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  • Brian Comer, Brittney Davis v. John J. Lease Iii, John J. Lease Management, Inc., Jack Smith, North Plank Development Company Llc Real Property - Other (Unlawful eviction) document preview
  • Brian Comer, Brittney Davis v. John J. Lease Iii, John J. Lease Management, Inc., Jack Smith, North Plank Development Company Llc Real Property - Other (Unlawful eviction) document preview
  • Brian Comer, Brittney Davis v. John J. Lease Iii, John J. Lease Management, Inc., Jack Smith, North Plank Development Company Llc Real Property - Other (Unlawful eviction) document preview
  • Brian Comer, Brittney Davis v. John J. Lease Iii, John J. Lease Management, Inc., Jack Smith, North Plank Development Company Llc Real Property - Other (Unlawful eviction) document preview


FILED: ORANGE COUNTY CLERK 08/10/2022 04:42 PM INDEX NO. EF004587-2021 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 34 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 08/10/2022 COUNTYOF OFTHESTATE OFNEWYORK AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE Plaintiff/ Petitioner: Brian Comer and Brittney Davis IndexNo: EF004587-2021 Defendant I Respondent: JohnJ Lease 111lndivldually and as an office for John J Lease Realtors, Inc. and John J Lease Management, Inc. John J Lease Realtors, Inc.:John J Lease Management, Inc; Jack Smith individually and as agent for John J Lease reallors, Inc and or JohnJ lease Management Inc. The undersigned being duly sworn, deposes and says: deponent Is not a party herein, Is over 18 years of age and resides at 52 Graw Rd, Nassau, New York 12123 . That on Wed, Aug 1O 2022 AT 09:58 AM AT 99 Washington Ave, Albany, NY 1221O deponent served the within Exhibits A - E; Affirmation Summons With Notice; Amended Summons; Verified Complaint, Verification; Rule 130 Statement; Memorandum, of Service by Mail and NYSCEF,Notice of Electronic Filing on John JLease Management, Inc. - NY Department of State D Individual: by delivering a true copy of each to said defendant, personally; deponent knew the person so served to be the person described as said defendant therein. 00 Corporation: John J lease Ill individually and as an office for John J Lease Realtors, Inc. and John J Lease Management, Inc. John J LeaseRealtors, Inc.; John J Lease Management, Inc; Jack Smith individually and as agent for John J Lease realtors, Inc and or John J LeaseManagement Inc. a defendant, therein named, by delivering a true copy of each to Nancy Dougherty - NY Department of State personally, deponent knew said corporation so served to be the corporation described, and knew said individual to be _______ thereof. D Suitable Person: by delivering thereat, a true copy of each to _______a person of suitable age and discretion. D Affixing to Door: by affixing a true copy of each to the door thereof, deponent was unable with due diligence to find defendant, or a person of suitable age or discretion thereat, having called thereon; at D Mailing: Deponent also enclosed a copy of same, in a postpaid sealed wrapper properly addressed to said defendant at defendant's last known residence, _______ , and depositing said wrapper in a post office, official depository under the exclusive care and custody of the United States Post Office, department, with New York State. Mailed on _______ _ D MilitaryService:I asked the person spoken to whether defendant was in active military service of the United States or of the State of New York in any capacity whatever and received a negative reply. Defendantworeordinary civilian clothesand no military uniform. The source of my information and the ground of my belief are the conversations and observations above narrated. Upon informationand belief I aver that the defendant is not in the military service of New York State or of the United States as that term is defined in either the State or in the Federal statutes. Description: Age: _s_o-_G_o _____ Ethnicity: _c_a_uc_a_s_ia_n _______ _ Gender: Female Weight: 160-170 Height: _5_'6_" ________ Hair: _B_la_c_k _________ _ -------- Eyes: Relationship: Other Sworn to before me on 2.o "2..?.... Notary Public Justin M. Peabody Notery Public, State of New York Qualified in Albany County No. 01PE6403513 -z._'-1 Commission Expires January27, 20- ( 1 of 2 FILED: ORANGE COUNTY CLERK 08/10/2022 04:42 PM INDEX NO. EF004587-2021 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 34 RECEIVEDCOUNW NYSCEF: 08/10/2022 OFORANGEJ SUPREME COURTOFTHESTATE OFNEWYORK Plalntiff / Petitioner: AFFIDAVIT OFSERVICE Brian Comer ilnd Brlteny Davis IndexNo: Defendant/ Respondent: EF004587-2021 JohnJ Lease Ill individually and as an office for John J Lease Realtors, Inc. and John J Lease Management, Inc. John J Lease Realtors, Inc.;John J Lease Management, Inc; Jack Smith individually and as agent for John J Lease reallors, Inc and or JohnJ Lease Management Inc. The undersigned being duly sworn, deposes and says; deponent Is not a party herein, Is over 18 years of age and resides at 52 Graw Rd, Nassau, New York 12123 .That on Wed, Aug 1O2022 AT 09:59 AM AT 99 Washington Ave, Albany, NY 12210 deponent served the within Exhibits A - E;Affirmation Summons With Notice; Amended Summons; Verified Complaint, Verification; Rule 130 Statement; Memorandum, of Se,vice by Mail and NYSCEF,Notice of Electronic FIiing on John J. Lease Realtors, Inc - NY Department of State D Individual: by delivering a true copy of each to said defendant, personally; deponent knew the person so served to be the person described as said defendant therein. 00 Corporation: John J Lease Ill individually and as an office for John J Lease Realtors, Inc. and John J Lease Management, inc. John J Lease Realtors, Inc.; John J Lease Management, Inc;Jack Smith individually and as agent for John J Lease realtors, Inc and or John J Lease Management Inc. a defendant, therein named, by delivering a true copy of each to Nancy Dougherty- NY Department of State personally, deponent knew said corporation so served to be the corporation described, and knew said individual to be _______ thereof. D Suitable Person: by delivering thereat, a true copy of each to _______ a person of suitable age and discretion. D Affixing to Door: by affixing a true copy of each to the door thereof, deponent was unable with due diligence to find defendant, or a person of suitable age or discretion thereat, having called thereon; at D Mailing: Deponent also enclosed a copy of same, in a postpaid sealed wrapper properly addressed to said defendant at defendant's last known residence, _______ ,,and depositing said wrapper in a post office, official depository under the exclusive care and custody of the United States Post Office, department, with New York State. Mailed on ______ _ D Military Service: I asked the person spoken to whether defendant was in active military service of the United States or of the State of New York in any capacity whatever and received a negative reply. Defendantworeordinarycivilianclothesand na military unifarm. The source of my information and the ground of my belief are the conversations and observatio.ns above narrated. Upon information and belief i aver that the defendant is not in the military service of New York State or of the United States as that term is definedin either the State or in the Federal statutes. Description: Age: _40_-_5_0 _____ Ethnicity:_c_au_c_a_si_a_n _______ _ Gender: Female Weight 150-160 Height: _5'_5_" ________ Hair: _B_la_ck _________ _ -------- Eyes: Relationship: Other Sworn to before me on --'('-O __ A...:..v--1,i...;v;..::5:._+ __ 'L=0:..2=--~.ltt!!::.:___ lohn Habermehlc.;., Notary Public Justin M. Peabody Notary Public,Stateof New York Qualifiedin AlbanyCounty No.O1PE64O3513 Commission Expires January 27, 20 7- '1 2 of 2