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  • Second Round Sub, Llc v. Megan KnappOther Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Debt Buyer Plaintiff document preview
  • Second Round Sub, Llc v. Megan KnappOther Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Debt Buyer Plaintiff document preview
  • Second Round Sub, Llc v. Megan KnappOther Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Debt Buyer Plaintiff document preview
  • Second Round Sub, Llc v. Megan KnappOther Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Debt Buyer Plaintiff document preview
  • Second Round Sub, Llc v. Megan KnappOther Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Debt Buyer Plaintiff document preview
  • Second Round Sub, Llc v. Megan KnappOther Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Debt Buyer Plaintiff document preview
  • Second Round Sub, Llc v. Megan KnappOther Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Debt Buyer Plaintiff document preview
  • Second Round Sub, Llc v. Megan KnappOther Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Debt Buyer Plaintiff document preview


FILED: CHENANGO COUNTY CLERK 10/08/2021 10:39 AM INDEX NO. 2021-00005242 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 10 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/08/2021 Acct Nbr:6044192162663389 Name: KNAPP, MEGAN This Cover Page is not intended for use within the affidavit and is for account reference only. NY..AOS1.7- 4iG/2017 - St.P.tul 1 of 21 FILED: CHENANGO COUNTY CLERK 10/08/2021 10:39 AM INDEX NO. 2021-00005242 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 10 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/08/2021 AFFIDAVIT OF FACTS AND SALE OF ACCOUNT BY ORIGINAL CREDITOR State of FloridaCounty of Seminole . The undersigned, being duly sworn, deposes and says: 1. I am an employee of Synchrony Bank ("OriginalCreditor") formerly known as GE Capital Retail Bank and on June 2, 2014, GE Capital Retail Bank formally changed itsname to Synchrony Bank, and I have personal knowledge of and access to Original Creditor's books and records ("Business Records"), including electronicrecards, relatingto a pool of charged-off consumer creditaccounts sold or assigned by Synchrony Bank toSecond Round Limited Partnership ("Debt Buyer"), on 11/21/2019 (the "Sale"),which included the account ("Account") of the consumer ("Consumer") XXXXXXXXXXXX3389 and identifiedinthe exhibits attached hereto and incorporated herein. As part of the Sale, Original Creditor assigned allof itsinterest inthe Account, includingthe righttoany proceeds from the Accounts, to Debt Buyer, and it transferred Business Records relating to theAccount to Debt Buyer. A true and correct copy of the billofsale or writtenassignment ofthe Account isattached as an exhibitto thisaffidavit. 2. In my position, I alsohave personal knowledge of Original Creditor's procedures for creating and maintaining itsBusiness Records, including itsprocedures relating tothe sale and assignment of consumer creditaccounts. Original Creditor's Business Records were made inthe regular course of business and it was the regular course of such business to make the Business Records. The Business Records were made at or near the time of the events recorded. Based on my knowledge of OriginalCreditor's Business Records, I have personal knowledge of the facts set forthinthis affidavit. 3. Original Creditor and Consumer were parties to a creditagreement ("Agreement"). Consumer agreed to pay Original Creditor for allgoods, services and cash advances provided pursuant to the Agreement. The date and the arnount of the last payment, ifany, made by Consumer are set forthin an exhibit attached hereto and made a parthereof. A trueand correct copy ofthe terms governing the account at the time of charge-off isattached as an exhibitto thisaffidavit. 