 Plus interest of $32.40 per day from September 28, 2010.6. That Plaintiff has employed SHAPIRO & FISHMAN, LLP to represent it in this action, and is obligated to pay a reasonable fee for its services. FURTHER AFFIANT SAYETH NAUGHT. AFFIANT Chanda Smith - Assist. Secretary Sworn to and subscribed before me this day of ‘SEP 8 2010 , 2010. The undersigned notary public specifies that affiant’s signature is the signature being notarized and that the affiant personally appeared before the notary public at the time of notarization. Affiant personally known. Notary Public - State of Commission No. SPECIAL J. BELL Notary Public 09-146177 STATE OF TEXAS My Comm. Exp. 04-23-14