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  • Estate of CRAIG COTTRELL Print Petition for Probate of Will and for Letters Testamentary  document preview
  • Estate of CRAIG COTTRELL Print Petition for Probate of Will and for Letters Testamentary  document preview


DE-140 ATTORNEY 0R PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY TELEPHONE AND FAX N03; (Name, state bar number, and address): Fon counr use ONLY _John G. Wurm SBN: 106475 ph: (909) 337-2557 Law Offices 0f John G. Wurm fax: (909)336-3697 P O. Box . 1875 , LAKE ARROWHEAD, CA 92352 F SUPERIOR coiulfirgs RUFORNIA ATTORNEY FOR Evan P CgO/klkl'flTY OF SAN BERNARDINO (Name): ‘ Cottrell Petitioner SUPERIOR COURT 0F CALIFORNIA, COUNTY 0F SAN BERNARDINO ‘ BERNARD'NQ D‘STR'CT STREET ADDRESS 247 West Third Street MAILING ADDRESS: 247 west Third Street DEC 2 1 2021 CITY AND ZIP CODE: San Bemardino, 924 1 5-02 1 2 BRANCH NAME:San Bemardino District - Probate Division . ”a ‘ ESTATE OF (Name): 3" w... r.. Craig Cottrell aka Craig Evan Cottrell S A RAZO. DEPUTY DECEDENT ORDER FOR PROBATE ORDER m D Executor CASE NUMBER: E APPOINTING E Administratorwith Administrator Dwm Annexed Special Administrator Order Authorizing Independent Administration of Estate PROSB 2100263 E with fullauthority E with limited authority WARNING: THIS APPOINTMENT IS NOT EFFECTIVE UNTIL LETTERS HAVE ISSUED. 1. Date ofhearing: THE COURT FINDS DEC 21 2021 Time: 6".UUamDethR00mi $3; JUdQei J&flflip ”Mid 2. a. Allnotices required by law have been given. Decedentdied on b. ) ) m E (date):12/27/2020 a nonresident of California and named above. a resident of the California county leftan estatein the county named above. c. Decedent died (1) intestate (2) X testate and decedent's willdated: and each codicil dated: 8/8/201 5 was admitted toprobate by Minute Order on (date): THE COURT ORDERS 3- (Name): Evan P. Cottrell is a. a & E ointed personal representative: executor of the decedent's will d. E E special administrator b. c. E administrator with administrator annexed will (1) (2) (3) E E with general with special powers powers as specified without notice of hearing inAttachment 3d(2) (4)E] on letters will expire (date): and issue on qualification. letters shall 4. a. b.g Full authority Limited isgranted authority is toadminister the estate under the Independent Administration of Estates Act. granted toadminister the estate under exchange authority, without court supervision, t0 (1) sell or the Independent Administration an option real property or (2) grant of to Estates purchase Act (there isno real property or 5. a. b D E (3)borrow money with the loan secured by an encumbrance upon Bondis notrequired. BOHd IS fixed at'$ to real property). be furnished by an authorized surety company or as othewvise 59 000 00 provided by law C- E DEPOSItS Of- $ are ordered to be placed in a blocked account at (specify and institution location): and receipts be No withdrawals shall be made without a court order. D mE /,j shall filed. Additional orders in Attachment 50. d- The personal representativeis not orized to take possession ofmoney or any other property without a specific court order. autg” 6. (.Name) 6m Gard!“ r PKG Ah WW‘é—appointed probate rfi. 3M, WI 7,»! Mia)““fire 100 Date Jab- @é/MUd" qlqo /#)" )I ‘4 d (a I JUDGEOFT 7. Numberof pages attached: a ORDER E FOR PROBATE SIGNATREFLLows LAST \) SUPERIOR COURT WWWWW ' Judfingfiigzxzfszlafima DE-140 [Rev. January 1, 1998] Mandatory Form [1/1/2000] wesuaw Doc & Form Bundep