4. At the time of Sale, Consumer owed the amount setforth inthe exhibitsattached hereto and made a parthereof, which also set forth the name of the Consumer; the last four digitsofthe Account.number; the date and amount of the charge-off balance; the date and amount ofthe last payment, if any;the total amounts, if app|icable,of post-charge-off interest and post-charge- any offfees and charges; and post-charge-off credits or payments made by oron behalf ofthe Consumer; and the balance due atthe time of the Sale. The bove statarnants are true and correct to the best ofmy personal knowledge. . . Executed this7th day ofJune, 2021. Erick Addrfles Ramirez Media Representative Sworn to and Subs eAltefq. is7th day of June, 2021 BOLLER-SIMS ISAIAÎ·Ï ssion xp re March 15,2024 '41 Notary Public My commission expires: . St.P.m! NY_AOS1.7 4/0/2017 2 of 21 FILED: CHENANGO COUNTY CLERK 10/08/2021 10:39 AM INDEX NO. 2021-00005242 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 10 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/08/2021 NY CoC CERTIFICATE OF CONFORMITY UNDER NYS CLS CPLR 4 2309(c) AND NYS CLS RPL 4 299-a The undersigned does hereby certify that he/she is an attorney-at-law duly admitted to practice in the State of Florida and residing in the State of Florida; that he/she is a person duly qualified to make this certificate of conformity pursuant to Section 299-a of the Real Property Law of the State of New York; that he/she is fully acquainted with the laws of the State of Florida pertaining to the acknowledgment or proof of affidavits; that the acknowledgement or proof upon the foregoing Affidavit of Erick Adames Ramirez was taken by Isaiah Boller-Sims, a notary public in the State of Florida, in the manner prescribed by the laws of the State of Florida, being the state in which the Affidavit was taken; and, based on his/her review thereof, that the notarized Affidavit conforms to the laws of the State of Florida in all respects. Witness my signature this 7th day of June, 2021 Tyler Burich Attorney-at-law, State of Florida. 3 of 21 FILED: CHENANGO COUNTY CLERK 10/08/2021 10:39 AM INDEX NO. 2021-00005242 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 10 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/08/2021 phobÔÈeo - ÉrðnyFr nclaiÙORc er 901iÈÊb file £ontrolSYF Iools Help actions Dack Done Account Detail PmtCalc Route Find... LetterAddNote Settlement AëcäúñtnEF 6044192162663309 SRHS .0 48olence 2360,89) Sa 805 SHERBURNE . NY 34604754 8888888880 6073370073 o Fast . Recovery Facts Fast . Collect Facts ons .Cluen ÑEC( b /O D 2/2 e t CreditO 36h00 PMT u HMel a arg o .00 WA02360 al h 2 , 4 of 21 FILED: CHENANGO COUNTY CLERK 10/08/2021 10:39 AM INDEX NO. 2021-00005242 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 10 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/08/2021 g synchrony 4500 Munson St NW Canton Oh 44718, U.S. BILL of SALE Second Round - PLCC PayPal CAD - November 2019 (SRHS) For value received and in further consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions set forth in the Forward Flow Accounts Purchase Agreement (the "Agreement"), dated as of this 13th day of November 2019 by and between Synchrony Bank formerly known as GE Capital Retail Bank; RFS Holding LLC. and Retail Finance Credit Services, LLC., ("Seller") and Second Round Limited Partnership ("Buyer"), Seller hereby transfers, sells, conveys, grants, and delivers to Buyer, itssuccessors and assigns, without recourse except as set forth in the Agreement, to the extent of its.ownership, the Accounts as set forth in the Notification Files (as defined in the Agreement), delivered by Seller to Buyer on or about November 21"t, 2019, and as further described in the Agreement. Synchrony Bank By: neFisher(Nov29,2019) Lynne Fisher Title: SVP Recovery Operations RFS Holding LLC By: evyneFisher(Nov29,2019} Lynne Fisher Title: Duly Authorized Signatory Retail Finance Credit Services, LLC By: t¾e Fisher(Nov29,2019) Lynne Fisher Title: Vice President 5 of 21 FILED: CHENANGO COUNTY CLERK 10/08/2021 10:39 AM INDEX NO. 2021-00005242 