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  • Itria Ventures Llc v. Brooklyn Sports Shop Llc, Bkly Sports Shop Llc, Josef Strassberg Other Matters - Sale or Finance of Religious/Not for Profit Property document preview
  • Itria Ventures Llc v. Brooklyn Sports Shop Llc, Bkly Sports Shop Llc, Josef Strassberg Other Matters - Sale or Finance of Religious/Not for Profit Property document preview
  • Itria Ventures Llc v. Brooklyn Sports Shop Llc, Bkly Sports Shop Llc, Josef Strassberg Other Matters - Sale or Finance of Religious/Not for Profit Property document preview
  • Itria Ventures Llc v. Brooklyn Sports Shop Llc, Bkly Sports Shop Llc, Josef Strassberg Other Matters - Sale or Finance of Religious/Not for Profit Property document preview


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 01/02/2019 04:35 PM INDEX NO. 652438/2017 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 43 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 01/02/2019 "E" EXHIBIT FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 01/02/2019 04:35 PM INDEX NO. 652438/2017 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 43 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 01/02/2019 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK ---------------------------------------X ITRIA VENTURES LLC, : Index No. 652438/17 Plaintiff, -against- STIPULATION OF : DISCONTINUANCE BROOKLYN SPORTS SHOP LLC, WITHOUT PREJUDICE BKLY SPORTS SHOP LLC and : JOSEF STRASSBERG, Defendants. ---------------------------------------X IT IS HEREBY STIPULATED AND AGREED, by and between the undersigned, counsel of record for the plaintiff and the defendants that the within action, including any and all claims by either party as against the other, is discontinued without prejudice. No party to this Stipulation is an infant or incompetent. E-mail or fax signatures are deemed the same as originals. Dated: New York, New York September , 2018 F I S WARD WEISSMAN By: Edwar Weissman káq. Attorney for Plaintiff 42nd 60 East Street, Ste. 557 New York, New York 10165 Tel.: (212) 937-1520 Brooklyn Sports Shop LLC, Defendant By Joseph Strassberg Joseph Strassberg Defendant BKLY Sports Shop LLC, Defendant By Joseph Strassberg