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  • Marie Mattera v. Frank C. Perry As Executor Of The Estate Of Louis Caputo, DeceasedTorts - Other Negligence (Slip and Fall) document preview
  • Marie Mattera v. Frank C. Perry As Executor Of The Estate Of Louis Caputo, DeceasedTorts - Other Negligence (Slip and Fall) document preview
  • Marie Mattera v. Frank C. Perry As Executor Of The Estate Of Louis Caputo, DeceasedTorts - Other Negligence (Slip and Fall) document preview
  • Marie Mattera v. Frank C. Perry As Executor Of The Estate Of Louis Caputo, DeceasedTorts - Other Negligence (Slip and Fall) document preview


FILED: SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK 03/10/2022 02:58 PM INDEX NO. 617874/2021 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 7 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/10/2022 STJ?REME COURT. SIAIEOT IIEWYORX DIFTENENTIATED CASE MANAGEMENT PART - SUTTOLXCOUNTT ADR Rcfcrnl Ordsr Ilescot: HON. PATJL J. BAISI"EY, Justice JR radexNo.: tott ntf azt Attomeys for Plafutiff Mq-+{'e-q, f*.. *-Arss Plaintitr(s), - asainst - P<.rJr Defendan(s). review of-the fiIings_in thi! case by court persourcl, . Upoo this actioo is hereby refered to an early settleoecnt confaence to fcistet uegotiatioo with a view toward seutios thc disp*, nanow the issues to be adjudicale4 aporol hcln the paties to undersand cach-other's ad htercsts. iosiiions The parties must complete the drscorery as sct forth below. otr ee dad; fo6 below, thc pa*ics and tbeir couesel must participats in a& early scttlement coofercoce tcfore the murt. This ordcr requircs thrc early exchange oftargetd snd is inr,'tddl ^ Famc iesxEs for resolution tlroughan arly scttloucnt core discovcry, confcrencc. All iiscovery 16 proaucJ-io accordaoce wi& this order will be deemcd pan of discovery undcr thc clvil practit r"r, Rules. Tbc perties' discovcry responses in accoralancc witi this order are subject to thi "na ardendmcnt and suppl€Eentation requirements of CpLR Accoraingi, it is 3 I 0 t ft). ORDERED &at withh 20 days ofthe date oftis order rhe parties shall exchangc the following, if applicable: l. AccideEt reporu (includrng police rsporfs) regarding the r:nz-- , aad it is fi.uther ORDERED that the parties aud thcir counsel slall appcar, either in-person or rirtualh, betgry 6ie court's designatcd repesootativc for a scttlensut confereqce oE l$p 7 ?A2-;-"1 to dispob Zi=l{- , u *tich of thc sase an*or time cach party,s reprcscorativo rn"U Uo n Uy enter into agreuen(s) ro narow the issues in rhe case. IT TEE COIT:ERENCE IS TO BE COI\DLICTED VIRTUALLY YOU WILL Rf,CETlrE A SEPANAM NOTINCATION WTIE II{STRUCTIONS FOR ETTEER A TBLEPHONE oR MrcRosorr rEA.lIs col\TtRENcE. Irr cascs where parties are berag &fcudcd and/or indcnrnified purnrant ro iasurance goveragB, a represcatative ofihe inrur.Dc€ - company witb taowledge of he casc aod authority to setde *all be pre5ent (virtually) fsr the conftrcocc or available &lephorucally. Rf,QUESTS TO ADJOURN TEE S},TTLEMENT CONTERENCE WILL OI{LY BE ENTERTAIT{ED DUE TO,{N LNT'ORSEEN EMERGENCY, aad it is flrrther ORDERED thar no less tha.o l0 days prior to the settlecrenr conference, plaiari.ffs counsel shall upload ro NYSCEF a copy the policeraccident repo* and the bill of particulars. Dxed: ) )7 Hon. Peul J Baisley, Jr.,l.S.C. 2 of 2