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 10 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/08/2021 PayPal CREDIT View yobr aCCount onlineat -=.5ms::ClosingDate:12/06/18 Days in Billing Period: 1 or Call1-866-528-3733 8 AM ET to11 PM ET AccountNumber: 5049 9061 3370 3710 Mon-Fri and 9 AM ET to 9PM ET Sat-Sun Customer-Name: MEGAN KNAPP ACCOUNT SUMMARY PAYMENT INFORMATION Previous Balance $2,360.89 New Balance $0.00 - Payments & Credits $2,360.89- Minimum Payment Due $0.00 + Purchases & Adjustments $0.00 Payment Due Date 12/25/18 ...................................... ..................... ........................... + INTEREST CHARGES $0.00 = New Balance $0.00 PostingDate Description Amount 12/06/18 ChargeOffAccount-Principals -$1,655.87 12/06/18 ChargeOffAccount*FinanceCharges' -S705.02 Total Payments& Credits-$2.360.89 20,_1ÅTg_t_a_Is..Igaf_-Tg:_Dat_e_________________...... __._____ TotalFeosChargedin2018:$304,00 TotalInterestChargedin2018:S416.69 I IMPORTANT ACCOUNT INFORMATION ................................ ............................................................_...................................................................._............................................._... NEW YORK RESIDENTS MAY CONTACT THE NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF FINANCIAL SERVICES BY TELEPHONE OR VISIT ITS WEBSITE FOR FREE INFORMATION ON COMPARATIVE CREDIT CARD RATES, FEES AND GRACE PERIODS. NY STATE DEPT OF FINANCIAL SERVICES: 1-800-342-3736 BalanceType AnnualPercentage BalanceSubjecttoInterestCharged CurrentBalance Rate(APR) InterestRate StandardPurchases ¯¯19.99% SO.00 $0.00 $0.00 Promotional Purchases: No Interest if Paid in Full in 6 Months Information Certain purchases may qualify for a No Interest if Paid in Full in 6 Months premet!en. Under this promotion, if the promotional balance is not paid in full by the expirati.on date, interest will be imposed from the purchase date at a rate of 19.99%. If a (v) is shown after your APR in the Interest Details section of this billing statement, the APR is a variable rate and will vary with the market based on the Prirne Rate. Minimum monthly payments are required. 6639 cAH 001 3 28 181206O 2XPAGE1 of 1 1O 9156 6000 PP7B018T5539 PayPal Account Number: . 5049 9061 3370 3710 New Balance: $0.00 Payment Due Date: 12/25/18 Please:Makecheckpayableto PayPalCredit Minimum Payment Due: $0.00 Retumthisportionwithyourpayment.Writeyouraccountnumberon or makeonlinepayments Amount Enclosed: yourcheck.Toreceiveelectronicstatements $ PayPalCredit MEGANKNAPP POBox71202 45 CHAPELST CharlotteNC28272-1202 SHERBURNENY13460-9754 6 of 21 FILED: CHENANGO COUNTY CLERK 10/08/2021 10:39 AM INDEX NO. 2021-00005242 NYSCEF DOC. NO. . 10 RECEIVED . NYSCEF: 10/08/2021 IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT PAYPAL CREDIT Payment Crediting and Requirements Rights Summary Billing Paymentsmadeby mail:Ifwereceiveyourpaymentin ProperFormat the WhatToDoIfYouThinkYouFindA MistakeOnYourStatement P.O.BoxsetforthInthisbillingstatementby 5 p.m.EastemTime,wewill creditit asof thatday.IfwereceiveyourpaymentinProperFormatthe writeto usat:PayPalCredit, Ifyouthinkthereis anerroronyourstatement, P.O.Boxsetforthin thisbillingstatementafter5 p.m.EastemTimewewill P.O.Box5018,Timonium,MD21094or callcustomerserviceat creditit asof thenextday. IfyourPayPal 1-866-528-3733. CreditAccountis linkedtoa PayPal . theerrorthroughtheResolutionCenter account,youcanalsocommunicate Paymentsmadeby phoneoronline: Ifyoumakea paymentby phoneor online,before11:59p.m.PacificTime,wewillcreditItasofthedatethe paymentis made. . Inyourletter,giveusthefollowinginformation: ProperForm:Fora paymentmadeby mailtobein properform,youmust: . Accountinformation: YournameandAccountnurpber. . Enclosea checkor moneyorderdrawnonfundsondepositwitha . Dollaramount:Thedollaramountofthesuspectederror. U.S.financialInstitution or U.S.branchofa foreignfinancialInhtitution. . Description ofproblem:Ifyouthinkthereis