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  • Maria C Encalada as Administrator of the Estate of Angel Chasi, deceased v. 8801 Shore Road Building Corporation, Aaron Poret Real Estate, Howard Poret Torts - Other Negligence (Labor Law) document preview
  • Maria C Encalada as Administrator of the Estate of Angel Chasi, deceased v. 8801 Shore Road Building Corporation, Aaron Poret Real Estate, Howard Poret Torts - Other Negligence (Labor Law) document preview
  • Maria C Encalada as Administrator of the Estate of Angel Chasi, deceased v. 8801 Shore Road Building Corporation, Aaron Poret Real Estate, Howard Poret Torts - Other Negligence (Labor Law) document preview
  • Maria C Encalada as Administrator of the Estate of Angel Chasi, deceased v. 8801 Shore Road Building Corporation, Aaron Poret Real Estate, Howard Poret Torts - Other Negligence (Labor Law) document preview


FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 07/07/2022 05:30 PM INDEX NO. 521850/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 55 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 07/07/2022 "D" EXHIBIT FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 07/07/2022 05:30 PM INDEX NO. 521850/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 55 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 07/07/2022 On the Date Written Below LETTERS are Granted by the Surrogate's Court, State of New York as follows: File #: 2022-1636 Name of Decedent: Angel Q Chasi Figueroa Date of Death: December 9, 2021 Domicile of Decedent: Queens County Fiduciary Appointed: Maria C Encalada Mailing Address 4307 14th Avenue, #1 Brooklyn NY 11219 Letters Issued: LIMITED LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION Limitations: The fiduciary is prohibited and restrained from compromising any cause of action or enforcing any judgment recovered thereon WITHOUT FURTHER ORDER OF THIS COURT. The Decree entered authorizes the collection of a total of $0.00. The collection in excess of that amount must be authorized by a further Order of the Surrogate. THESE LETTERS, granted pursuant to a decree entered by the court, authorize and empower the above-named fiduciary or fiduciaries to perform all acts requisite to the proper administration and disposition of the estate/trust of the Decedent in accordance with the decree and the laws of New York State, subject to the limitations and restrictions, ifany, as set forth above. Dated: June 28, 2022 IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the seal of the Queens County Surrogate's Court has been affixed. WITNESS, Hon Peter J Kelly, Judge of the Queens County Surrogate's Court. Janet Edwards Tucker, Deputy Chief Clerk These Letters are Not Valid Without the Raised Seal.ofthe Queens County Surrogate's Court Attomey: Howard J Neuthaler Howard J Neuthaler Esq 28 Bonnie Way Larchmont NY 10538