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  • Reynaldo Claudio v. Huizi Sun Torts - Motor Vehicle document preview
  • Reynaldo Claudio v. Huizi Sun Torts - Motor Vehicle document preview
  • Reynaldo Claudio v. Huizi Sun Torts - Motor Vehicle document preview
  • Reynaldo Claudio v. Huizi Sun Torts - Motor Vehicle document preview


D W U QUN i 08 04 Dv INDEX NO. 154213/201 NYSCEF BOC. NO. 22 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/08/201 EB Qe Man we fos At assole partst the Supreme Court of the State of New York, held in and for the County of New York, at the Ne York County Courthouse located at aso Centre Street, New York on the BHaay of Grgne fe, 2018. PRESENT: HON. HON. ADAM SILVERA Justice nnne nn eeenen nnuannnmenencnne eene een ennmenne ne nnnenn, REYNALDO CLAUDIO, ORDER TO Plaintiff(s), SHOW CAUSE Index No.: 154213/2017 -against- HUIZI SUN, MNst o Defendant(s). nece ee en ene en eee ce en ence nn ene nen ennnennnn nn nenanennennnen ens, affirmed on Upon reading and filing the affirmation of CLAY M. EVALL, ESQ., duly and the exhibits annexed thereto, and all the pleadings and the 6” day of March, 2018, proceedings heretofore had herein, LET the plaintiff(s) REYNALDO CLAUDIO, and counsel for the defendant herein appear and show cause at an 4ae8 Part WwW Room Bu of this Court, to be held at the ye day of Ape { » 2018 at Courthouse located at-6@-Centre Street, New York on the lovoe can bi ¢ heard, why an ~$3% o'clock in the forenoon of that day, or as soon thereafter as counsel order should not be made (1) relieving CLAY M. EVALL, ESQ. P.C. as the attorney for the plaintiff(s), REYNALDO CLAUDIO; 2) directing the incoming attorneys for plaintiff(s) to ion with reimburse CLAY M. EVALL, ESQ. P.C. for chargeable expenditures made in connect this matter; (3) granting CLAY M. EVALL, ESQ. P.C. maintain an attorney lien for work, 1 of 2 UUN ik US 04 Dv INDEX NO. 154213/201 . NYSCEF DI Oc. 40. 22 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/08/201 (4) staying this matter of all proceedings services and labor performed and expenses in this matter; and further relief as for 90 days to permit Plaintiff to retain new counsel; (5) and for such other may be just and proper. Sufficient couse horton that service of a copy of this order, together with REYNALDO CLAUDIO, by the papers upon which it is granted, be served upon plaintiff(s) requested and regular mail, to plaintiff's last-known mailing certified mail return receipt addresses, to wit, 65 Columbia Street, Apt: 12K, New York, NY 10002; and upon HAGELIN n Avenue, Suite 325 SPENCER LLC, Attorneys for Defendant HUIZI SUN at 1225 Frankli Garden City, NY 11530 by regular mail on or before the Qe day of Mave Lb 2018, be deemed good and sufficient service. /— ENTER MAR 88 2018 J.S.C. HON. ADAM SILVERA J.S.C. 2 of 2