anerroronyourbill, Donotsendcash,foreigncurrencyorpost-dated checks;and describewhatyoubelieveis wrongandwhyyoubelieveit Isa mistake. . Sendyobtpaymenteither:(i)by ovemightmailwiththepayment couponoryouraccountnumberwrittenonthepaymentinstrument, or (ii)by regularmailwiththepaymentcouponin theenvelopeprovided Youmustcontactuswithin60daysaftertheerrorappearedonyour andwiththeP.0, Boxaddressvisiblethroughtheenvelopewindow. statement. Youmustnotifyusof anypotentialerrors in writingbymail,throughthe Anypaymentsnotin ProperFormor thataremadeusinga third-partybill Resolution (ifyouhavea PayPalaccount)or by payserviceproviderwillbedeemednon-conforming andmayberefused.If . callingcustomerservice.Youmayemailus, butif youdowearenot weaccepta non-conforming payment,wewillcreditit toyourAccountno anypotentialerrorsandyou mayhaveto paythe requiredto Investigate morethanfivedaysafterthedatewereceiveit.unlessotherwiserequired amountInquestion. by law. Whileweinvestigatewhetheror nottherehasbeenanerror,thefollowing ANY INSTRUMENTTENDEREDAS FULL SATISFACTION OF A aretrue: DISPUTED DEBT MUST BE SENT TO: PayPal Credit, P.O. Box . Wecannottry tocollecttheamountm question.of reportyouas · 5018, Tirnonium, MD 21094. onthatamount. dellnquent . ThechargeInquestionmayremainonyourstatement,andwe may Notice About Payments You Make by Check continueto chargeyouInterestonthatamount.But,if wedetermine Ifyoupayby check,youauthorizeustomakea one-timeelectronicfund thatwemadea mistake,youwillnothaveto paytheamountin transferfromyourbankaccount.Whenwedoso.yourbankaccountmay questionor anyInterestor otherfeesrelatedtothatamount. bedebitedfortheamount.ofthecheckas earlyas thedaywereceiveyour . Whlleyoudonothaveto paytheamountin question,youare payment.Youwillnotreceiveyourcheckback.If youhaveanyquestions fortheremainderofyourbalance. responsible aboutthis,pleasecallcustomerserviceat 1-866-528-3733.. Wecanapplyanyunpaidamountagainstyourcreditlimit. Paying Interest Yourduedateis atleast25daysafterthecloseof eachBillingCycle.We YourRightsIfYouAreDissatisfied WithYourCreditCardPurchases willnotchargeanyinterestonStandardPurchases or CashAdvancesif you Ifyouaredissatisfied withthegoodsor servicesthatyouhavepurchased payyourentirebalanceby theduedateeachmonth.Wewillbegincharging withyourcreditcard,andyouhavetriedin goodfaithtocorrectthe interestonPromotional Purchasesonthepurchasedate. problemwiththemerchant,you mayhavetherightnotto paytheremaining amountdueonthepurchase. How We Calculate the Balance on Which the Interest Is Computed To usethisright,allofthefollowingmustbetrue: WecalculateinterestforeachBillingCycleusingtheAverageDailyBalance 1.Thepurchasemusthavebeenmadeinyourhomestateorwithin100 (includingnewPurchasesandCashAdvances)method.A separatedaily milesoffour currentmailingaddress,andthepurchasepricemusthave balanceIscalculatedforeachbalancetype,Thesebalancetypesinclude, forexample,StandardPurchases, CashAdvances,anddifferent beenmorethan$50.(Note: Neitherof thesearenecessaryif yourpurchase Promotional wasbasedonanst-#:ëmeM To gettheAverageDailyBalance,wetakethe Purchases. wemailedto you,orif weownthe companythatsoldyouthegoodsor services.) startingbalanceeachdayforeachbalancetype,addanynewPurchases andadjustments 2.Youmusthaveusedyourcreditcardforthepurchase.Purchasesmade postedthatday,IncludingbilledInterestandbilledfees, withcashadvancesfromanATMorwitha checkthataccessesyourcredit andsubtractanypaymentsandcredits(treatinganynetcreditbalanceas cardaccountdonotqualify. zero).Thisgivesusthedailybalance.Then,weaddupallthedailybalances 3.Youmustnotyethavefullypaidforthepurchase. fortheBillingCycleanddividethetotalby thenumberofdaysIntheBilling Cycle.Theresultis theAverageDailyBalanceforeachbalancetype.The Rate• If allof thecriteriaabovearemetandyouarestilldissatisfied AverageDailyBalanceIsreferredtoas"BalanceSubjectto lriterest withthe onyourstatement. purchase,contactusin writingat:PayPalCredit,P.O.Box5018,Timonium, IfyourPayPalCredit MD21094,or callcustomerserviceat 1-866-528-3733. Accountis