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  • Christopher Healy, Joyce Healy v. Citigroup Technology, Inc., Tishman Construction Corporation Torts - Other (personal injury) document preview
  • Christopher Healy, Joyce Healy v. Citigroup Technology, Inc., Tishman Construction Corporation Torts - Other (personal injury) document preview


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 03/11/2022 04:38 PM INDEX NO. 154864/2018 6f)/0- COURT OF THE STATE/CITY OF NEW YORK NYSCEF DOC. NO. 37 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/11/2022 COUNTY OF NEW YORK ATTORNEY: VINCENT L. GONZALEZ, ESQ. 20220223105527 AFFIDAVIT OF CHRISTOPHER HEALY, ET AL Peitioner(s) SERVICE - against- Plaintiff(s) CITIGROUP TECHNOLOGY, INC, ET AL Respondent(s) INDEX# Defendant(s) 154864 2018 DATE OF FILING: STATE OF: - COUNTY OF: ss: A) I, H/kr being duly sworn deposesand says deponentis not a party to this action, is overthe age of 18 and residesin That on date/time7 AYfW at ONE COMMERCE PLAZA 99 WASHINGTON AVENUE ALBANY NY 12231 deponent servedwithin:NOTICE OF IMPLEADER, THIRD PARTY SUMMONS, THIRD PARTY COMPLAINT, R1DER, EXH1BITS, $40 FEE [ ] Summons, Spanish summons the language & complaint, requiredby NRCRR (f) & (h) was set forth 2900.2(e), on the faceof the summons(es) On: TURNER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY C/O NY SECRETARY OF STATE [ ] Defendant [ ] Respondent [ (hereinafter ] Witness calledthe therein recipient) named. INDIVIDUAL By personally and leaving delivering with said TURNER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY C/O NY SECRETARY OF STATE A [ ] and thathe/sheknew the personso servedto be the person mentioned and describedin the aforementioned documents. CORPORATION By deliverinto and leaving with É£ 7 / (ygi ¾ V7 and thathe knew the personso servedto be ft/ of the corporation. SUITABLE AGE Servicewas made in the following manner after your deponentwas unablewithdue diligence to servethe defendantin person: PERSON a By delivering truecopythereoftoand leavingwith C [ ] a personof suitable age and discretion at the saidpremisesbeing the recipient's [ ] Dwelling/Usual placeof abode place {X] Actual of business withinthe State of NY. AFFIXING TO a true By affixing copy thereofto the door of said premises,the same beingthe recipient's [ ] DOOR, ETC Dwelling/Usualplaceof abode place [X] Actual of businesswithinthe State of NY. D [ ] Deponent had previously attempted to serve the above named recipient on/attimes documented below/toright: Deponent spoke with who statedto deponentthatthe said recipient(s) lived at the aforementioned address, recipienes but did not know placeof employment. 1. 2. 3. MAILING TO Within20 days of such delivery or affixing, deponentenclosed a copyof same in a postpaid envelope properlyaddressed to to recipient RESIDENCE recipient's dwellingplace/usualplaceof abodeat the above address and depositedsaid envelopein an official under repository the Confidential" E1 [ ] exclusivecareand custodyof the US Postal Servicewithinthe State of NY. The envelopebore the legend "Personaland and did not indicate on the outside by return thereof, address or otherwise, was from that the communication an attorneyor concernedan actionagainstthe recipient and mailedon MAILING TO Within20 days of such delivery or affixing, deponentenclosed a copyof same envelope in a postpaid properlyaddressed to recipient to BUSINESS recipienesactual place of business at the aboveaddressand depositedsaid envelopein an official under repository the exclusive care Confidential" E2 [ ] and custody Service of the US Postal withinthe State of NY. The envelopebore the legend "Personal and and did not indicateon the outside thereof,by return address or otherwise, that the communication was from or concerned an attorney an action againstthe recipient and maifed on WITNESS FEE Witness fee ofthe authorizing expenses traveling and one day'switnessfee: F [ ] [ ] waspaid(tendered)to the recipient [] wasmailed to the witness withsubpoena copy. MILITARY SERVICE I askedthe personspoken to whetherdefendantwas in active service military of the United Statesor of the State of NY in any capacity G [X] whatsoever and receiveda negative reply.The source and the grounds of my information are the conversations of my belief and observation above narrated. H [X] DEPONENT STATES THAT THE INDEX # AND FILING DATE WERE CLEARLY VISIBLE ON THE SUMMONS. DESCRIPTION OF THE RECIPIENT OR OTHER PERSON SERVED OR SPOKEN TO ON BEHALF OF THE RECIPIENT IS AS: Description of Person Accepting Service: SEX: AGE: HEIGHT: . WEIGHT: a:0S SKIN: HAIR: OTHER: To Be Used Where ElectronicSignature Not Available Do n CqurtApprove E-SIgnature Served Data: I, JA A Subscribed and Sworn to me this was at time of servie a competent not adult, having direct interestin the litigation. I declareunder penaltyof perjurythatthe , 20 foregoing i rue and co ct. NotarySignature: Signatu o P ce s S rver /ü20 Date M Name of Notary o mis ion Expiration GUARANTEED SUBPOENA INC. SERVICE, BRADLEYJ. ROY 2009 MORRIS AVENUE, SUITE 101 Notary Public,Stateof NewYork UNION, NJ 07083 Qualifiedin ArbanyCo., No.01R06242471 CommissionExpiresMay31, 2023 1 of 1