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  • Maria C Encalada as Administrator of the Estate of Angel Chasi, deceased v. 8801 Shore Road Building Corporation, Aaron Poret Real Estate, Howard Poret Torts - Other Negligence (Labor Law) document preview
  • Maria C Encalada as Administrator of the Estate of Angel Chasi, deceased v. 8801 Shore Road Building Corporation, Aaron Poret Real Estate, Howard Poret Torts - Other Negligence (Labor Law) document preview


FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 08/18/2021 01:27 PM INDEX NO. 521850/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 42 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 08/18/2021 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF KINGS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~--~~------------~~~~X Index No.: 521850/2018 ANGEL CHASI, Plaintiff, AFFIRMATION OF SERVICE -against- 8801 SHORE ROAD BUILDING CORPORATION, AARON PORET REAL ESTATE and HOWARD PORET, Defendants. ~~~~-~~-~~~~~-~~~~------~~-··~~---·~~~~~~X STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF NEW YORK )ss.: CARMINE J. GONCALVES, an attorney duly admitted to practice law before the Courts of the State of New York, and an associate with the firm of WINGATE RUSSOTTI SHAPIRO & HALPERIN, LLP, the attorneys for the plaintiff above-named, hereby affirms, under the penalties of perjury: On August 18, 2021, deponent served the within NOTICE OF MOTION, AFFIRMATION IN SUPPORT and AFFIRMATION OF GOOD FAITH upon the attorney named via NYS Courts E-File to be served on: NICOLETTI HORNING & SWEENEY Attorney for Defendants 8801 SHORE ROAD BUILDING CORPORATION and HOWARD PORET Wall Street Plaza, 88 Pine Street, 7th Floor, New York, NY 10005 (212) 220-3820 Attn: Barbara A. Esq. - Sheehan, Jaime N. Burke, Esq. - Dated: New York, New York August 18, 2021 Yours, etc., Carmine J. Goncalves 1 of 1