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  • Estate of CRAIG COTTRELL Print Petition for Probate of Will and for Letters Testamentary  document preview
  • Estate of CRAIG COTTRELL Print Petition for Probate of Will and for Letters Testamentary  document preview


ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY (Name, V stare bar number, and address): TELEPHONE AND FAX N03,: \a FOR COURT USE ONL Y DE—150 __John G. Wurm SBN: l06475 ph: (909) 337-2557 Law Offices of John G. Wurm fax:(909) 336-3697 P.O. Box I875, F i SUPERIOR coup? 0F CAUFORNIA L E D LAKE ARROWHEAD, CA 92352 COUNTY or SAN BERNARDINO ATTORNEY FOR (Namatl Petitioner Evan P. Cottrell 3AM Pr~~~~wm mSTRICT SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO STREET Anoness:247 West Third Street NOV 1 5 2021 MAILING Aooness:247 West Third Street A cmr AND ZIP CODE: San Bemardino, 924 l 5-02 1 2 BRANCH NAMESan Bemardino District ~ Probate Division aw c4447 KIMBERLY TILLE’YTDEPUTY' ESTATE OF (Name): Craig Cottrell aka Craig Evan Come]! DECEDENT D E3 TESTAMENTARV 0F ADMMSTHATION wn‘H WILL ANNEXED LETTERS E 0F ADMINISTRATION SPECIAL ADMINISTRATION C ASE NUMBER: PROSB 2100262 LETTERS AFFIRMATION 1. E: The last will of the decedent named above having 1. [j PUBLic ADMINISTRATOR: No affirmation required been proved. the court appoints (name): (Prob. Code, § 7621 (c)). E] _a. b. D executor. administratorwith will annexed. 2. INDIVIDUAL: I solemnly amrm duties of personal representative according to law. mat win perform the I 2. The a. D court appoints (name): Evan administrator of the decedent's estate. P. Come" 3. D |NSTITUT|0NAL FIDUCIARY (name): b. special administratorofdecedent‘s estate I solemnly affirm that the institution will perform the (1) with the special powers specified duties of personal representative according to law. make affirmation for myself as an individual and (2) E in wim the Order for Probate. the powers of a general administrator. I this on behalf of the (Name and title): institution as an officer. (3) letters will expire on (date): order on general 3. [:3 The personal representative is authorized to administer the estate under the Independent Administration of E] E Estates Act with court supervision. to (1) sell or tull au‘hority with limited authority (no authority, without exchange real property 4. Executed on at (place): Hurst (date): TX /0_ fa 2021 . California. or (2) grant an option to purchase real property or (3) borrow money with the loan secured by an encumbrance upon real property). 4. E] The personal representative is not authorized to take (SIGNATURE) possession of money or any other property without a CERTIFICATION specific court order. I dooument is a correct copy of the original on certify that this file in my office and the letters issued by the personal represen- tat‘we appointed above have not been revoked, annulled, or set WITNESS. clerk of the coun. with seal of the court affixed. aside, and are stiu in full force and effect. (SEAL) WY K Clerk, by z 1 cs EBE HARDT ‘Z'L (SEAL) Date: Clerk, by f ' Kimbedy Tm-ey (WEN?!) W (DE PUTY) Form Approved by the LETTERS Proba‘e Code. §§ mm ma. , Judiciai Council cf California 8405, 3544. 8545; 05150 (nay. January 1, 1998] (Prahate) Code o! Civil Fmoodure. § 2015.6 Mandatory Form (I/l/2000] Wesdaw Doc 8: Form Bunder