linkedtoa PayPalaccount,youcanalsocommunicate Amountto Avold StandardandDeferredIntereston your nextstatement through (seePAYMENTINFORMATIONboxonfrontpage).ThisamountIncludes:, theResolution StandardPurchasesandCashAdvances Purchases withoutany promotional offerandCashAdvances, thesamerulesapplyto thedisputedamountas Whileweinvestigate, DeferredInterestPurchasesExpiringThis Billing Cycle discussedabove.Afterwefinishourinvestigation, wewilltellyouour madewith'NoPayments+ NoInterestif paidin full'and'No Purchases decision.At thatpoint,if we thinkyouoweanamountandyoudonotpay Interestif paldin full'promotions thatareabouttoexpire. we mayreportyouasdelinquent. EasyPaymentsPurchasesMonthly PlanPayments Correspondence Althoughunrelatedto avoidingStandardandDeferredInterest,weinclude Ifyouhaveanyotherquestionsrelatingtoyourbillingstatementsthatare MonthlyPlanPaymentstohelpyouavoidlatefees.Ifyouhavea Financed notrelatedto billingerrorspleasewriteto:PayPalCredit,P.O.Box5138, EasyPaymentsPurchasebalance,youwillcontinuetobeassessedinterest ontheEasyPaymentsPurchasebalanceuntilItIspaidInfull. Timonium,MD21094. ThePayPalCreditaccountis issuedby SynchronyBank. BMLCU0718OM5539BN- 7 - July2, 2018 7 of 21 FILED: CHENANGO COUNTY CLERK 10/08/2021 10:39 AM INDEX NO. 2021-00005242 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 10 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/08/2021 PayPal CREDIT View your account onlineat StatementClosing Date: 05/05/18 Days in Billing Period: 30 or Call1-866-528-3733 8 AM ET to 11 PM ET Account Numbe r:5049 9061 3370 3710 Mon-Fri and 9 AM ET to 9PM ET Sat-Sun Customer Name: MEGAN KNAPP ..ACCOUNT ............._____.......... SUMMARY PAYMENT INFORMATION ......................._.. __._..................._. __._........:.............._....... _______.._____............. Previous Balance $2,011.22 New Balance $1,956.07 - Payments & Credits $88.00- Minimum Payment Due $58.00 + Purchases & A "-^"r $0.00 I Payment Due Date 06/02/18 + Fees $0.00 Amount toavoid Standardand DeferredInterest + INTERESTCHARGES $32.85 on your next statement: $1,956.07 = New Balance SeeReverse $1,956.07 ..._............... .____.-.....-................-...............-..---.-..-..-- If we do not receive your minimum Late payment warning: payment by 06/02/18, you may have to pay a late fee of up to $38. Minimum payment warning:If you make only the minimum payment each period, you will pay more In interest and it will take you longer to pay off your balance. For example: If you makeno moreYouwill pay off the And you will end up paying chargesusing this balanceshownon this an estimatedtotal of: accountandeach statementIn about: _mg_n.I.h..yg.u.p_a_y,;,,,________,.........................,_____..,____,,_____,,,,,,,,_,.______________ Only the minimum 7 Years $3,434.00 . .. _payment _ ...__............_,._____________...............,_____________........ $73.00 3 Years = $817.00) S vng If you would like information about credit counseling services call 1-888-393-7166 PostingDate Description Amount 05/02/18 Payment-ThankYou· -$88.00 Total Payments& Credits -$88.00 PostingDate Description Amount 05/05/18 InterestChargeonPurchases $32.85 Total Interest $32.85 2018TotalsYear-To-Date TotalFeesChargedin2018:$152.00 TotalInterestChargedin2018:S164.07 __ IMPORTANT ACCOUNT INFORMATION ._......_........................ ............--....__..................._.....___.__........ NEW YORK RESIDENTS MAY CONTACT THE NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF FINANCIAL SERVICES BY TELEPHONE OR VISIT ITS WEBSITE FOR FREE INFORMATION ON GOiviPARATIVECREDIT CARD RATES, FEES AND GRACE PERIODS. NY STATE DEPT OF FINANCIAL SERVICES: 1-800-342-3736 YOUR ACCOUNT IS CURRENTLYCLOSED. 