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  • Machiko Harris v. 1 Model Management, Llc, Coty Inc., The Wella Corporation A/K/A Wella CompanyTorts - Other (Fraud) document preview
  • Machiko Harris v. 1 Model Management, Llc, Coty Inc., The Wella Corporation A/K/A Wella CompanyTorts - Other (Fraud) document preview


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 03/16/2022 02:01 PM INDEX NO. 160863/2021 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 7 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/16/2022 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK MACHIKO HARRIS, Index No. 160863/2021 Plaintiff, NOTICE OF APPEARANCE -against- 1 MODEL MANAGEMENT, LLC, COTY INC., and THE WELLA CORPORATION a/k/a WELLA COMPANY, Defendants. TO ALL PARTIES AND THEIR COUNSEL AND TO THE COURT: Please take notice that the undersigned Matthew C. Heerde hereby appears on behalf of defendant 1 Model Management, LLC in the above-captioned proceeding, and demands that a copy of all notices, motions, orders, decisions, judgments and all other papers in this proceeding be served on the undersigned. Dated: New York, New York March 16, 2022 HEERDE LAW PLLC /s/ Matthew C. Heerde By: Matthew C. Heerde 48 Wall Street 26th Floor New York, NY 10005 Tel: 347-460-3588 Fax: 347-535-3588 Email: Attorneys for defendant 1 Model Management, LLC 1 1 of 1