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  • Leander Knust v. Amritpal Singh, Mdamrit Taxi Inc Torts - Motor Vehicle document preview
  • Leander Knust v. Amritpal Singh, Mdamrit Taxi Inc Torts - Motor Vehicle document preview
  • Leander Knust v. Amritpal Singh, Mdamrit Taxi Inc Torts - Motor Vehicle document preview
  • Leander Knust v. Amritpal Singh, Mdamrit Taxi Inc Torts - Motor Vehicle document preview


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 11/16/2022 07:27 PM INDEX NO. 156977/2019 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 43 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 11/16/2022 Un r the pe y of perjury, having been duly sworn, I do hereby attest and state the following to be true. of, (tae&nA tit s/t Le reuIt at at øBer a e o esy . e ado Jer n'( m) Szfa/ ra s e 27 Qeeta/ of / 1 d puted & f onlefr~ 74td 0 en d drove or /A/er/ is d/ øas e der end clear end fle te the orma/ - dh /deef M eet- ñ d D-'Daf dre ed//gnd d re sor fú ffòD A/(eding nN or re á$Y $sse/evdem ec à a ene- ded dle h re 11 A I croho/ /h eleerron u A /h nor f ededra~ b As St 4t fle hy ^ no'erreeføn ret/ and !ehyde ()&xe . U rpy  de ¶ a dud ree ae ot× 14 D 4tline 1Aee cdend ø04t /4 to/evreof of /te ed hy ood ado d a>ade a frateAn 1Ke lane x 4 Ke ree AjAt da mo/e de g lef O e car 4n e vele/e as Ae mere n tro ,// fte mhyreedon 2xdden / “t e/if hat/n9 ah ? Ä ejeef /f0 de tou Asa OLeA4/e a ea st e St c/ðt aw It Å led oat as f edem/ e m ef seed 10 (b heyc/ f co// det b N wB Iti velele have/n  I ú flfav4dle fe erarA c.. e tDcf fle aúde endex a ende/neat 14e y a nwy /fud 4tnc eddere /te acetdenr af fendl6 / a//ed th and nthe nd Plee/in tint/ fle fthâÜarrit/ed. t 4teycIt/ }ad cross /ec( FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 11/16/2022 07:27 PM INDEX NO. 156977/2019 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 43 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 11/16/2022 d t44a ereH u d earbe da rek ed an A & on e cfe C cec /rec« a e Co \/T ( Msn (IPV