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  • Ppj Capital, Inc. v. Herrick, Feinstein, Llp Commercial - Contract document preview
  • Ppj Capital, Inc. v. Herrick, Feinstein, Llp Commercial - Contract document preview
  • Ppj Capital, Inc. v. Herrick, Feinstein, Llp Commercial - Contract document preview
  • Ppj Capital, Inc. v. Herrick, Feinstein, Llp Commercial - Contract document preview


INDEX NO. 652463/2017 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 17 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/09/2017 aan At IAS Part by ‘of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, held in and for the County of New York, at the Courthouse 4 located at 60 Cent tr ‘treet, New York, New York on the 4 day of May, 2017. PRESENT: Gn weeenenneeben es “Ps WnNn enna nnn nnn nanan ennen= JS.C. Index No.: bs: te; *, PPJ CAPITAL, Plaintiff, ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE -against- HERRICK, FEINSTEIN LLP, Defendant. Upon the annexed affidavit of Pawel Jankowski, Jr., sworn to on theSth day of May, 2017, the affirmation of Lawrence M. Gottlieb, Esq., pursuant to Uniform Rule §202.7(f), affirmed the 5th day of May, 2017, setting forth, among other things, the necessity for the issuance ofa stay of the pending JAMS' arbitration between the parties, together with the exhibits annexed hereto including the summons and complaint commencing this action, t or counsel appear awd LET defendant, Herrick, Feinstein, LLP/show cause at an IAS Part t sf the ~ Supreme C urt of the State of New York, County of New York, at the Courthouse, located at acon r Street, Rootohld aw York, New York on the/ i ory st 2017, at that day, or as soon thereafter as counsel ] | Zetock in the fore/asjgsaoon-of can be heard, why an order should not be issued: (a) staying the arbitration proceeding before JAMS; and b) granting such other relief as the Court may deem just and proper; 1 of 2 INDEX NO. 652463/2017 (FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 0570972017 04:05 PM NYSCEF DOC. NO. 17 = RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/09/2017 Ban a Sufficient cause beingalleged therefore, it is hereby ORDERED, th nding the hearing wy is me ion, the pending arbitration proceedin§ bepween Capital, Ins id Herrick, Feinstein, , JAMS reference #1425 280, t ereby ed; and it is further CM ORDERED, that si Ss ~which it is based, together with the summons and complaint ci persenatservice uporHerriek, Feinstein, LLP, and service of a copy of this order oF oft “#1. Servig together with wee Ne “Nau it is based upon JAMS, uch that they are received day ob bey, 2017\be deemed good and sufficient service thereof 7? no later than the, A ORAL ARGUMENT REQUIRED. ENTER: J.S.C HON. NAN S.C. - BANNON HON. NANCY M. BANNON Any Hsandeng Qa peo Wd be pve oe! cow ard. seped open coiagel gf pro KG Yu peer by } Seth om. er YL 3BU* % we. JOLT 2 of 2