5539 CAH 001 7 5 180504O EOPAGE1 of 2 1O 9150 6000.PP7B018T5539 PayPal Account Number : 5049 9061 3370 3710 New Balance: $1,956.07 Payment Due Date: 06/02/18 Please:Makecheckpayableto PayPalCredit Minimum Payment Due: $58.00 Returnthisportionwithyourpayment.Writeyouraccountnumberon yourcheck.Toreceiveelectronicstatements or makeonlinepayments Amount Enclosed. PayPalCredit MEGANKNAPP POBox71202 45 CHAPELST CharlotteNC28272-1202 SHERBURNENY13460-9754 5049906133703710000000530000001956075 8 of 21 FILED: CHENANGO COUNTY CLERK 10/08/2021 10:39 AM INDEX NO. 2021-00005242 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 10 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/08/2021 IMPORTANT INFOWWATIONABO܆ PAYNAL CREDIT Payment Crediting and Requirements Rights Summary Billing Paymentsmadeby mail:Ifwereceiveyourpaymentin ProperFormatthe WhatToDoIfYouThinkYouFindA MistakeOnYourStatement P.O.BoxsetforthInthisbillingstatementby 5 p.m.EastemTime,wewill creditit asofthatday.Ifwereceiveyourpaymentin ProperFormatthe writeto us·at:PayPalCredit, Ifyouthinkthereis anerroronyourstatement, P.O.Boxsetforthinthisbillingstatementafter5 p.m.EastomTimewewill P.O.Box5018.Timonium,MD21094or callcustomerserviceat creditit asof thenextday. IfyourPayPalCreditAccountis linkedtoa PayPal 1-866-528-3733. account,youcanalsocommunicate theerrorthroughtheResolutionCenter Paymentsmadeby phoneoronline: Ifyoumakea paymentby phoneor onllne,before11:59p.m.PacificTime,wewillcreditItasof thedatethe paymentis made. Inyourletter,giveusthefollowinginformation: ProperForm:Fora paymentmadeby mailtobein properform,youmust: . Accountinformation: YournameandAccountnumber. • Enclosea checkor moneyorderdrawnonfundsondepositwitha . Dollaramount:Thedollaramountofthesuspectederror. U.S.financialinstitutionor U.S.branchofa foreignfinancialinstitutIon. . ofproblem:If youthinkthereis anerroronyourbill, Description Donotsendcash,foreigncurrencyor post-dated checks:and describewhatyoubelieveis wrongandwhyyoubelieveit is a mistake. . Sendyourpaymenteither:(i)by ovemightmailwiththepayment couponoryouraccountnumberwrittenonthe.paymentor instrument, (ii)by regularmailwiththepaymentcouponin theenvelopeprovided Youmustcontactuswithin60daysaftertheerrorappearedonyour andwiththeP.O.Boxaddressvisiblethroughtheenvelopewindow. statement. Youmustnotifyusof any potentialerrors Inwritingby mail,throughthe Anypaymentsnotin ProperFormor thataremadeusinga third-partybill Centeronwww.paypatcom Resolution (ifyouhavea PayPalaccount)or by payserviceproviderwillbedeemednon-conforming andmayberefused.If callingcustomerservice.Youmayemailus.butif youdowearenot weaccepta non-conforming payment,wewilicreditit toyourAccountno requiredto investigate anypotential errorsandyou mayhaveto paythe morethanfivedaysafterthedatewereceiveit,unlessotherwiserequired amountInquestion. by law. whetheror nottherehasbeenan error,thefollowing Whileweinvestigate ANY INSTRUMENTTENDEREDAS FULL SATISFACTION OF A aretrue: DISPUTED DEBT MUST BE SENT TO: PayPal Credit, P.O. Box . Wecannottry tocollecttheamountin question,or reportyouas 5018, Timonium, MD 21094. onthatamount. delinquent . Thechargeinquestionmayremainonyourstatement,andwe may Notice About Payments You Make by Check continueto chargeyouinterestonthatamount.But,Ifwedetermine If youpaybycheck,youauthorizeusto makea one-timeelectronicfund thatwemadea mistake,youwillnothaveto paytheamountIn transferfromyourbankaccount.Whenwedoso,yourbankaccountmay questionor anyinterestor otherfeesrelatedto thatamount. bedebitedfortheamountofthecheckas earlyasthedaywereceiveyour . Whileyoudonothaveto paytheamountin question,youare payment.Youwillnotreceiveyourcheckback.Ifyouhaveanyquestions fortheremainderof yourbalance. responsible aboutthis,pleasecallcustomerserviceat 1-866-528-3733·. Wecanapplyanyunpaidamountagainstyourcreditlimit. Paying Interest Yourduedateis atleast25daysafterthecloseofeachBillingCycle.We YourRightsIfYouAreDissatisfied WithYourCreditCardPurchases willnotchargeanyinterestonStandardPurchases or CashAdvancesif you Ifyouaredissatisfied withthegoodsor servicesthatyouhavepurchased payyourentirebalanceby theduedateeachmonth.Wewillchargeinterest withyourcreditcardiandyouhavetriedingoodfaithtocorrectthe ona DeferredInterestPurchasefromitstrans