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  • Freelinc Technologies, Inc. v. Raisol Advisory Llc, Raisol Llc, Raisol Capital, Llc, Raisol Freedom Llc, Raisol Freedom Manager Llc, Chintan Panchal Esq., Rastegar Panchal, Mitesh P. Lakhani, Individually And D/B/A Raisol Advisory Or Raisol Advisory Llc, James Christopher Sanborn, Individually And D/B/A Raisol Advisory Or Raisol Advisory Llc, Kristin A. Emy, Individually And D/B/A Raisol Advisory Or Raisol Advisory Llc, Raisol Advisory Commercial Division (Breach of fiduciary duty) document preview
  • Freelinc Technologies, Inc. v. Raisol Advisory Llc, Raisol Llc, Raisol Capital, Llc, Raisol Freedom Llc, Raisol Freedom Manager Llc, Chintan Panchal Esq., Rastegar Panchal, Mitesh P. Lakhani, Individually And D/B/A Raisol Advisory Or Raisol Advisory Llc, James Christopher Sanborn, Individually And D/B/A Raisol Advisory Or Raisol Advisory Llc, Kristin A. Emy, Individually And D/B/A Raisol Advisory Or Raisol Advisory Llc, Raisol Advisory Commercial Division (Breach of fiduciary duty) document preview
  • Freelinc Technologies, Inc. v. Raisol Advisory Llc, Raisol Llc, Raisol Capital, Llc, Raisol Freedom Llc, Raisol Freedom Manager Llc, Chintan Panchal Esq., Rastegar Panchal, Mitesh P. Lakhani, Individually And D/B/A Raisol Advisory Or Raisol Advisory Llc, James Christopher Sanborn, Individually And D/B/A Raisol Advisory Or Raisol Advisory Llc, Kristin A. Emy, Individually And D/B/A Raisol Advisory Or Raisol Advisory Llc, Raisol Advisory Commercial Division (Breach of fiduciary duty) document preview
  • Freelinc Technologies, Inc. v. Raisol Advisory Llc, Raisol Llc, Raisol Capital, Llc, Raisol Freedom Llc, Raisol Freedom Manager Llc, Chintan Panchal Esq., Rastegar Panchal, Mitesh P. Lakhani, Individually And D/B/A Raisol Advisory Or Raisol Advisory Llc, James Christopher Sanborn, Individually And D/B/A Raisol Advisory Or Raisol Advisory Llc, Kristin A. Emy, Individually And D/B/A Raisol Advisory Or Raisol Advisory Llc, Raisol Advisory Commercial Division (Breach of fiduciary duty) document preview


NYSCEB.DOC. NO. 63 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 11/13/2017 f= R At IAS Part of the Supreme Court of the State of New York in and for the County of New York at the Courthouse located at 60 Centre Street, New York, New York 10007, on the day of November __, 2017. SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK FREELINC TECHNOLOGIES, INC., Plaintiff, v. RAISOL ADVISORY LLC, RAISOL LLC, RAISOL CAPITAL, LLC, RAISOL FREEDOM LLC, RAISOL FREEDOM MANAGER LLC, Index No.: 154220/2017 CHINTAN PANCHAL, ESQ., RASTEGAR PANCHAL, MITESH P. LAKHANI, individually and d/b/a/ Raisol Advisory, JAMES TION SEQUENCE? 002 CHRISTOPHER SANBORN, individually and d/b/a Raisol Advisory, KRISTIN A. EMY, individually and d/b/a Raisol Advisory, and RAISOL ADVISORY Defendants. Upon reading and filing the annexed Affirmation of Evan Bolla, sworn to on November 9, 2017, the exhibits annexed thereto, respectively, and the accompanying Memorandum of Law, and upon all other pleadings and proceedings, and good cause having been shown, Let Plaintiff or any party show cause before the Honorable at IAS Part S: 3 of the Supreme Court of the State of New York in and for the County of New York at 1 of 2 OUN ik Dv D 0 54 0/2017 NYSCEB. DOC. N 0. 63 RECEIVED NYSCEF 11/13/2017 ee *.~ the courthouse located at 60 Centre Street, New York, New York 10007, on ther’ day of Nov , 2017 at i 290 or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard, why Defendant Raisol Advisory LLC’s application for an order declaring that Plaintiff Freelinc Technologies, Inc.’s Notice of Voluntary Discontinuance is a nullity as an attempt to circumvent a ruling of this Court. ORDERED, that service of a copy of this Order to Show Cause, together with the papers on which it is granted, shall be deemed good and sufficient service if served by mail and email to counsel for Plaintiff, on or before the Bi day of Mov 2017. eee opposition papers, if any, shall be served by mail and by email on or before thel? day of Me W bea ENTER JSC. 2 of 2