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  • Leander Knust v. Amritpal Singh, Mdamrit Taxi Inc Torts - Motor Vehicle document preview
  • Leander Knust v. Amritpal Singh, Mdamrit Taxi Inc Torts - Motor Vehicle document preview


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 03/20/2020 02:29 AM INDEX NO. 156977/2019 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 8 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/20/2020 of flte tate of )Tefa Work . - NEW YORK COUNTY COURTHOUSE 60 CENTRE STREET NEW YORK, NY 10007-1474 Marks' Pursuant to Chief Administrative Judge March 15, 2020 memorandum, Supreme Court, New York County-Civil Term isimplemêñting the fó:|üwiñg temporary procedures, effective March 17, 2020 and continuing until further notice: • Court facilitiesat 71 Thomas Street and 80 Centre Street, including the Public Access Law Library, are closed to the public; • The court will hear essential applications - allother matters and ccñferêñces will be only adjourned to future dates; • Essential applications will be heard at 60 Centre Street by the Ex Parte Judge; • MHL/Hospital Hearings will be conducted from 60 Centre Street; remotely • Jury selection ispostponed as are allciviltrials; • Foreclosure auctions are postponed; • Foreclosure conferences will be administratively adjourned; • Fully briefed motions scheduled for oral argument willbe marked submitted on the previously scheduled date without oral argument, unless otherwise directed by the assigned Justice at a later date; • Motions returnable in room 130 copies willbe adjourned for 30 days. requiring warkiñg Parties should n_ot submit working copies in Room 130, either in person, or mail, until directed to do by so by the court; • Motions returnable in room 130 and assigned to paperless parts will be marked fully submitted and the assigned Judge will be notified of such; • There willbe no automatic re- schedüiiñg for oralargument in the IAS Parts untilfurther notice (Rev. March 19, 2020) 1 of 1